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banale Gedanken, Geistesblitze

Autor:  Asymptote

Bless the rationality of never ending stupidity

How amusing it is.

Aren’t we born to be curious?

Tasting the fruit of temptation,

the first step to humanity’s rationality, will condemn his playground.

Evolution has been sharpening the

intellect for so long, but for what?

Learning to act as the helper of

everything was the price it had to pay.

Gaining the stupidity to destroy was

their repayment to its gift.

banale Gedanken, Geistesblitze

Autor:  Asymptote

Knowing The Insanity Of Not Knowing

A mere tapeworm’s overtaxing itself with

knowing the nothingness in its brain.

Where do braincells go, if needed?

Travelling to an unkown world of pink fleshy

masses, dying before reaching the goal

of its use.

Knowledge is overrated.

And easily lost.

Tapeworm will embrace blissful ignorance.

At least, it won’t slip through Tapeworm’s tiny hands,

so a little bit of happyness can be treasured.

Kuchen, Süßzeug

Autor:  Asymptote

Kitschiger Geburtstagskuchen


Fondant ist ein richtiges Biest! Doch ich gebe den Kampf, es zu zähmen, nicht auf!