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an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story


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Yazoo´s wish should be fulfilled soon enough, though it wasn´t in the least as pleasing as one might have assumed.

It happened about 3 months after their talk when he woke up drowsily from an unfamiliar weight on his shoulder.

Bleary eyes opened, displeased to notice that the sun was just rising, the room still being dark and wanting to go back to sleep after he had discarded of the offending object.

The teen jerked awake fully however when a red fabric caught his attention that shouldn´t have been there, at least not at this time of the morning.

Somewhere a cock was welcoming the pale morning sun that relentlessly slid over the horizon.

“Vincent?” Yazoo propped on one arm, furrowing his brows. “It´s already morning, you have to go.”

As no reaction came he shook the man´s shoulder gently first but rather violently shortly after, since the vampire did neither move nor say something at all.

Yazoo sat up fully, becoming even more distraught as he saw the state his mentor was in.

Lying on his back stiffly, eyes opened wide and looking empty the man was as pale as the bleached walls and just as dead.


His head snapping back to the window and the first birds chirping in the oak tree the young man watched the black sky becoming a light blue at the rims, and the shadows backing away constantly. Looking back, his brain worked flat out for a solution. As far as he remembered from his reading the sunlight was like poison to his master´s kind.

Though Vincent hadn´t told him anything about his special circumstances the fact that he always vanished over the day and only came out through the night, spoke for itself.

Bouncing of the bed, Yazoo quickly went to the window, closing the shutters just in time before the first ray of light could enter.

Unfortunately he had to come to know that, despite being rather tight, there were still some rays coming through on the sides. Yazoo had no idea how much light Vincent could take but he´d rather not take some unnecessary risks and therefore grabbed for the blanket, having to roll over the heavy, dead weight of the vampire first.

After some sweating and swearing he finally was able to stuff the fabrice between the slids so the room became almost pitch black again. The problem however was, that it wouldn´t hold without him pressing his fingers against the cloth.

Exasperated the youth looked around the room with narrowed eyes, searching for something to make it work because he doubted that he had the strenght to stand like that all day long.

Unfortunatly there was nothing decent at all, but after a few minutes the proverbial lightbulp beamed over his head. Inwardly preparing for the task, he went back to the bed as fast as lightening, throwing the blanket over his master´s body instead so that he was fully covered.

To their luck, it seemed like today would become rather grey and clouded, as summer was displaced by the first fall days.

Still Yazoo wasn´t sure if this was enough and deceided to cautionary stay by his master´s side until the day was over.

This also meant that he had to dispense without foot and washing too, making the teen wince.

He had developed some kind of cleanness fad, but it couldn´t be helped now…

Sitting on the bed again, Yazoo adjusted his master´s blanket, trying to close his eyes because he assumed that it had to be quiet uncomfortable to have lints rubbing into your eyeballs.

Vincent wasn´t playing along however, his eyelids stubbornly sliding back open every time.

Annoyed, Yazoo finally gave up, settling beside the unmoving figure with his back to the headboard.

It was strange to see his beautiful master in such a vulnerable and helpless state when he was usually so very strong and powerful, the most dangerous of all creatures on earth even…

Now he looked so dead and lifeless that Yazoo began to worry if he would ever wake up at all or if he was gone for forever now, taking into consideration that he hadn´t made it to wherever he was resting during the day.

The thought was rather panic invoking so the young man willed himself to abandon it.

If he lost his head now he wouldn´t be of any help at all, and even if it was like he feared he wouldn´t be able to do anything against it anyway.

Having calmed down a little Yazoo silently guarded his master for some time, losing all feeling for time and dozing of to his own world.

A sharp rapping on the door made him jerk up again.


“I´m awake,” he said reluctantly, striding over to the door.

“That´s about time too, it´s almost afternoon,” Aeris said softly. “Breakfast is ready, though I would suggest that we skip it and I make lunch. I got some marvelous beef and potatoes.”

“…Hn. That´s… great,” Furrowing his brows the teen stood before the door, eyes wandering back to the covered figure of his master. “I´m not hungry though.”

“Oh,” Aeris said thoughtfully “maybe you want something later then.”

“Yes. Later.”

“Uhm, would you be so kind as to help me getting the big kettle from the storage then?”

“…I´m afraid I can´t do that right now. Why don´t you just make some roast potatos and safe the soup for tomorrow or something?”

He could literally see the confused frown on her beautiful face. Usually he never refused a request.

“Are you alright in there?”

“Yes, I´m fine. There´s just this interesting book I´m reading, is all. I´m sorry but could you leave me alone for today?”

“…Alright,” she finally said, still sounding concerned.

But hadn´t Vincent told her that young people were somewhat strange at that particular age?

She couldn´t say that she had experienced something unusual herself, but she trusted her Master who was a wise man and had never failed her…

“I´ll bring a tray with food up later and place it beside the door.”


