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an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story


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“Vincent!” The lid flew through the little tomb, banging from the wall and clattering to the ground.

Bolting upright into a sitting position, Yazoo frantically searched the room, but his vision was still blurry. Where was Vincent, he usually waited for him right beside his coffin…

“My my, aren´t we a feisty one…”

The silver head abruptly jerked into the direction where the unfamiliar voice was coming from.

“I see you still have quite some problems adjusting to the awakening,” the voice pondered idly. “I assume you are not one of us for very long, are you? How long has it been? Five years? Six? It surely cannot have been more than ten.”

Yazoo shook his head to clear it. He was missing something here, something important…

“Where os Vincent?”

“Vincent?” the voice feigned surprise. “Well, your maker is quite a little busy, I am afraid he cannot join our conversation.”

The younger vampire´s eyes narrowed dangerously at this, but the voice just chuckled, assuring “Do not worry, he is fine. Here, let me help you.”

Two cloved hands were grabbing his face, not ungently, and strode some hair out of the teens eyesight.

“Beautiful. Just trust our Vincent to always find himself the pretty ones…”

Finally Yazoo´s senses recovered and he found himself confronted with the gorgeous face of Vincent´s special guest from the other night, that seized him up with a scrutinizing look.

And then the memories crumbled down on him too. Vincent had said to leave as soon as possible and not talk to the dangerous vampire! Why was he here anyways?!

But that didn´t matter right now, he had to get out and find Vincent first, he probably was in danger and…

The man had settled down against the wall casually, Yazoo observed. From out of the corner of his eye he estimated how far it was to the exit. Four, five meters; he could make that. He´d become a lot faster recently. Vincent had said it was due to his aging that his abilities would increase. He had no idea how old the other vampire was, but it was worth a try…

As fast as lightening he was out of the coffin and almost through the door, when a body solidified out of thin air, and a hand grabbed his arm firmly.

“Now now, did your master not teach you that it is rather impolite to leave an unfinished conversation?” the man reprimanded friendly, but his eyes left no doubt that next time Yazoo tried something, he wouldn´t be as lenient.

Coldly the younger vampire mustered the hand on his arm, that withdrew slowly.

“Why do you not have a seat? It is much more comfortable to have our little chat in a sitting position, I believe.”

Yazoo looked at the offered coffin that was his, then back at the long haired man and eventually he went to his burial case to lean against it, since the lit was unavailable to sit on.

Pleased, the other vampire sat down on the stone stairs, effectively blocking the only entrance and exit in the process.

“Before we start, how about we introduce ourselves? I am certain Vincent did not speak very much about me, he has that ridiculous predjudice that my only enjoyment is making his life a living hell…” Sephiroth smiled politely to no one in particular and continued. “Well then, my name is Sephiroth and I have been dead for four hundred fourtysix years. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Yazoo´s eyes widened a fraction in disbelieve. 450 years! He didn´t look older than Vincent in natural years. If strenght increased proportionally with age… This man had to be a damn force of nature! And assuming from his pulsing, red aura he had to be pumped full of blood from at least three humans. No way he could win a fight…

“Although I have to admit that I was really surprised to meet you yesterday. You see, your master once told me that he would rather let me pull out his guts than create a blooddrinker from his own body… So, naturally I am rather curious as to what kind of person you are, to have changed his determind views.” Sephiroth smiled at him in an asking manner, but Yazoo only remained leaning against his coffin and eyed the other vampire icily. Vincent had said to not speak to him.

The other didn´t seem to be fazed by his silence however, only sighing as if he hadn´t expect anything else anyway “Well, it is not cruxial for you to take an active part in this ‘conversation’. It suffice if you listen.”

Upon not getting an answer, the older vampire only rose an eyebrow ever so slighty and continued in a smooth tone “I reckon that Vincent has not told you much about the nature of our kind, has he?”

The suddenly curious flicker in the boy´s eyes told Sephiroth everything he needed to know, and he continued, inwardly smirking “And am I also right in assuming that he still clings to his one-victim-per-night-policy?”

Seeing Yazoo´s dour expression and even receiving a short nod this time, the other bloodsucker nodded to himself “Hm, I thought so.”

The man looked thoughtful. “Actually it does not concern me, and I mean absolutely no offense to your Master at all, but I believe that this is rather irresponsible. I do understand that he is still grieving over that woman, but he does not have to burden you with it, has he?”

Yazoo´s eyes had narrowed suspiciously at the mentioning of ‘that woman´. He did not know about any woman Vincent would be grieving about and Aeris surely couldn´t be meant, for Sephiroth couldn´t know about her.

“Ah, I see he left you quite in the dark…” the older vampire frowned, shaking his head a little. “Really, it is sometimes hard for me to comprehend his intension.The first thing I do with new apprentices is informing them about the nature of our kind and what they need to do to become more powerful.”

