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an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story


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Vincent nodded absent-mindedly at a comment Tseng made, but his attention was entirely focused on something else.

For the last few nigths he had noticed something that sat quite concerning with him. And the worrying thing was Yazoo´s strange interest in a particular human going by the name of Rufus Shinra. First the vampire had thought that it was just one of Yazoo´s quirks.

Occasionally he bestowed some of his attention upon a particular person when he or she proved to become an especially powerful or promising acquaintance in the future. But his obsession with the mayor´s son was going a little too far for Vincent´s liking now…

He didn´t like the strange looks they were exchanging and he even less liked their long strolls in the garden, where they were ‘discussing important future matters’, as Yazoo had told him upon his questioning.

He had also lifted an eyebrow in that manner of his and declared that Vincent shouldn´t be so damn jealous, he wasn´t throwing a hissy fit about his relationship with Tseng either. This on itself had been strange enough, for Yazoo normally wasn´t so respectless and Vincent had growled that there was absolutely nothing going on between himself and the mayor´s right hand man, that he wasn´t ‘throwing a hissy fit’ at all but merely asking and the day that he would be jealous because of Yazoo would be the day the earth was declared a sphere.

He then had stated that Yazoo was free to do whatever he wanted and that he didn´t care. Vincent then had gone back to reading his book, totally ignoring the other´s presence.

Yazoo had said ‘Fine’, trying to look indifferent (though Vincent knew exactly that he had hurt him) and left the room. Since then they hadn´t talked more than what was absolutely necessary and the athmosphere between them was testy, to say the least. But either of them absolutely refused to see why they should apologize. Vincent because his pride forbade it (and because he wasn´t jealous at all!) and Yazoo because Vincent still treated him like a child and was at fault anyway.

Since they had decided to go hunt for themselves -for the time didn´t allow them to do it after one another with the other watching- they had seen each other only on the parties -but hadn´t talked at all- and when they went into their coffins. But now Yazoo always came later, stretching his nightime to the full extent. And looking suspiciously satisfied and blissful.

“You noticed too?” the quiet voice was whispering beside him, so the others couldn´t hear and Tseng sent a meaningful look towards Yazoo and Rufus, who were standing a little off from their group and attempting to go out on another ‘stroll’.

Vincent just tilted his head in a facile manner, telling the whispering demons to shut up.

“I thought so,” the ebony haired man said, sipping at his wine glass.

“What do you think?” the vampire asked as quietly, trying to sound not too interested.

“Well,” the other man said, crossing his legs. “They seem to have become quite close recently.”

Vincent nodded, morosely eyeing them step out into the garden and vanish between the trees. If only he hadn´t taught Yazoo to shield his mind the matter could have been settled within mere seconds.

“Yes, it seems so…”

“Does it bother you?”

Vincent shot the man a look, but his face was as indecipherable as always. “No.”

“Hm,” Tseng only made, stroking with a finger over the rim of his crystal glass.

“Does it bother you?”

“Well… I am not sure if it should. Since I am Rufus´ teacher and therefore responsible for his preparation of inheriting mayor Shinra´s post and wealth one day, I have to admit that I am a little concerned about the… nature of their relationship. Do not get me wrong please, I believe that Yazoo is a fine young man, but his charm does not fail to entice both, women and men. Master Rufus shall marry next year…” He did not get any clearer, but his implicit concern was obvious.

Vincent´s mood became even more cranky, the demons´ snickering echoing through his head, fueling this vile little feeling of suspicion that had started to nag at the back of his mind. His expression remained perfectly neutral, though.

“What makes you think that they would partake in actions that might deter young master Shinra from wanting to marry?”

Albeit the whole conversation seemed to make him just as uncomfortable as the vampire he nonetheless replied in his usual, diplomatic tone “Well, Master Rufus always seems to be quite… exhausted after their strolls, which shouldn´t be long enough to actually take that much of his strenght. There are… marks on his body as well.”

Instantly a very unwelcome, very vivid image appeared in the vampire´s mind. It showed in very clear colours a naked Rufus Shinra, sweaty bangs hanging in his face as he penetrated the, also naked, form in front of him. Arms wrapped around a lithe, pale body he nipped at the creature´s long throat, brushing against moon light hair and making a name fall from Yazoo´s lips that wasn´t Vincent´s.

Forcing the picture aside the vampire decided that he had heared enough. After a not very convincing “I am sure they behave themselves, do not worry,” he excused himself and pretended to go for the latrine. Instead he crept outside into the garden though, driven by the demonic creatures´ gloating, spiteful whispers of betrayal and the haunting moans and sighs that accompanied the image that wouldn´t let him go .

With quick strides he followed the small path winding through the garden. His eyes were glowing in a fiery red, wildly searching for their presence between the trees and flowers. When he found the couple Rufus was just about to open his shirt, Yazoo ordering him to hurry.

Before they could start anything in his garden however, Vincent and the demons had gone into full raging (and not the slightest bit jealous, mind you!) mood and with a feral growl he smashed the offending human that had dared to touch what was his, to the ground, baring his fangs into his shocked face.

