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Signs that you are turning into a writer. Literature, Stuff

Autor:  Velineyvra
Okay, one thing first - I know I haven't been available a lot recently, and I have a lot of reasons for that. Not necessarily good ones, but still. 1: zOMG is eating my time. (Kill those giftboxes! KILL THEM.) 2: I've discovered the wonder that is Brandon Sanderson. Marvellous writer that I recommend all the time, plus he's awesome, too. Read. 3: I spent a lot of time today fixing Internet with the help of a nice guy. It finally works properly. 4: Looking for jobs. I've been to interviews, but no luck just yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed, and write more applications. I'm not worried yet. Besides, I can play housewife in the mean time. 5: All the other things that just take up your time without you knowing why, and last but not the least, WRITING.

There we are, back on topic! Yeah, I've picked up writing again. Or I did during Interrail. It's amazing how much inspiration there are on trains (right, JKR?). I mean, I wrote some before, and quit because I wasn't pleased. Yes, miss Perfectionist, that is pure STUPIDITY. But right now, everything is just bouncing arond in my head again. My main story is picking itself together in a way I never knew was possible. The main plot isn't quite there yet, but the characters are. Their quirks and neurosises, their strong and weak sides, their motivations and feelings. And to me, the plot is often an excuse for the characters to interact. Sometimes the plot grows entirely out of the characters, like it mainly does now.

Digression much? Yes. Anyway, I was going to list some signs you're turning into a writer. So here goes.
 - You sit in cafés, drinking lattes and writing on napkins.
 - You swear you feel your fingers itch when you haven't written for a while
 - You get abstinences from writing.
 - In a problematic situation, you think: WWPD? [What Would Palano Do?]
 - You discover ink stains from your pen on your nose.
 - You suddenly see the appeal of writing 3k in three hours, and liking it.

I might add, you start writing walls of text instead of readable entries. This is just ramblings, really. I want to write my beloved story. I have several, but this is The One.

And that's all I can remember right now. I love you.

SARENKA! Need a translation so you won't get a terrible headache from this? Call me ;)
I <3 you, you know.

I don't want a sparkly man! ...Twilight... Literature, Love, people

Autor:  Velineyvra

I just can't see what's so appealing about them. Stephenie Meyer's vampires, that is. They are cold, hard, sparkly, and they want to eat you. Not to mention, either you've got to be a killer yourself, or you've got to grow old watching your husband stay the same.

NO! I want a warm man. One who's soft, whose chest I can crawl up to when I feel all alone, who can warm me when I'm cold, who can grow old with me. One that doesn't want to kill me. And who can go to the beach with me, and do all kinds of things. A romantic dinner, for instance.

Just imagine sharing a bed with a Meyer-vamp. *shudder* No way. I don't want to hug a rock or an ice cube, I want to hug a person! Flesh and blood! One that can actually kiss me, too. Any volunteers for a hug?

Bah. Twilight-vampires, what's the big deal? I don't find them fascinating at all.


Harry Potter-greier (det er spoilere her) Literature, På norsk, takk

Autor:  Velineyvra


Jeg driver og leser Harry Potter-serien på nytt akkurat nå. Det er kjempegøy, og jeg elsker virkelig denne serien. Likevel er det alltid noen små detaljer som plager meg. Så jeg skal gå gjennom dem først, og så tar jeg den andre delen.

En – I den første boka er det bare fire senger på Harrys sovesal. Men det er fem stykker som sover der (Harry, Ron, Sean, Dean og Neville).

To – Hvis Dumbledore virkelig ønsket å ødelegge kraften til den derre staven, hvorfor brakk han den ikke i flere biter, brant dem og spredte asken? Planen hans var elendig. (Jeg vet det, den er nødvendig for handlingen.)

Tre – I Ildbegeret hører vi først Voldemorts stemme, så roper en annen stemme (sannsynligvis Wormtails/Ormsvans’) forbannelsen som tar livet av Cedric. Men Cedric kommer ut av Voldemorts tryllestav. Hva, lånte Ormsvans Voldys stav? Jeg har problemer med å tenke meg at Voldemort lot ham låne den. Og Voldemort dreper den gamle mannen tidligere i boka selv, så vi vet at han kan gjøre det. En annen sak i sammenheng med denne – I bok seks sier Dumbledore at Voldemort har brukt Nagini til a drepe en gammel mann. Og dette mordet er det eneste jeg kan finne at han har begått. Tror ikke han har hatt andre muligheter heller. Men denne mannen døde av Avada Kedavra, Harry så til og med det grønne lyset. Og han kommer ut av staven. Skjønner ikkeno’, jeg.

Fire – Dette er fra den sjette filmen. I Slughorns eliksirklasse ser vi ei jente fra Griffing ved siden av Hermine. Men hvem er hun? De eneste kjente jentene i Harrys klasse er Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown og Hermine. Og hun er ingen av dem, hvis de ikke har byttet ut Parvatis skuespiller. Men hun ser ikke veldig indisk ut. Hun er et mysterium.