“And if anything bothers you, you´ll talk to me, right?” she said softly.

“… Of course.” Yazoo bit his lip. He didn´t like lying to her, although he otherwise had no problems altering the truth if it served his benefits.

“Alright then, have fun with your book.”

And then she was gone, the sound of her footsteps fading away.

Breathing out, the boy leaned heavily against the wooden door. Hopefully this was the last problem for today, he´d had enough action already.

The light coming through the slits of the shutters cast a stripped pattern on the floor that slowly, too slowly wandered over the wooden panels.

Boredly Yazoo watched the bright and dark stripes shifting, bemoaning the fact that he hadn´t any literature in his room at this point. His book lay forgotten in the library and otherwise there wasn´t much else in his room.

This wasn´t due to Vincents refusal to buy him more, but because Yazoo didn´t need anything besides some fitting clothing, food, a bath, some books and his master. He had no use for useless rubbish.

After observing the pictures on the wall that did not depict anything than some boring vegetables, a fish and flowers, his gaze drifted off to his master again.

This all wouldn´t have happened if Vincent wouldn´t have to hide from the sun. They could wander in bright daylight, visiting the book shop together and accompanying Aeris to the market…

Or maybe…

Maybe, it wouldn´t be half as bad if they were of the same kind, and Yazoo would enter Vincent´s world instead of the other way around?

Yes, that would be much more logical, for the vampire had no option to change back into a human being again as far as Yazoo knew. But it would work out if Vincent would drink his blood and make him a creature of the night too!

And even better: they could be together till the end of the world, far away from the icy grip of death and disease, pain and sorrow.

Tilting his head the silver haired teen wondered why he hadn´t thought about that earlier. This way they would get even closer…

His train of thought was disrupted by the sound of footsteps and soon after the cluttering of a tray being set down could be heard.

Yazoo waited, silently counting to sixty five times, then he tiptoed to the door, leaning his ear against it. After he had made sure that the maid was gone he opened it briefly, quickly pulling in the food and closing it silently behind him.

It was about time that he got something into his stomach, because unlike before he wasn´t used to hunger anylonger. What time was it anyway?

Guiding a fork of roasted potatos to his mouth Yazoo went over to the window, holding his plate of food in hand. Peeking through the slids he noticed with satisfaction that dusk was merely about three hours away. Putting another portion into his mouth his eyes wandered around the garden, when he stopped chewing as he recognized the spiky blond head of his arch enemy.

His languid gaze became dark and homicidal at once as he watched the bastard trying to persue his sister to come with him again, despite Yazoo´s warning. If only his master hadn´t needed him, Cloud would have had a golden fork sticking out of his damn blue eye by now!

But all he could do was clenching his jaw and glaring daggers at the enemy, the food all forgotten.

Apparently Cloud´s attempts fell on deaf ears as his promises and his begging did nothing but to make Aeris shake her head in sadness, but determination.

Smirking, Yazoo observed the young man becoming more desperate by the minute, throwing his hands in the air, and shaking his head in disbelief. Aeris on the other hand had folded her hands calmly over her apron, patiently answering his agitated questions of why she still refused him since it wasn´t like her Master couldn´t get a replacement for her, and Yazoo was old enough to look after himself, and why she didn´t see that he just ruthlessly tried to monopolice her, not caring for Aeris´ own wishes.

Aeris occasionally threw a look up to his window and eventually laid a hand on her admirers arm, asking him to please leave now and if he really loved her, refraining from coming back here ever again.

Cloud stared at her blankly, jaw clenched and hands balled into fists. Eventually though, he forced himself to make a few steps back. Before he had left however, he suddenly turned around again, roughly grabbing the maid around the waist a pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss.

Yazoo swore to himself that his first action after becoming what Vincent was, would be to grace the bastard with a visit, rip his friggin throat open and taking a long, copius bathing in his blood.

Aeris didn´t struggle, let the young man kiss her, but eventually she freed herself gently but decidedly, ushering him out of her backyard.

After he was gone her shoulders slumped down, but since she had her back towards him Yazoo couldn´t see if she was crying.

This was a concept totally alien to Yazoo too.

Aeris wasn´t able to cry.

She was always cheerful and happy. So there was no way she would become all whiny over a brat like Strife. And even if she did it was only more reason to send the blond to oblivion. Just he wait until Yazoo had transformed…

Maybe he could coax Vincent to make the maid one of them too, and they could live together like that for all eternity.

It should have been about time for his Master to awake anyway as the sun was rapidly vanishing behind the horizon. Yazoo strode over to the bed again, lifting the blanket from his master´s beautiful, pale face.

Patiently kneeling beside him with his head tilted, Yazoo curiously and with his heart beating faster waited for the change in Vincent´s lifeless form, wondering how it would be and pushing away the concerned little voice that asked if he would wake up at all.

