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"He's going to what them in the mouth?" Videowoche

Autor:  RandomHeroine

"He's going to what them in the mouth?" o_ô
"He's going to grape them." :D
"He's going to grape them..."
"Yeah. In the mouth." :D

"I'm gonna tie you to the radiator and grape you!"
"What? Why did you stop it?"
"I'm gonna tie you to the radiator and grape you?"
"I'm going to rape you!"
"No! That's what it sounds like he's saying!"
"I love it!"
Datum: 29.09.2010 22:27
*starts laughing and then coughs and then dies*
Verdammte scheisse, wie geil ist das denn!
Grape me!!!1 XO
Schlechte Anime, Manga oder Bücher? Schreib sie hier rein!

Was passiert, wenn Bella nicht das Schlimmste war? Lest selbst: Review of Doom
Datum: 29.09.2010 22:39
> Verdammte scheisse, wie geil ist das denn!

That's the shit, baby! :D
Es ist tasächlich eines der lustigsten Videos, die ich kenne.
Ist dir der Witz mit der 'Grape Whistle' aufgefallen? XD
You randomly need a hero? Call RandomHeroine! She´ll be to your service as long as the randomness is still there. When it´s gone, you have to bear with it.
Datum: 29.09.2010 23:07
Aber sicher. Auch wenn man es akustisch fast nicht versteht.
Schlechte Anime, Manga oder Bücher? Schreib sie hier rein!

Was passiert, wenn Bella nicht das Schlimmste war? Lest selbst: Review of Doom
Datum: 30.09.2010 03:42
Dirty, sick grapists ...
“Whoever knows he is deep, strives for clarity; whoever would like to appear deep to the crowd, strives for obscurity. For the crowd considers anything deep if only it cannot see to the bottom: the crowd is so timid and afraid of going into the water.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

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