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Christmas Holidays

Autor:  Velineyvra

I'm supposed to do biology. But since I don't feel like trying to understand photosyntesis and how the different molecules react with each other and does this and that, I decided to write a little about Christmas in my family :)

December 22: This is really simple. We buy the Christmas tree. Or, we might do this before this date, but this is always the latest date that we do this. It's usually about 3 and a half metres, since my dad loves huge trees, and wants one that goes up to the roof. Some shopping, mainly food.

December 23: This is a stressful day! Everything is to be cleaned and fixed up, vacuuming the entire house, washing clothes, etc. The evening is better - we decorate the tree! Dad puts all the light and the glitter into place, since we've got to use a ladder (tall tree, remember). Then everyone cooperates with the reast of the decoration. And, of course, we play Christmas music while decorating. After, we do something cozy, like puzzles and quizes together.

December 24: My brother and I get up early to make breakfast, which is kind of our duty this day. (And we might watch traditional TV shows:D) We eat late, about 11. And it lasts a long time, with a lot of talking, and, very common for my family, a quiz. Then we start making dinner (it has to boil for a very long time) and other things that needs to be done. The gifts are now placed under the tree. About 15 or 16 we eat porrigde, with an almond in. The one who gets it, wins candy. Then a lot of time passes which we do nothing but work a bit and get dressed. (I bought a new dress this year, a red one, which I love) Around seven, the guest arrive. Grandmother and grandfather, my grandmother on my father's side and my uncle. We're a small family, we don't get so many guests. Then it's dinner. Which is complicated.

Here's the menu: Pinnekjøtt (it's lamb, realy, but made in a special way), sausages (four types, smoked, not smokes, small ones, and mountain style), potatoes, two different kinds of cabbage, something a can't remember the English name for but is delicious, meat balls (almost, can't describe it better) plus turkey for my brother. Might have forgotten something though :) And the drinks! Water, juice, soft drinks(a lot of those, at least six different ones), beer, beer without alcohol and wine.

Okay, so then we eat for a long while. After, it's dessert, with a lot of different cakes, which I won't mention, in order to prevent writing a novel.

And then it's the presents. We only unwraps one at a time, and everyone else watches. We try to get the ones from grandma and uncle first, as they'll go to dad's sister as well. And this lasts until about 1. Christmas eve is over, which always makes me a little sad...

December 25: Family tradition: We get a new pajams each Christmas. So this day, we eat really, really late, perhaps 12.30, and everyone's wandering around in pajamases all day. We read in new books, watches movies, plays games, and so on. We might also go for a walk:)

December 26: Everyone goes to my grandma. My two uncles, my aunt, three cousins, and my family. Basically, it's the only time we all get together, which makes it nice. Grandma isn't able to cook any longer, so my aunt does that (and she's amazing, I wouldn't believe that it is possible, but she manages! An applause to auntie.) And that's basically that. We talk and spend time together.


And so the days pass, and before you know it, Christmas is over. Reality comes back. But there's always a silver lining - another Christmas next year!

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