As the last streak of light had vanished from the floor a small fire reappeared back into the vampire´s eyes and Yazoo took his preparations.

His cold limbs starting to tingle Vincent slowly surfaced from the dark, dreamless state of unconciousness he had fallen into.

Like always he found himself in a state of confusion, something he hadn´t been able to get used to over the long period of time he had experienced it and most likely never would entirely.

Something seemed to be wrong though; the surrounding was strange, although not unfamiliar…

But right now he didn´t mind, because something had caught his attention; a sweetness so tempting and promising but at the same time only fueling the cold flames of thirst raging through his empty vains.

His nostrils flared as he sucked in the beguiling scent, eyes half lided and wild, canines sliding over his full bottom lip.

Authomatically his torso rose from the sheets, head hanging tilted from his neck. Instinctively his claws shot out to catch the fount of the tempting fragrance, pressing his prey effortlessly down as finally an abnormally galvanic jerk went through his limp neck and two sharp teeth were scratching over the thin skin tautening over a blue carotid artery.

It was to Vincent´s luck that he listened to the screaming voice in his head to snap out of it because something was very wrong and gained back power over his autopiloting body.

Before something could happen his clouded eyes became clear and he was confronted with a neck line, white skin, and all too familiar silver hair.

Immediately Vincent let go of the head he was craning back to get better access to the boy´s throat and willed the furious demons inside of him to go back to suspension.

Yazoo´s breathing was fast, but instead of the fear the vampire had expected him to show there was something like anticipation and triumph in his eyes that Vincent didn´t like in the least.

They were becoming displeased however as the attack stopped.

Rolling his emerald rimmed pupils to the corner of his eye Yazoo observed his Master, asking “What´s wrong?”

“What is wrong?” Vincent echoed slowly, trying to make sense of everything as his head was still spinning and the scent of blood was almost driving him mad.

“Why… why am I here?” He squeezed his eyes shut, looking confused.

“Well, you fell asleep, I think, and then dawn came. I kept you hidden in the dark here and took care of you. No one saw you, don´t worry,” the teen explained unblinking, observing his Master still, but rising to a sitting position and striding some hair out of the vampires face as the man held his head, trying to process what the other told him.

“You look awful,” Yazoo purred with calculated accuracy, “I bet you must be hungry…”

Vincent only nodded absent-mindedly.

“Then why don´t you have something to drink…” he wispered into the vampire´s ear, and suddenly the scent of blood became almost overwhelming again as a bloody finger was stroking over Vincent´s lips, making them opening mechanically, and a wet tongue sliding out and licking away the droplets sensually.

“What are you doing…” the vampire asked harshly, not amused at all and fighting a hard battle within himself to grab the youth´s finger and push it away from his face.

“Why, helping you appease your thirst,” Yazoo purred slyly. Vincent didn´t fail to notice the emotionless, calculated gleam deep within his eyes, an expression that usually meant that he was playing a double game and was hiding something cruxial.

“I do not wish for your blood,” Vincent answered tightly, turning away roughly and pushing the boy aside. His red eyes were rolling back a little and his open mouth lusted after Yazoo´s throat, his canines became even longer. He mustn´t do this, he mustn´t do this, he mustn´t do this…

“Why not? I can see that you want it, you can just take it,” the teen offered still, eyes narrowed.

“Do not try me!” Vincent snapped back.

“Why not?” Yazoo repeated, slowly crawling towards his master again, voice appeasing and alluring “You want it, don´t you? I don´t mind.”

He wrapped his arms around Vincent´s neck from behind, leaning his slender body against the man´s back and breathing into his ear “Just think about it, it will assuage your hunger. And then… then we´ll be together for all time and you won´t have to worry about accidently falling asleep in my bed again, because I will be like you-”

Bewildered, Vincent freed himself from the other´s embrace, Yazoo´s soothing voice having quite the opposite effect as the vampire´s disbelieving expression became furious and he growled “That is what you had been sheming? You did plan this to make me suck your blood and having you become a wretched creature as myself?”

“What´s wrong with it?” Yazoo asked, inclining his head to the side.

Vincent just snorted, snarling “Mark my words, child! I will rather tear out my teeth than drinking your blood!”

“Why won´t you make me one of your kind? It´s possible, isn´t it?” Yazoo stuck out his bottom lip, rising his chin.

“No, it is not,” the vampire lied, swiftly rising from the bed. “Do not ever try something stupid like this again,” he warned, eyes flaring dangerously before he suddenly dissolved into thin air, leaving behind a very disappointed young man.


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Von: abgemeldet
2009-01-13T13:52:31+00:00 13.01.2009 14:52
He, das musste ja mal kommen :)
Da war Yazoo etwas naiv beim planen. Was mich auch interessieren würde ist, wie Vincent eigentlich zum Vampir wurde.
Das Kapitel hat mir echt gefallen, es bringt die Dinge ein wenig vorwärts.
