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an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story


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“Yazoo, sweety?”

“Hm?” Looking up sceptically from his book, the silver haired young man mustered the sweetly smiling maid with a scrutinizing look and then the bag of candy dangling from her finger. When she was like that, she usually wanted something from him. Not that he minded, not really…

“I forgot to get the medicine from the healer for my aching foot, so would you mind just quickly getting it for me?”

After a brief glance through the open kitchen door the teen frowned. It was already getting dark, and Vincent had ordered them to never go outside then until he said otherwise, for there were murderers and rapists only waiting for a lonely woman or a handsome boy walking by.

But then Aeris´ had been in pain for a week now and he really didn´t want her to suffer.

Besides, the candy was smelling really tempting.

Sighing, the teen closed the book and rose to his feet.

“You´re a godsend!” the maid smiled at him, handing over the money (and the candy as provision for the journey) and embracing him briefly, having to stay on the tip of her feet for he had become nearly as tall as Vincent within the last four years.

“Make sure to come back quickly. And be careful!” she waved after him as he went out on the empty, dark street.

The sky above him was cast in a golden red light, small clouds idly flying by and the last birds chirping their good night songs.

Unimpressed by the natures beauty the silver haired youth flicked his long hair over a shoulder and with elegant strides made his way through the narrow alleys. The nearer he came towards the healers house, the dirtier and more cramped and ragged the streets became.

Fortunately it was too early for the scum of the city to surface from the underground yet…

“Hey sweety, wanna hav sum fun?”

With some exceptions, Yazoo corrected himself darkly.

A filthy, rundown figure emerged from one of the side alleys he was passing. She was about a few years older than him, maybe at Aeris age, but otherwise the two were separted by dimensions.

Where his sister looked kind and loving this bitch had a devious and sly aura around her. Sure, she wasn´t ugly, but alone the stench radiating from her dirty cloths made him want to vomit before her feet.

“Whaddaya say?”

She flashed him her holey, rotten ivories in an attempt to look alluring and sexy, but to Yazoo she was only repulsive. Nothing like Vincent at all.

“Only three penny…” she tried to get him.

Yazoo walked by, flashing her his own perfect teeth and sweetly answering. “Not even if you´d give me three damn gold coins.”

“Fuck off!”

She spit before his feet and vanished back into her alley, waiting for the next potential client.

Really, as if someone would be desperate enough to… Remembering his own past and the twilight figures he had come to know Yazoo decided to just forget about it and get the medicine.

And he was right, because as he came by on his way back the whore had apparently made fat prey since she was walking arm in arm with a tall man. Under normal circumstances Yazoo wouldn´t have given a damn, only popping another candy into his mouth and walking home.

But something about the client just caught his eye, and with suspiciously narrowed eyes he followed the pair through the alley until the rising moon came out from behind a cloud and cast the dark street into silver light.

And then he knew why the man had seemed somewhat familiar.

Because it was none other than Vincent Valentine, his master and teacher, friend and lover.

Shocked, the teen backed away, hiding in the shadows again.

This had to be some bad misunderstanding.

There surely was some very logical explanation for this… accident.

Vincent couldn´t possibly…

Aformentioned man bent down to the whore, whispering something into her ear that made her giggle with delight and in a somewhat leecherous manner.

Yazoo was getting seriously sick there.

Why was a beautiful and cultivated person like Vincent have to do with such scum?

Above all when he could have Yazoo anytime he wanted!

Call him arrogant and narcistic, but the teen just knew about his values and coming of age had done nothing to his beauty and allure, quite the contrary. The childishness had been replaced by elegance and a mature beauty not found often, especially not among males.

But maybe that was the point…

Maybe Vincent wanted a female after all?

But then he surely could have gotten himself something better looking?!

Silently he followed the pair through the streets, feeling the urging need to see what they were doing even if he knew he wouldn´t like it.

The houses became bigger and richer again, but being at the other end of the town Yazoo wondered where they were going, for his estate lay in the opposite direction. They stopped in front of a neat, small house that was nowhere as beautiful and luxuriant as the mansion Vincent, Aeris and he were residing in, but clean and functional though.

The vampire pulled out a key from his breast pocket, opening the door and leading his guest inside before closing it again. Yazoo waited a good amount of time before he slipped to the entrance and after a scrutinizing look at the door decided that the lock was no problem at all.

With a needle he always used to secretly plunder Aeris´ candy store he picked the lock and hurried inside, silently closing the door behind him. The house was dark and barely furnished, but from the back he could make out candle light. Slipping into one of the rooms he pressed against the wall, listening to the conversation in the next room and the shrill laughing of the wretched woman.

Apparently Vincent was asking her to take a bath and then join him at the dinner table.


Now he was feeding her up or what?!

So this was when he took his meals.

In the company of some street whores.

He never once had eaten with Yazoo.

Well, apart from that one time when he had half heartedly nimbled at one of his cookies, looking sick while doing it.

To the teen his mentor sounded far to routinized for this to be a one time occurance.

While the whore was taking a bath, Yazoo used the time to have a look through the room he was hiding in. His mood dropped a few remarkable degrees when he noticed it to be a fully equiped bedroom. The large bed was sitting in the middle, framed by two golden candle bearers, very much like the ones they had in the library. The sheets were freshly washed and looked ready to be used, if only not for sleeping.

