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Premiere und Meme Harry Potter, Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes, Hetalia, Meme

Autor:  Silverwoulf
jaaaah man!!!
ich komme gerade, mehr oder minder, frisch aus dem Kino.

Was ich gesehen habe... natürlich Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todess Teil 1. Ich war mir nicht sicher, da ich das Buch nicht sooo berauschend fand. Aber Herr Gott, jetzt bin ich mir sicher, dieser Film ist gut. Wir waren mehr als nur überrascht, als plötzlich Pause war, in der Mitte. Der Film war lang, aber irgendwie kam es einem nicht so vor. Er war interessant und spannend. Ein paar Dinge waren nicht gaaanz so wie ich es gedacht hatte, haben wollte, sein sollte, aber was soll's.

Ich mag Voldemort, ich mag Snape (der leider viel zu wenig vorkam), ich find beide sind ziemlich gut im Film umgestzt :3
ich mag Potter nicht aber was soll's er ist halt der Hauptcharackter.
Und selbst wenn die Erzählung der drei Brüder eigenartig war... es hat gepasst und ich fand es irgendwie extrem toll so wie es war (ich sag nichts ^^). Den Film finde ich, trotz wenig Action, extrem gut gelungen und eigentlich muss ich sagen... er ist der Beste der bisherigen.

Damit... ich bin extrem auf den zweiten Teil gespannt!

Harry Potter:
1.Tag : Lieblings Buch: Buch 3.
2. Tag: Hass Buch: Buch 7
3. Tag: Lieblings Film: 7 Part 1

Your best friend is: France
You have a crush on: Sealand
You hate: Iceland
You get bullied by: Estonia
You're scared of: Egypt
The person who has a crush on you is: Prussia (he can have a crush on someone else then himself?!)
The person who hates you is: Switzerland
You're scared of: Finland
You get a confession from: Finland
But you go out with: Netherlands
And you break this persons heart: Bulgaria
You have a one night stand with: Japan
Which leads to a fist fight with: Japan (hu... why that?!)
Chances of you winning: 63%
Everyone graduates but: England
You marry: Hong Kong
This person starts arguing with you: Australia
You're helped out of the argument by: England
And then have an affair with: England
You get caught by: Egypt (that's why I'm scared of him?)
The chances of them telling: 13%
Your spouse finds out, they feel Tricked.
You get divorced, you move in with: Sealand (oh great whome I have a crush on)
Chances of a one night stand: 92% (that's a bit... ewww)
You then move in with: America (oh godness why me)
Who borrows your socks and never gives them back... (ha it's America that steals the socks when I wach them... not it's out!)
You start having feelings for: Romano
You get another confession from: Hungary
You say no, they go out with: New Zealand
You get ambushed by: Prussia (jealous?!)
And then glomped by: Liechtenstein (yaiy)
You're drunk, and you kiss Hungary
How much they liked it: 82%
You suddenly have a huge war against: Hungary (because of a kiss????)
Chances of you winning: 68%
You later remarry: Hungary (wut is up with that?)
How happy you two are: 33% (we fought a fucking war!!!)
Death by starvation (... oh hell)
The only person to not go to your funeral is: Prussia (still pissy?)
The mastermind behind your death is: Seychelles (that... oh how tricky nobody would ever come up with that!!)
The person who's the most devastated that you died: Vietnam
The person who's the happiest that you died is: Cuba
The person who goes to the funeral for food is: Switzerland (... thats not surprising.)
The person who gets all your stuff is: Switzerland (seems like I only had food)
Who'll you'll haunt from beyond the grave: Hong Kong (first married too... there was bad blood ^^)

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