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Shut up, Melina..... CLEVER

Autor:  yo-tan

“They think their being so clever.” Carla thought as she saw Dr. Cox drag JD into a supply closet
“They’ve been dating for a month now, but no one knows, except me.” Carla thought as she saw JD sneak out of the same closet ten minutes later

“They think their being so clever, but I see their stolen glances.” Carla thought as she saw Dr. Cox glance longley at JD who was talking to Elliot

“They think their being so clever, but I see their little touches.” Carla thought as she saw JD touch Dr. Cox’s hand as they swapped charts

“They think their being clever, but I see the way Dr. Cox calls JD into a patient’s room with him, even though he doesn’t really need him there.” Carla thought as JD followed Dr. Cox after he whistled at him

“They think their being so clever, but I’ve seen the schedule, their both scheduled off Friday night, by request.” Carla thought as she looked at the schedule

“They think their being so clever, but I’ve seen the way Dr. Cox glares at the Janitor when he actually hurts JD.” Carla thought seeing Dr. Cox glaring at the janitor from down the hall, with JD icing his knee in a room

“They think their being clever, but I’ve seen the hickeys.” Carla thought looking at JD standing in front of her, a hickey peeking out from his shirt

“They think their being so clever, but I see how they check each other out every time they walk by each other.” Carla thought as Dr. Cox walked by and JD stared at his butt as he passed

“They think their being so clever, but I’ve heard JD sneak into the apartment in the morning.” Carla thought as she thought about that mornings events

“They think their being so clever, but I’ll call them out one day.” Carla thought
“Carla, what are you thinking so hard about?” JD asked looking worriedly at her
“Maybe today’s that day.” Carla thought

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