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Autor:  Date_Masamune
Eigentlich gepostet für Kiri, aber wenn sich sonst noch wer dazu berufen fühlt...xD

[1] Wer bist du?
[2] Sind wir Freunde?
[3] Wann und wo haben wir uns das erste Mal getroffen?
[4] Wie habe ich mich da angezogen?
[5] Was denkst du über mich?
[6] Welche ist die schönste Erinnerung, die du von mir hast?
[7] Wie lang denkst du, bleiben wir Freunde oder Feinde?
[8] Liebst du mich?
[9] Habe ich dich jemals verletzt?
[10] Würdest du mich umarmen?
[11] Würdest du mich küssen?
[12] Würdest du mit mir schlafen?
[13] Stehen wir uns nahe?
[14] Was sticht bei unserer Beziehung heraus?
[15] Wünschtest du, ich wäre cooler?
[16] Auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10, wie nett bin ich?
[17] Gib mir einen Spitznamen und erkläre ihn.
[18] Bin ich liebenswürdig?
[19] Wie lange kennen wir uns?
[20] Beschreibe mich in einem Wort.
[21] Was war dein erster Eindruck von mir?
[22] Denkst du noch immer noch so über mich?
[23] Was denkst du ist meine Schwäche?
[24] Denkst du, ich werde einmal heiraten?
[25] Was an mir macht dich glücklich?
[26] Was an mir macht dich traurig?
[27] Was erinnert dich an mich?
[28] Was würdest du an mir ändern?
[29] Wie gut kennst du mich?
[30] Wolltest du mir jemals etwas sagen, konntest aber nicht?
[31] Denkst du, ich würde jemanden umbringen?
[32] Postest du das in deinem Blog, damit ich es auch ausfüllen kann?

Was würdest du tun, wenn...
» Ich stürbe:
» Ich dir sagte, "Ich mag dich":
» Ich dich küsste:
» Ich direkt neben an wohnte:
» Ich etwas klaute:
» Ich ins Krankenhaus käme:
» Ich weit weg ziehen würde:


Autor:  Date_Masamune
*geklautes meme klau*

Die Fragen sind so blöd zum Teil...aber egal xD

Would You...

[] Push me against a wall and kiss me?
[] Come To My House To Do Nothing But Chill?
[] Slap Me?
[] Slap me if i asked you to?
[] Kiss Me?
[] Let Me Kiss You?
[] Watch A Movie With Me?
[] Take Me Out To Dinner?
[] Take A Shower With Me?
[] Take Me Home For The Night?
[] Let Me Sleep In Your Bed?
[] Take Me Anywhere With You
[] Repost This For Me To Answer Your Questions?
[] Let Me Make You Breakfast?
[] Make me breakfast?
[] Tickle Me?
[] Sleep with me?
[] Fuck me?
[] Let Me Tickle You?
[] Stick Up For Me Uf I Was Being Put Down?
[] Instant Message Me?
[] Greet Me In Public?
[] Hang Out With Me?
[] Hold my waist from behind while we are out?
[] Bring Me Around Your Friends?
[] Fall in love with me
[] Like me
[] Love me

Do You...

[] Miss Me?
[] Think I'm Sexy?
[] Think I'm Cute?
[] Think I'm Hot?
[] Think I'm Ok?
[] Think I'm Ugly?
[] Want To Kiss Me?
[] Want To Cuddle With Me?
[] Want To Date Me?

Am I...

[] Smart?
[] Funny?
[] Cool?
[] Lovable?
[] Adorable?
[] Great To Be With?
[] Attractive?
[] Mean?
[] Ugly?
[] Gorgeous?

Have You Ever...

[] Thought About Hooking Up With Me?
[] Found Yourself Wanting To Kiss Me Non Stop?
[] Wished I Were There?
[] Had A Crush On Me?
[] Wanted My Number?
[] Had A Dream About Me?
[] Been Distracted By Me?

Are You...

[] Happy You Know Me?
[] Thinking About Me
[] my friend?

Autor:  Date_Masamune

> Put your playlist on shuffle
> Choose your favorite lines of the first 10 songs
> Let your friends guess where the lyrics are from

> Have fun! x3

We're letting go of something we never had.
Time goes so fast, Heaven is lost.


Part of where you're going,
Is knowing where you're coming from.
The hardest part of moving forward
Are these times when we all stand alone..


Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing it's just a different day


Maybe the diamonds are not for everyone
Maybe the lie you live is really all they want
You stay silent watching all dreams around you fading
Slowly, slowly, slowly more away


I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday


I watch how the moon sits in the sky in the dark night
Shining with the light from the sun
and the sun doesn't give light to the moon assuming
The moon's gonna owe it one


Mama we're all full of lies.
Mama we're meant for the flies.
And right now they're building a coffin your size.


Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony


I walked across, an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth, beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete


Kept playing love like it was just a game
Pretending to feel the same
Then turn around and leave again


Autor:  Date_Masamune
Wuuhuu, mein erster und wahrscheinlich letzter Weblogeintrag!

Wenn du dies hier liest, wenn deine Augen genau jetzt diese Zeilen überfliegen, selbst wenn wir nicht oft miteinander reden... poste bitte ein Kommentar mit einer Erinnerung von dir und mir. Es kann sein was du möchtest - egal ob schlecht oder schön.
Wenn du fertig bist, poste dies hier in deinem Blog und lass dich überraschen [oder beschämen] woran sich die Leute erinnern.

Freiwillige vor!