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Ame no Ai

Candy, Trouble and beating Hearts


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Deadly smile

"Good morning Io-chaaan!" The pink haired girl twitched slightly as her friend hit on her back and greet her with an ever so happy smile. "G-Good morning Suzuna." After surviving the little shock she turned around to Suzuna and shoved the glasses on her nose into the right position. "Hooo, glasses?!" The brown haired girl almost pressed her face into Ios as she eyed up the red fine glasses. "You look so smart Io! ha! I didn't know you had them!" Io shook shortly her head. "I-I only have to wear them when my eyes hurt a bit." The chattering around her almost over sounded her voice and so she didn't realized the two boys who were appearing behind her. Suddenly two hands were placed on her forehead. "Eh?!" Suzuna waved. "yoho you two handsome guys!" Hastily the pink haired girl waved with her hands and lifted her head to see who was behind her. "W-What are you doing?", she asked blushing before the two took away the hands. "Normal temperature! Seems like you are well again Io-chan!" Himuro nodded satisfied before taking a chair and sitting down beside Suzuna. Atsushi did the same. "Aahh, My brother told me that you were looking out for me! I'm deeply sorry If I caused you trouble!" The three looked at each other and Suzuna had to restrain her giggling. "You don't remember?" Atsushi asked who sat beside her. "Well, no wonder with such a fever." Only by now Io realized that Suzuna started to sketch something on a piece of paper before she held it up. "You were pretty much this." An evil grin spread over her face and Io turned pale as she saw the women from SAW just with pink hair. "EEHH? T-that's impossible! I would never be like this!" Desperated and with teary eyes the girl tried her best to look sure of herself but as Suzunas grin got even wider she knew she already lost. "You even fell over Mukkun, ya know?" "S-Suzuna!", Himuro forced a hand on her mouth to shut her up but it was already too late. Completely in disbelieve she hid her face behind her sleeves. With her face flushed she dared to shortly glance at Atsushi who was directly staring at her. "Uruuuu!" The chattering of the chair falling to the ground, let the classmates hear up but by now Io disappeared in a cloud of dust. "Do you really had to say that?" Himuro gave Suzuna a look of reproach. Playful she put on a face of innocent. "Gomen, did I do something wrong?" "You know exactly what I mean!" He flicked her forehead a bit pissed but it was more the deadly glance of Atsushi which shut her up. "Well this is on you now. After class Atsushi and I have training so it's on you to find her."Suzuna pouted. "Pfuuu, such a work. She is so small she can hide anywhere. Well at least I might can get her homeworks!" At that moment the teacher stepped in and looked around. Slowly the students sat down on their seats and kept silent. "Where is Io Seiya?" Himuro and Atsushi gazed at Suzuna who was sitting in the corner, acting like she doesn't know anything but eventually giving in. "She said she still doesn't feel well and went shortly to the nursery." The teacher tilted the head before he nodded and started with the lessons.

"Uruuu, What should I do?" "How about you go to the lessons?" The pink haired girl was found by the nurse in the nursery. Like a little rabbit Io hid already under a blanket, mumbling stuff to herself as the doctor stepped to her bed. "You can't hide here all the time you know Seiya-san? I still have a load of work to do and I need to meet my Wife here as the only time we see us is my break. So if you don't mind could you-" A miserable sobbing resounded from under the blanket. "Now get out of here already!", pisses she kicked the girl out of the bed who landed on the ground. "B-But Sensei, What should I do? It was so terrible and so embarrassing. I can't look at Bara-kun anymore." With running nose she looked at the nurse who made a step back to not get into contact with her. "What do I know? I told you to stay away from him, that's all I could help you with. And Suzuna can never keep her mouth, she already told everybody that I had a relationship with a student. Luckily I could convince everybody that it was misunderstanding. " Suddenly the girl stared at her. "S-Sensei, you have a wife?" The women blushed slightly before throwing her student completely out of the nursery. "I told you to go to lessons!"