“Hn. He did tell me anything I need to know.” Despite Vincents order to keep his mouth shut, Yazoo felt that he had to make a point here. If there was something he did not like at all it was badmouthing his master.

“Oh really…” Sephiroth smiled still friendly at him. “Then did he tell you that your power increases with the amount of blood you take?”

Upon Yazoo´s disbelieved inclining of his pretty head, the other said “See, that is why I said his actions are irresponsible. His policy keeps you weak and vulnerable. And obviously he is not able to stay by your side every time to keep harm away from you.” Sephiroth made a short gesture with his hand through the room, emphasizing the fact that Vincent was nowhere to be found right now.

“But I assume Vincent still thinks he can save his soul and gain his gods favor again if he flagellates himself enough.”

Sighing, the older observed the teen opposite him with sharp eyes. “Did you transform already?”

Yazoo looked back at him as if he was somewhat stupid and demonstratively let his canines slid over his bottom lip.

Sephiroth lifted an eyebrow. “I see you do not even know what I am talking about…”

The boy became more and more confused with every passing minute. Why had Vincent not told him about these things? And even more so as they seemed essential and important for his survival!

He hadn´t even told him that there were others like them…

Suddenly very unnerving and distressing doubts began to form in his head, making him feel quite uneasy. Yazoo had always just unconditionally trusted his master, but if he thought about it, really thought about it, he knew next to nothing about the man´s past or his ambitions.

“Well, you will find out sooner or later what I meant. After all, I do not want to spoil Vincent´s educational methods, even though I find them rather questionable. I insist on one thing, however.” With that he rose from the cold stonefloor and in a sophisticated manner gestured towards the entrance to motion for Yazoo to get out.

The youth eyed him blankly, then slowly pushed himself away from his coffin, following the ‘invitation’. He had no idea what Sephiroth was sheming, but what he surely knew was that trying to escape was futile. Not only because the other was far beyond his own powers, but also because he had access to a knowledge Yazoo could only dream of. And the transformation thing kind of worried him…

They stepped outside the tomb into the moonless night, Sephiroth not walking far behind him.

He stopped at the entrance, making Yazoo lift an eyebrow. “So, where are we going?” he demanded to know in a languid fashion, though inwardly he had to admit that he was slightly curious.

The older send him a derisive little smile “My dear child, we are not going any where. Come here.” He held his coat open and his cold eyes forced the teen to reluctantly come nearer, until a long arm firmly gripped his waist, and the air around them swirled as if they were moving in a circle at high speed, everything blurring before his vision.

It did not take long for the movement to stop, and as Yazoo finally had his vision back under controle his eyes widened a fraction.

Because as the surroundings became clear again, they were not standing at the dark graveyard but in the dimly lit garden, he recogniced to be those of Denzel´s parents house.

Baffled, he looked back at Sephiroth, who only graced him with a cryptical smile and let go of his waist. From the windows of the salon they could hear laughter and talking. Obviously there was a party going on, as the faint music also indicated.

“I assumed that you must be quite hungry now, and we should have a meal first, before we continue our discussion.” Sephiroth glanced at the closed doors towards the house longingly and was almost by the door when he looked over his shoulder, only to see Yazoo still occupying the spot where he had left him.

Furrowing his brows, the vampire asked in a distanced manner “You do not have any moral reservations, have you?” Wouldn´t have actually surprised him that much, the poor boy had to live with Vincent Valentine after all.

“No,” Yazoo lifted an eyebrow, at the absolute ridiculousness of such assumption. “I have not.”

“I see.” Sephiroth smiled his mysterious smile again and then added in a sweet voice. “You can tell your master that I forced you to do it, by threatening your life. I don´t care, he hates me anyway.”

Still a little unsure, Yazoo finally came towards the door, following the inviting hand of the other outstretched towards him. “Now, taste the delicious blood of the innocent and drink as much as you desire. There are no restrictions with me.”

With that, Sephiroth let a servant, that had hurried towards them, invite them in and lead them to the salon. He pushed open the wooden door and the light and the music and the laughter and the overwhelming scent of blood engulfed them.

Several heads were turning towards their direction, as they slowly stepped in, Yazoo looking somewhat mesmerized and lost as he smelled the full air with half lidded eyes and a faint smile.

“Yazoo, what are you doing here, I thought you and your master were already gone!” The surprised landlord stood from his seat, but did look rather pleased to see the youth in his house.

“Well,there had been some alterations in their plans,” Sephiroth offered friendly, his hand on the youth´s back as he lead him into the room.

“Oh, I´m really glad to hear that. Here, why don´t you have a seat?” He eagerly gestured towards two chairs that had been brought instantly, but Sephiroth just shook his head, scanning the curious crowd.

Mostly elderly people, but it would do.

