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Call of Duty - One Shot Collection

things no one likes to talk about


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Don't get close

"I told you, this was a bad idea, son."

Price watched me, with his casual look. I've never been able to read his mind through his eyes. Kinda tired, but alert, too. But it was always some kind of warmth coming with his look. When I first came here, he made fun of me. A lot. But it disappeared from day to day.

Now he respects me. He trusts me. He treats me like a son. At least sometimes. I remember that look in his eyes, when we were nearly killed on that bridge. Because of that car in his way, he wasn't able to see, what happened to Gaz, but I believe, he just knew and he didn't want to lose me, too.

But that was some time ago. A lot of time ago.

Now I am the one who lost someone. Two, exactly. Ghost and Roach. Just gone. Betrayed and killed by the man I thought I could trust. He just gave me the right direction to find Price. Though he knew -at least I think so- that Price was able to be so fucking rude with his enemies.

Anyway, it was a few days since they got me out of Northern India. I was still at the hospital. Kept dreaming in pain and fever.

When I finally opened my eyes, I watched my hand risen to the ceiling. I was panting and my eyes were burning, like the knife, that hit Shepherd, hit my own.

"You're alright, son. Just calm down. It was only a dream."

I turned my head, to watch into the old man's eyes. This time I was able to see, he was just worried. "What's wrong with you.. ?"

I couldn't find the right words, so, to buy myself some time, I touched my forehead, wiped the sweat away. "I.. I had this dream again... ", I admitted. We had this subject before, but, though I knew, Price was right, I couldn't just let it be.

I heard him sigh and he sat down again, beside the bed. "I told you, this was a bad idea. Never get too close to your mates."

But he was lying to himself. He always got too close on his own. First Gaz, now me.

I turned to look at him again. "Stop that shit. You did the same mistake, twice. Since Gaz is gone, you're watching over me, like ... Like a... The time, you spent to find a medic for me, you could have chase after Makarov. Instead you just flew around half the globe to save my life. So, don't you dare, tell me, not to get close to my mates."

He sighed again, still watched me. "Easy, boy. I know, this might sound senseless to you, but just use your brain for know. It's just because I know, what it feels like to lose someone, who made it into your heart, makes me say things like this. Of course I miss Gaz and I would have missed you. When you came to Credenhill, my first thought was like »Why did they send a kid here?!« But you proofed yourself to me, without me saying something. You earned my respect, boy. And I know, you liked Gaz, too. So why did you do the same mistake with Ghost and Roach again?"

I watched him, feeling my eyelids getting heavy again. "I... I don't know. They just felt like.. brothers to me. Especially Ghost." I turned away from him, watching out of the window to the corridor. "And Roach... He was such a good boy. Loyal, kinda clumsy, but after they got you, I felt like, I needed to take your place and watch over him. Though, he was just a few years younger than me, he acted like he could need someone with more experience to talk to, to look up to, y'know?"

He nodded, resting his hand on my shoulder. "And you avenged them, don't forget that, Soap. There is nothing more, you can do for them, right? Just get back on your feet again, kill Makarov and let them rest in peace. They are watching you now and I guess, they want you to continue with what you did before."

This time, it was me, who nodded.

I swallowed heavily, a scream and tears.

Bloody war wasn't something for people with a big heart, but even those, who thought who could stand it, would break in time.

But this wasn't something that could effect me now. Cause, like Winston Churchill once said »To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.«

Which means, I had to become someone else to finish this fight.

For Price. For Gaz. For Ghost and for Roach!


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Von:  Emily_Clark
2013-03-29T17:41:01+00:00 29.03.2013 18:41
Awww, was soll ich sagen? Ich kenne mich nur sehr oberflächlich mit CoD aus und erst recht nicht so gut mit den Charakteren, die dort vorkommen (mal abgesehen von Yuri und seiner Stimme :'D).
Daher kann ich auch nicht so genau sagen, wie gut du die Beziehung zu einander getroffen hast aber ich kann sagen, dass ich mir ein gutes Bild davon machen konnte. Und ich finde, das macht deinen OS gerade so gut. Auch ohne das ich die beiden kenne, kann ich mich in die Beziehung hineinversetzten und auch ansatzweise verstehen, was zwischen den beiden läuft.
Also mir hat es gut gefallen. Dein Stil ist gut und lässt sich auch in englisch sehr gut und leicht lesen. Du hast keine hochtrabenden Worte benutzt, die ich erst einmal nachschlagen musste, sondern einfache, die man kennen sollte. Für mich persönlich hätte mir es noch ein bisschen besser gefallen, wenn du noch mehr von der Umgebung umschrieben hättest. Aber ich weiß, dass es ja hier eher auf die emotionale Basis von den beiden abgezielt hat. Wie gesagt, ich konnte mir es gut vorstellen aber ich hätte mich noch ein Stück besser hineinversetzten können, wenn das Zimmer kurz genauer beschrieben war oder noch die Tageszeit, Geräusche oder so etwas. Aber das ist wieder eine persönliche Vorliebe von mir ;)
And at the end I was like: "Get up and kill that bastard you lazy jackass!" :'D
Antwort von: abgemeldet
29.03.2013 18:49
Aber deinem Kommentar habe ich gerade zu verdanken, dass ich mehr Lust daran finde, noch mehr zu schreiben. Es macht Spaß, auf Englisch zu texten und ich möchte mich gerne daran versuchen, die Umgegebung zu beschreiben!
Vielleicht mach ich noch ein zweites Kapitel dazu!
Vielen Dank, Hase!
Von:  Vinanti
2013-03-29T11:37:49+00:00 29.03.2013 12:37
Toller Oneshot! :) Gefällt mir wirklich ausgezeichnet, sowohl inhaltlich, als auch vom Stil her. Gute Arbeit, hat berührt und gleichzeitig Spaß gemacht zu lesen, weil es genau auf den Punkt gebracht worden ist! :>
Liebe Grüße
Vin <3~
Mal schön etwas zu diesen wunderbaren Charakteren lesen zu können!
Antwort von: abgemeldet
29.03.2013 14:15
Aww! Vielen, lieben Dank!
Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass das überhaupt jemand liest xD