Io wandered through the hallways and entered the library, hiding in-between the shelves. The silent surrounded her as no one seemed to be here due to lessons. Curious she looked around the books. "So many old ones", she muttered and pulled out one of it as suddenly two eyes were staring at her from behind it. In shock Io didn't even dare to scream but just put the book back before turning like a stone around and sneaking away with trembling legs. "Where are you going?", a voice whispered behind her and Io stumbled. "Whaa! Please don't kill me!" Io turned around to surprisingly see a cute face in front of her. But even more surprising was the fact that she wore a different school uniform. "So sorry that I scared you! It was just too tempting!" The girl with big brown eyes and blond curly hair reached her hand for her and helped Io on her feet. Io cleaned her skirt form the dust . "My name is Mayume. I'm searching for someone here but it seems like I can't find them. We'll probably it's because of classes!" Io looked at her a bit perplex. " I-if you want I can help you. B-But I'm just recently here so I don't know everybody ", she said chuckling lightly. The girl clapped in her hands. "Oh my that would be great!"With no other words to say she suddenly grabbed Ios hand and ran out of the library. "Whom are you searching for?", Io asked friendly, but her expression of happiness turned into confusion as the girl answered. "I'm searching for Himuro and Mukkun! you know I'm their childhood friend. I didn't saw them for a long time and felt like visiting them!" Just at that moment the bell rang for break. The students went out of their classrooms and the hallways filled up more and more. "Geez so many people!" "Hey Io!" A voice behind them made the two turn around. "Suzuna-chan! Ah, I'm very sorry for running away so suddenly! Uhm, this is-" Before she could stop talking Suzuna pulled Io suddenly away from the girl. "Mayume, what are you doing here?" The blond girl smiled happily and threw a peace sign at her. "Hello there Suzuna! Long time no see! How have you been?" Suzuna stared at the girl unfriendly. "Just a second ago I did well. Io where did you get her from?" Io saw between the two of them. "I got her form the library. She asked me to find Himuro and Bara-kun for her." For a split of a second it seemed like the smile of the girl disappeared. "Yes, I would love to see them!" "Forget it! As if I would bring them the worst friend in the world. Come Io, we are leaving!" "Oh my someone seems to be jelly. Do you still have a crush on Himuro-kun?" Io looked at Suzuna in shock as the girl turned slightly red, running away with Io without saying a word.