(Det er en femte også: I den tredje boka er det to lørdager – og de er lørdager, både handlinger og dialog bekrefter det – etter hverandre. Dessverre kan jeg ikke finne det og sitere.)


Litt mer happy saker:

Luna Lovegood. Å, jeg elsker virkelig henne! Og det er så rørende når du kan se rommet hennes i bok sju. Hun er så vennlig og lojal, men folk synes likevel at hun er gal, og holder seg unna henne…

Og Neville i de tre siste bøkene! Han har forandret seg så mye, spesielt i den siste. Jeg bryr meg så mye om disse figurene, og delen der han endelig får respekt fra bestemoren sin (som er fantastisk, jeg lo som en gal da jeg leste delen der hun sendte en dødseter til St. Mungos…) er nydelig.

Den femte filmen er sannsynligvis den som jeg liker minst, og en av grunnene til dette er Minerva McGonagall. I boka er hun fantastisk, hun roper til Umbridge, hun hjelper Peeves, hun angriper nesten ministeren... Jeg begynte å elske henne i denne boka. Jeg leser den igjen og igjen bare p på grunn av henne. Men i filmen bare står hun der og ser hjelpeløs ut.

Jeg tror kanskje jeg trenger en pause nå :) Jeg kommer kanskje til å skrive mer, siden jeg vil fortsette å lese. Å, vent, jeg holdt på å glemme dette: Vi ser aldri at James oppfører seg som noe annet enn en bortskjemt guttunge I serien, så jeg har et veldig negativt bilde av ham. Snape, derimot, er fantastisk ond (mens han er god – enda bedre), og også komplisert. Derfor er jeg en fan av Snape og Lily.

Og mens vi er inne på Snape – hvorfor er det slik at alle fra Smygard er onde? (Unntatt Slughorn) Jeg vil veldig gjerne se noen flere gode.  Jeg nekter å tro at det ikke er noen. For Smygard er ikke Det Onde Huset, folk derfra har bare ambisjoner. Og det er ikke en dum ting å ha.



Harry Potter ramblings (spoilers do be in here) Literature

Autor:  Velineyvra

I'm rereading the Harry Potter series right now. It's really nice, and I love this series very much. However, there are always some small details that bug me. So I'll take those first, and then I'll take the other part.

One - In the first book, there are only four bed in Harry's dormitory. Yet there are five boys who sleep there.

Two - If Dumbledore truly wanted to destroy the wand's power, why didn't he just break it in pieces, then burn them and spread the ashes? Well, perhaps he couldn't bring himself to it, but it wasn't very smart of him. (Plot necessity, I know).

Three - In the Goblet of Fire, we first hear Voldemort's voice, then another (presumably Wormtail's) shout out the killing curse that kills Cedric. But Cedric comes out of Voldemort's wand. What, did Wormtail borrow Voldy's? I have a hard time imagining Voldemort letting him. And yet Voldemort killed the old muggle himself, so we know he could do it. Another matter in relation to this - In book six, Dumbledore says Voldemort has used Nagini to kill an old muggle. And this one here is the only one I can find, but he definitely died of the killing curse.

Four - This is from the sixth movie. In Slughorn's Potions class, we see a female Gryffindor student next to Hermione. But who is she? The only known female students in Harry's year are Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown and Hermione Granger. And she's not any of them, unless they've changed Parvati's actress. However, she doesn't look very Indian. She is a mystery.

(There is a fifth one: In the third book, two Saturdays - and they are Saturdays, both actions and speak confirm it - follow each other. However, I can't find it to quote.)


On to some more cheery stuff:

Luna Lovegood. Oh, I love her so much. And it's almost heartbreaking when you see her room in the Deathly Hallows. She is so kind and loyal, and people still think she's crazy and stay away from her.

And Neville in the last three books! He has changed so much, especially in the last one. I care so much for these characters, and the part where he finally get some respect from his grandmother (who is awesome, I laughed at the part where she sent a death eater to St. Mungo's...) well, it rocks.

The fifth movie is probably my least favourite, and one of the reasons is Minerva McGonagall. In the book, she's great, shouting at Umbridge, helping Peeves, almost attacks the Minister... I started loving her in this book. But in the movie, she just stands there looking helpless.

I think perhaps I should take a break now:) Maybe it'll come more as I continue reading. Oh wait, I almost forgot: We never see James acting decent  in the series, so I have a very negative image of him. Snape, however, is delightfully evil(while being good - even better), and also complicated. Therefore, I'm a Snape-Lily shipper^^

And while discussing Snape - why is it that all Slytherins are evil? (Except Slughorn) I'd like to see some good ones too. I refuse to believe there aren't any. Because Slytherin isn't the House of Evil, it's the House of Ambition. Which isn't a bad thing.

On expressing opinions Literature

Autor:  Velineyvra

I have been wondering... Should I post an angry blog where I attack a fictional character with an infinite number of fangirls? I risk making people hate me for it. But I want to have an opportunity to say what I think. Hm. I think this might be a good idea.

See people fuming just because I have an opinion?

Prove that I actually can read?

Bash a fictional character who is worshipped, but in fact is horrible, and actually be able to prove it?

Hell yes.