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Einzelposting: Minutes to Midnight - Wer hats schon bestellt?

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_166634/-1/11807307697783/

Von:   abgemeldet 01.06.2007 22:46
Betreff: Minutes to Midnight - Wer hats schon bes... [Antworten]
01. Stand!
02. Bleed It Out
03. Get Through
04. What I’ve Done
05. In This World
06. The Little Things Give You Away
07. Hold Nothing Back
08. Over The Top
09. Prommise
10. Real Life
11. Afraid This Time
12. 2 Worlds
13. Until The End
14. Collapsing The Unit
15. We Use the Pain
16. One Perfect Somethi

das sind die die ich habe o.O
I tried to catch up the time after I wasted it. I tried to settle all the things, after I it before me thrust. These things, I all could have settled, so easily! And now I stand here and am at the end. I cannot do no more, how was I only so stupid? How? Could I only? What did I do? That could have been so easy everything, but I selected the difficult away...

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