Now the prissy little mayor´s son didn´t look so haughty anymore, did he?! Vincent wondered how he would look like with his genital shredded into tiny little pieces and-

“What are you doing?! Stop it!”

Two strong hands were clawing at his shoulders, rather persistantly trying to drag him away from his victim.

“What I am doing?” the demon snarled, turning his head to glare at his pupil. “What are you doing? And with Rufus Shinra of all people!” The disgust was written all over his scowling face.

Yazoo blankly stopped his attempts at saving the mayor´s son and blinked, before he broke into a self-satisfied smirk. “You are jealous.”

The irritated growl from his lover reminded him that now wasn´t the time to discuss this particular matter.

“It´s not what you think, though.”

The vampire just snorted in disbelieve.

“Really, he was just providing me with blood.”


“It´s your own fault. You said I couldn´t kill more than one victim each night. So I made a deal with Shinra and now he gives me some of his blood every once in a while,” the young vampire explained, arms crossed over his chest and a completely unguilty look on his face.

Slowly rising from the blond -who had simply fainted from the shock- and pushing the demons back into submission, Vincent came to stand at his full heigth and slowly rubbed his temple in exasperation, eyes closed.

“You… So, what does he get in return? Do not try to fool me, Rufus Shinra certainly is anything but selfless.” He shot his lover a warning look.

“Well,” the other said, observing his fingernails in concentration “I said that I would kill his father.” Upon seeing the disbelieving, sore tilt of the other´s head, he added “Of course I would not have done that. If he had become too persistant I would have just erased his memory.”

“I can not believe this…” Angrily Vincent shook his head, throwing a look to the young man on the ground.

“You will end this foolish game at once and alter his memories. And you will refrain from such actions in the future, are we clear?”

Yazoo simply nodded, looking somewhat deploring.

“I am going back.” Exasperated, the older vampire shook his head again, and went back to the party.

Later that night, as Vincent was having a much needed hot bath for relaxation, a slim figure slipped in and two arms wrapped around his neck, a mischievous voice breathing into his ear

“You know, you are really cute when you´re jealous…”

“I am going to show you just how ‘cute’ I am,” the vampire growled, pulling the teenager into the tub and going at him for some much needed make up sex.


Xyleel: Ach, die sind viel zu dekadent um das auffällig zu finden (hoffe ich, sonst hätte ich ein massives plot-hole-Problem...)^^ Und wer verfällt nicht Yazoo´s Charme? ;)

Ne Szene in der die drei mal ordentlich interagieren fände ich auch gut. Yazoo und Kadaj haben zwei Sätze miteinander gewechselt. Loz und Kadaj haben gar keinen Dialog gehabt! Soweit ich weiß, gibt es 30 Minuten neues Material... Da kann also einiges passieren.

Ich hab übrigens selbstgemachte screenshots bei photobucket hochgeladen, mein Account-Name ist 'schwaerze'.

Das ist, was ich bei AC verstanden hab:

In der Szene mit Elena sagt Kadaj: Ich werde euch auf jeden Fall dazu bringen, sie (also Jenova) zurück zu geben.

Reno im Heli: Kumpel, mach dich nicht aus dem Staub (da bin ich mir aber GANZ unsicher)

Zack: Mister, wo kann ich jetzt - den rest hab ich nicht verstanden.

Tifa (zu den Monstern): Kommt (doch her)!

Rude: Rude erzählt irgendwas von Wiedergutmachung/Vergeltung und dass sie sterben könnten.

Reno meint (daraufhin), dass die Welt ihnen eh nicht nachtrauern würde (nicht weinen täte): Wir sind Shinra´s Schergen.

Rufus: erzählt was von Kadaj und Vorbereitungen (hab ich nicht genau entziffern können). Cloud wiederholt: Vorbereitungen? Rufus: Sephiroth. Aktivieren. (wörtlich übersetzt. Er meint wohl, Kadaj will Sephy wieder zurückbringen^^)

Sephiroth: Cloud, du bist eine Marionette.

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Von: abgemeldet
2009-02-05T20:15:29+00:00 05.02.2009 21:15
Vincent ist so süß wenn er eifersüchtig ist XD
Ist typisch Rufus. Statt sich selbst die Hände schmutzig zu machen, lässt er sich lieber mit nem Vampir ein. Frag mich wohin das führen soll...
Hab mir die Bilder von photobucket gleich abgespeichert :) Schade dass die "Nacktszene" so unscharf und verwackelt ist. Machen einem den Mund wässrig und dann bekomt man noch nicht mal einen klaren Blick auf die drei hübschen:(
Ach übrigens, kennst du die neue japanische Fanartseite Devil´s Bliss?
Da gibts schöne Yazoo und Kadaj fanarts. Hier der link, falls du ihn noch nicht kennst: http://devilsbliss.jakou.com/index2.htm
Den gibt es auch bei Under edge.
