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Autor:  Silverwoulf

I got tagged by Halogebieter

Alright, these are the rules:
1.You must post these rules.
2.Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4.You have to chose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6.No tag backs.
7.No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

5 things about me:

1. I'm obsessed with KakaIru, Snarry, KisaIta and LoRem
2. I'm a nerd
3. Sarcasm is my most loved weapon
4. I'd like to colour my hair with some colour but will never do it
5. I'm starving for cosplaying

Questions I answered:

1) What do you like to draw/photograph/write the most?
- draw: dragons - photograph: landscape - write: fantasy stories
2) What is your favourite movie?
- oh hard to think one up... Dragonheart maybe. I just love Draco
3) Ever woken up really thirsty and nothing to drink in reach?
- sure after drinking to much ^^
4) Do you know the game 'Halo'?
- I know about it but never played it.
5) Do you like building something from snow (like a snowman)?
- sure but snowballfights are the most fun
6) Ever felt the need to punch somebody in the face?
- sure more than once and with more than just one person
7) Imagine you are heading to the cinema (alone) and you pass a group of cosplayers from your favourite manga/anime, would you skip cinema and ask them if you could join?
- mah... first of... never would go alone to the cinema. Second... that would never happen but we are imagining. I don't know if I would ask them. I have a hard time asking people about these kind of things... propably not.
8) Are you bored jet?
- watching "The Big Bang Theory" and playing "Minecraft"... so no.
9) Chocolate or gummy bear?
- chocolate!!!
10) Can't think of more questions so what is your most favourite song?
- Angel's Song by Sevendust, Roundtrip to hell and back by Children of Bodom and Beautiful by Apocalyptica... can't desid
11) Ever had a laugh cramp (hope it's the right translation for 'Lachkrampf')?
- sure as hell... and ended up crying my eyes out.

Questions that must be answered:

01. Your favourite band/musican?
02. Favourite TV series?
03. Ever played an online mmorpg?
04. Favourite season?
05. A dream from with you ever woke up scared?
06. Able to remeber your phonenumbers?
07. Like your hair?
08. Happy atm?
09. Member of any forum?
10. If you could be a mythological creatur which would you like to be?
11. Seen the full solar eclipse?

Tagged (5 already):

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