The gym hall was filled with shoes squeaking over the ground and shouts of the basketball team of the Yosen-High. The female coach was just exchanging players as Io and Suzuna went on the tribune. "Are you okay Suzuna?", Io asked carefully and the girl nodded. "Yeah don't worry about it! But please, what you heard right now keep for yourself." Io pressed shortly Suzunas hand and nodded. "Did you know? Mukkun and Himuro are the best players of our team." She pointed at the basketball field where the Yosen has formed two teams and were playing against each other. "I watch them since they started here. Those two are amazing." A look of sadness clouded Suzunas face . "She isn't a childhood friend..." With a questioning expression Io turned again to her friend . "She is more like a stalker. The both of them are almost afraid of her. At first she was a friend of them but then...it began to get out of control. She followed them anywhere ,even suddenly standing at the evening in front of their house. She accompanied them to school and back and to every other place. At first the two didn't realize but she began to become more and more creepy. Eventually she was forced to leave this school." Io felt a shiver running down her spine, sending her gaze to Himuro and Atsushi on the field who were giving a perfect team. "But...why is she here?" Suzuna shrugged. "I don't know. But I recommend you to stay away from her Io-chan. She tells lies to every girl that tries to get closer to them. She tricked me so many times, brought Himuro against me. She is extremely jealous. On top of that, her family is not the poorest one and so she has even the stuff to make your life to hell." Io couldn't believe what she was hearing, her look still locked to the field, not realizing that Suzuna slowly went to the stairs to get down. "I will be right back", she said, as suddenly, from one second on the other, Io was pulled out of her thoughts by a scream. In terror she had to see how Suzuna was stumbling and was about to hit the floor. "S-Suzuna-chan!", Io shouted but in the last second a team member that sat right beside the stairs on the bench could catch her. With a loud thud both of them landed on the ground. "Suzuna-chan are you alright!?" Hastily Io went down the stairs to look for her friend. Himuro and the others went to them for help, lifting up their team member. "Ouch, ouch, that went into my back", the young men moaned and bit on his lower lip. "T-Thank you a lot, Hibiki-san" Suzuna looked up at him thankfully but he just waved his hand. "Don't mention it. Next time you should be more careful though." Himuro helped Suzuna to the bench and brought her his bottle of water. "Here, you should drink something. Do you feel pain somewhere?" "Mo! don't treat me like a baby! I can take care of myself", Suzuna pouted before pinching Himuros nose. "I'm not that week ya know?" Atsushi and Io watched the both of them as something in Ios corner of sight was shimmering. "Huh? What is that?" Atsushi followed her gaze. "What is it Io-chin?" Io stepped to the stairs and went onto her knees. Her finger felt a little round Perl that seemed out of place here. Atsushi took a step beside her. "What have you there?" His voice was ringing in her ears as she felt his breath close to her ear. She blushed. "B-Bara-kun. Uhm I found this." She showed him the Perl that had a colorful pattern with an M on it "I wonder if Suzuna may slipped on this." Atsushi grabbed over her shoulder and reached for the Perl in her hands, watching it closely. "It reminds me of something but I don't know what." "May its candy", Io giggled slightly and tried to cheer the group up. Himuro stood up and stepped beside Atsushi who showed him the Perl. "Eh? that can't be." His expressions turned at once into one of terror as he rotated the Perl between his fingers. "Mayume..." Immediately the look of the two went up to the tribune. "Io-chan have you seen a girl with blond hair?", Atsushi asked with an unusual serious expression. Nervously Io looked at Suzuna who shook her head as her friend gave her the sign not to tell them. "N-No, I haven't seen one...", Io muttered unsure. She could feel the both of them relaxing a bit again.

for the rest of the day Io had a bad feeling all along. the fact that she lied to her only friends made her feel guilty and the rain at the end of the day didn't turned it any better. "Its raining again, what a hassle", Atsushi muttered while he changed his shoes together with Himuro. "You can say that out loud Atsushi. It's the typical autumn weath-huh?" The black-haired young men looked up as he saw a little piece of paper looking out of his closet. "What is that?" "Hoo, a love letter?" As he pulled it out it turned out to be a letter written in swirly handwriting. "She was here..." Himuro turned a bit pale before he ripped the paper into pieces and threw it into the trashcan. "Mayume is back? but didn't she went on a different school?" "That doesn't keep her away from this school", Himuro muttered. "Anyway, we should be careful..." With this Atsushi, Io and Himuro, Suzuna said farewell to each other and went their usual way back home.

"Ne, Bara-kun." The pink haired girl looked up to him at her way back home . "About mayu-" "Be careful", Atsushi interrupted her and looked down at the young girl. "She can be annoying and isn't the girl that you like to share sweets with..." Io nodded in agreement. With that the conversation was brought to an sudden end. Muted the both of them walked beside each other as suddenly a ring tone was playing its song. Io pulled out her light pink phone with an candy hanging on it. Shortly She pressed on the green button to pick it up, placing the phone to her ear. "Io Seiya here?" No answer. "Uhm, Io Seiya, here. Whom I might talk to?" She realized that Atsushi stopped walking and looked back to him, still the phone at her ear. "Bara-kun? What is it?" His expression turned angry and for a second she thought he was now angry at her, but then she turned around to see a young girl with blond hair and a bright cheerful smile on her lips, holding a phone up. "So that is actually your phone number", she said happily and put away her phone. Io did the same. "Mayume...", Atsushi grumbled her name. "Haha, good evening Mukkun! What a terrible weather isn't it? How have you been and is Suzuna doing well?" Io remembered the Perl she found and threw it over to the blond girl who caught it in the last second. "I think you lost something, Mayume-san." Io looked at her angry but the girl didn't seemed to feel guilty at all. "Ah, thank you a lot Seiya-san. I was already wondering where my little Perl went to! hopefully...no one slipped on it." A shadow appeared over her smiling face. "I-I don't know what is going on with you but please let Bara-kun, Himuro-kun and Suzuna-chan alone!" Suddenly the girl started to laugh at her, letting the Perl slide into her jacket. "So brave are ya? Those are my friends and not yours so please...just get lost." With a happy expression she threw a peace-sign at her. "I'm not brave at all, B-But...I won't let you hurt anybody! especially not my friends!", Io shouted slightly but didn't appeared to be too confident. Atsushi let his umbrella fall onto the wet ground while stepping closer to Mayume. "Get lost", he simply said. Mayumes smile disappeared. "Don't you dare think you get rid of me so easily Mukkun." With those last words she turned around and ran away with slightly jumpy steps, her curls bouncing up and down.

