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Top 15

- Fußball (30)
- FC Bayern (12)
- Eishockey (9)
- Champions League (7)
- Bundesliga (6)
- München (6)
- Bayern (5)
- FC Bayern München (4)
- Finale (3)
- Finale Dahoam (3)
- Kino (3)
- Schweiz (3)
- Avengers (2)
- Bayern München (2)
- Deutschland (2)

Autor:  KateFromHighburyPark
Luftpiraten sind Passagiere, die Flugzeuge erst unterwegs chartern.
- Danny Kaye

Autor:  KateFromHighburyPark
Soldaten: Männer, die offene Rechnungen der Politiker mit ihrem Leben bezahlen.
- Ron Kritzfeld

Autor:  KateFromHighburyPark
aus "Band of Brothers" - The book

At the end of the second week, Tipper went on, „We were told, ‚Relax. No runs today.’ We were taken to the mess hall for a tremendous meal of spaghetti at lunchtime. When we came out of the mess hall, a whistle blew, and we were told, ‘The orders are changed. We run.’ We went to top of Currahee and back with a couple of ambulances following, and men vomiting spaghetti everywhere along the way. Those who dropped out and accepted the medics’ invitation to ride back in the ambulances found themselves shipped out the same day.”

Autor:  KateFromHighburyPark
aus "Young Guns"

[the "Regulators" are surrounded by 20-30 men in Alex McSween's house]
Doc: Billy, what are we gonna do now?
William H. Bonney: We're gonna show these guys they've finally met their match.

Autor:  KateFromHighburyPark
aus "Saving Private Ryan"

[listening skeptically to German propaganda coming over a loudspeaker]
Captain Miller: "The Statue of Liberty is kaput" - that's disconcerting.

Autor:  KateFromHighburyPark
aus "Die Schatzjäger - Die Jagd nach Michels Helm"

Dan McLean: „This is Delta Charlie Tango, we have to land here. Now! We have no goddamn petrol in our tanks. Take this fuckin’ truck out of our way.”

Autor:  KateFromHighburyPark
aus "The Dambusters"

Flight Lt. H.B. Martin, DSO, DFC, AFC:
[looks out cockpit canopy at the Moehne as the attack formation arrives, and flak starts coming up] There it is, boys. Bit aggressive, aren't they? Someone's woken them up. What do you think about it, Bob?
Flight Lt. R.C. Hay, DFC: My goodness. It's... It's big, isn't it? Can we really break *that*?

Autor:  KateFromHighburyPark
aus 'Supernatural - Episode 15; The Benders"

Deputy Kathleen: (about Sam) Does your cousin have a drinking problem?
Dean: What, Sam? Two beers and he's doin' karaoke.

Autor:  KateFromHighburyPark
aus 'Supernatural- Episode 10: Asylum'

Dean: (talking about his dad) You know, I love the guy, but I swear he writes like freaking Yoda.

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