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Just two days and seven hours until... Movies, Oh the love!

Autor:  Velineyvra

... I'll be watching the watchmen. (Pun definitely intended!)

The sixth of March, yay! I've been waiting for this day for so long. It's time to let the geek in me out of the closet, and have some fun. The movie has gotten good reviews, and I'm looking forwards to this like a kid is looking forwards to visiting Disneyland. Or rather, Disneyland made out of chocolate.

I'm going to see this. No matter what. Never compromise.

...But that leaves to question: Who the heck am I going to watch the Watchmen with? I'll find out pretty soon, I suppose.

This has to happen. I'm not missing my chance to go on the premiere! Watchmen <3 It's pure genius. If you haven't read it, do it. Now. It's worth the money.