He noticed the lack of cruxifixes and other charms, but he could not know that the custom the two vampires had established for their own parties had become quite common amongst the aristocrats own proms too. Well, it didn´t matter to him anyway. Whatever the reason, he certainly wouldn´t complain.

The pairs that had been dancing stopped, and suddenly a gasp was heared, as an older woman with a white, elaborate wig pressed her hand against her mouth, pointing at them. “L-look, Master Yazoo has no reflection!”

Disinterested, the young man in question followed her finger, just to notice that he was standing right beside a gold framed mirror.

The guests started to murmur and whisper to each other, but the landlord held up his hands to calm them down and then turned towards the newly arrived guests, frowning. “Master Yazoo, what does this mean? Is this some magical trick of yours, maybe?”

The two vampires exchanged a short look and Sephiroth nodded.

Yazoo, feeling the thirst raging in his veins, had enough of the small talk and smirked at the man. “Yes, a trick. And let me show you another one, too.”

With that he grabbed for the astonished man´s neck and burried his fangs deep inside his throat, eyes rolling back in his head as the sweet taste of hot blood filled his mouth. The crowd looked at them rather interested, impressed by Yazoo´s ‘trick’, and eager to know what he would do now. Their curiosity quickly changed into shock though, as a few minutes later the landlord slipped from the youth´s grip and landed on the floor. Dead and with glassy eyes the landlord stared at the crowd, while the young vampire licked over his bloody lips and elongated canines in delight and absolute bliss.

A panic broke out.

The women were screaming in horror, while the men tried to get their hands on the impertinent child.

It was in vain however, as the two vampires in pure bloodlust started to attack and within mere minutes the ground was littered with corpses.

Sephiroth eventually had enough, since he already had had a meal this evening and threw the corpse of an older man aside carelessly. With a satisfied smile he took a seat in one of the now empty chairs, pushing aside another body with his foot. With interest he followed the other vampire with his eyes as he repeatedly sunk his teeth into soft flesh, sucking and drinking.

He had looked so very starved, it was no wonder he drank like a maniac. In his rush, he sometimes ripped a throat apart and, growling, drank from the fountain that came out of the stertorous humans. It would have been a rather ugly and pathetic sight, if Yazoo hadn´t killed with that, albeit feral, natural grace of his, sensually creeping towards his screaming victims and licking over his pouty lips with hazy, greedy eyes.

Eventually there was no one left and even so, Yazoo wouldn´t have been able to consume one more single drop.

He hadn´t known. He hadn´t know that it would make such a hugh difference.

Compared to the orgasmic sensation that was shaking his entire being now, his former meals had been but a drop in the ocean, not even stirring the surface of what was lying underneath!

“Do you feel it?” The voice of the other purred next to his ear as Sephiroth had come to crouch down next to the kneeling teen. “The power? The satisfaction?”

A tongue slipped out, lazily licking over the young man´s parted lips and the blood on them, before sliding into the moist cavern of his mouth entirely, tasting the sweet, metallic liquid that was staining his tongue.

A sound from the entrance hall made Sephiroth withdrew from the bloody kiss however, as Denzel and his wife arrived to join their parents´ party.

Displeased, the vampire threw his black coat around his enemie´s pupil, but couldn´t deny himself to see the two young humans shocked faces as they stepped into the bloody, corpse crowded dance hall and seeing the two silver haired men with their long fangs disappearing into thin air.


Xyleel: Tja, Sephiroth hat sicher nix gutes im Sinne ;) Und Yazoo als Druckmittel ist ziemlich bequem für ihn. Vincent weiß schon warum er Sephy füchtet^^ Yazoo scheint das aber noch nicht so ganz klar zu sein...

Bin ich erleichtert dass das mit der Liebeserklärung hingehauen hat, ich war da ziemlich unsicher (sollte ja nich zu schnulzig und ooc sein). Aber wenn du sagst dass es okay ist dann glaube ich das, du hast ein ziemlich gutes Auge für sowas und witzigerweise auch immer für die Stellen, bei denen ich mir selber unsicher bin.

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Von: abgemeldet
2009-02-09T22:38:11+00:00 09.02.2009 23:38
Sephy ist sooo böseXD Nicht dass Yazoo noch untreu wird jetzt da er weiß dass Sephiroth ihm mehr beibringen kann als Vincent. Er hat ja nicht lange gezögert um seine Opfer zu ermorden. Ich hoffe Vincent's letzte Worte werden ihn vor mehr Dummheiten bewahren. Oder Vince selbst. Falls er denn mal bald merkt mit wem Yaz so unterwegs ist :P Bisher hast du ja nix kitschiges oder überdramatisches geschrieben. Deswegen mag ich deinen Stil ja auch. Und sollte das doch noch passieren, bin ich die erste die Pfui! schreit ;)