Io watched the Giant as he stood in the rain, looking after the girl that disappeared behind the next corner. "Anno...Bara-kun?" Io looked at him worried before she lifted up the umbrella that was lying on the ground, trying to hold it over him but being too small giving eventually up. "You are soaked, you will get a cold this time." "I will go home...I don't need an umbrella...and I won't get Ill." His voice sounded sullen but Io grabbed his sleeve and pulled his attention to her. "No protest! You come with me! I can't let you walk around like this." With a dispraising but slightly blushing look she dragged him to her house where they entered the door. "Ah, hello my de-OH MY!" A women with longer pink hair was standing with apron and fluffy house shoes in the hallway, holding a pan in her hand. "Whom did you brought with you?" Io pulled off her shoes and put them to the side. "This is my Classmate, Murasakibara Atsushi, Okaa-san. Bara-kun, that is my Okaa-san Sumiya Seiya." The mother and Atsushi stared at each other for a moment before he bowed shortly. "Nice to meet you." The mother put a hand in front of her mouth. "The pleasure is on my side."

"We got a bit into a trouble Mommy and due to the rain Bara-kun got completely soaked. Would it be fine if he stayed over till the rain stops?" A bright smile appeared on her mother's face. "Oh dear of course! I'm about to make something warm to eat right now, but it seems I have to make a bit more." Io nodded. "I will help you in a second Okaa-san. Bara-kun please follow me." The mother looked after the both of them. "What a giant..."

In her room Io put her school stuff into the typical places. "Welcome to my room Bara-ku-" "I was already here Io-chin." Io stared at him perplex as she suddenly remembered the day before. "Ah! G-Gomen." A blush spread on her cheeks. "Anno, I don't think the clothes of my brother will fit you, do you have some sport clothes with you?" Atsushi sat down on the ground where he rummaged in his back to pull out his basketball uniform. "Only this.." Io smiled at him. "That should be enough, at least its dry. Come, I show you the bathroom." Io lead Atsushi to the small bathroom and showed him the towel he could use. "Warm yourself up and put on the dry clothes Bara-kun. I will help Okaa-san to make the evening meal so you can come down and eat somethi--KYAH!" Io almost slipped as she saw that Atsushi already pulled off his shirt. "B-B-Bara-kun, y-you can't simply do that in front of others an-" The door of the bathroom was slammed open as the mommy stepped in. "I heard a shout what hap-oh my, Io-chan.... I thought you were only classmates." Io turned into a red tomato as she hastily waved with her hands. "N-No! That's a misunderstanding Okaa-san! A-And stop staring at him!" In panic Io shoved out her Mother who gave her daughter an evil gaze. "I-I'm very sorry for my Mother Bara-kun! P-please enjoy the shower!" With an awkward smile Io closed the door behind her and pulled her mother down the stairs. "What a weird family", Atsushi mumbled in the bathroom.


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Von: abgemeldet
2015-02-11T14:28:55+00:00 11.02.2015 15:28
the part was fantastic. *-*
