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Friends-Meme Friends, Meme

Autor:  Kyou

Found on dA: Meme about your friends

1. What was your first impression of Maike?
"Hey! She has really curly hair! And she's so HUGE! OO I want to be as big as her at least!"

2. What is Peggy's favorite TV show or movie?
The last show I know about is GAME ONE.
And the movie... I think Crows Zero ;)

3. Have you dreamt of Minako before?
Ye....s xD
She was punishing me D:
Actually, she and Schaggie went to shopping with me.
The stupid thing is, I don't like shopping that much xD"

4. What is one thing Yuda isn't exactly made for?

5. Would you open a mystery gift Vanny just gave you, without much hesitation?
Never ever! I'm sure, she wants to kill me! D:
As much as she loves me... I think, I would open any gift or whatever she'll give me xD"

6. Can Juli be bad influence?
Nope. She's a funny dude =)

7. Schaggie got turned into an animal! What animal is it?
A big DOG which will bite me everytime to show its affection xD"
If not... then it would be a donkey. She really luvs them xD"

8. Britta and Maike are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
I'm pretty sure, it would be Maike xD"

9. Naila suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you have to say about that?
Should I go kill myself now?

10. Describe Maliha in five words.
Pathetic, coward, funny, sensetive (you just have to touch her and she screams!), drama-queen =)


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