This was just brilliant…

A door opened and a moment later the delighted shrieking of the whore unnecessarily informed the teen that she was more than pleased with the food his master had to offer.

Things were said he could not understand clearly, but the fast approaching footsteps soon after were very clear. They were getting down to the nitty-gritty and they wanted to do it in this bedroom.

Frantically Yazoo searched for something to hide and the only thing that caught his eye was the large wooden wardrobe.

Quickly and without making a sound he hid inside the fortunately empty furniture, closing the doors just in time as the two entered the room.

She was dressed in a white silken robe that barely covered her huge bossom and drawled at his master, grining filthily as she dragged him to the bed. Vincent followed with an equally pervert expression plastered to his face, groping her ass.

Now this was just rich!

From the slit between the doors Yazoo had a pretty good view on the bed and hadn´t the vampire been so distracted with his victim and his hunger the murderous intent radiating from the wardrobe would have spared him a lot of trouble later.

But so he only followed the girl on the bed, kissing her throat, and observing her with cold eyes as she laughed at him and reached under the robe to grab for a hidden, rusty knife.

Pinning her hand down before she could get a hold of it the man held the frozen whore in place.

The next sequence was so surreal, Yazoo asked himself later for quite some time if it had happened at all.

The pervert attitude suddenly gone, Vincent remarked coldly and very quietly, though his voice reached every corner of the room:

“I see you are not willing to abide to your part of our contract. Just like you did not do with the last three of your victims.”

“What da-! Let go ya bastard,” the woman screamed furiously and struggled in his iron grip, but suddenly her body went numb as she looked spaced out, drooling and smiling at some vision ony she could see.

A strong feeling of déja vu suddenly took over the young man in the wardrobe but he didn´t have time to ponder on it, as Vincent craned her neck back and with an indifferent look bit into it.

The woman arched on the bed, looking very much like she had the orgasm of her life, but soon enough she fell back onto the bed, her eyes lifeless and empty.

Yazoo knew this expression very well.

She was dead.

But his big eyes were glued to his master, who had let go of the woman and was kneeling on the bed, lips parted and giving quite an excellent view on his long, bloodied canines.

To Yazoo he didn´t look less delighted than the whore had just a minute ago, his formerly pale face glowing with health and heat again as he threw his head back, eyes closed and tongue licking over his bloody teeth. If it hadn´t been so bizarre it would have been the ultimate turn on.

But so Yazoo only stared at his master in disbelief, mouth hanging open as he stumbled back, his shoulders connecting with the hard wood.

Apparently the vampire´s ears were very sharp despite his distracted state, and before Yazoo could even do so much as batting an eyelash, he was pressed into the disheveled sheets, making the corpse roll from the bed because of the force he´d been thrown with.

A split second after he found two very big and very sharp fangs bared at him and furiously glowing red eyes feverishly staring him down.

“V-vincent, stop it, it´s me!” the teen breathed, trying to get through to the… vampire, though he did not know if it would still make a difference at all.

The man´s narrowed eyes glowered at him until they slowly returned to normal and became quite confused.

Closing his mouth over his long canines, the furious expression became first blank and then, when realisation hit him, switched to one of utter horror.

“Wha- What are you doing here?!” Vincent leapt to his feet, finally releasing Yazoo from his weight.

“Well, I think that´s a question I should ask,” Yazoo retorted, coming to a sitting position on the bed. With his foot he prodded into the whores side to see if she was really dead, and commenting her obvious exitus with an indifferent. “Hn.”

Somehow this all felt like a dream, very unreal and far away.

“You killed her,” the teen stated the obvious, tongue feeling strangely thick, and observing the two small wounds on the woman´s throat where Vincent had drunk.

“Well, a woman reaps what she sows.”

He looked up at his mentor with apathetic eyes again, tilting his head in question at the man´s outraged state.

“What´s wrong?”

Frowning the teen stood from the bed and attempted to close the distance between them on shaking legs, somehow feeling the sheer overwhelming urge to just giggle himself silly, because everything was just so very ridiculous.

This was by far the strangest dream he´d ever had.

“Do not come near me!” the vampire suddenly hissed, backing away and glaring at the silver haired boy in a mixture of desperate rejection and fear.

“I won´t do anything.” Yazoo furrowed his brows, reaching out a hand and adding with a chuckle “And by any chance it should be I to be afraid…”

With wild eyes and growling, Vincent backed away from his touch even more, until he was cornered between the wardrobe and the wall.

Yazoo was right, if anyone in this room was in danger it certainly wasn´t the vampire, but rationality or logic didn´t work with Vincent right now. He felt exposed and vulnerable and he was confronted with the last person he wanted to know his secret! Just why hadn´t he gone hunting in another town tonight?!

Pressing himself against the hard wood, the vampire stared at Yazoo who persistantly and with amazed eyes came even nearer, one white hand reaching out.

Before it could touch his face however, a claw held it firmly in place, and the vampire flashed his teeth again. “Do not touch me!”

“Why not?” Tilting his head, the youth came to a halt, calmly observing the heavily breathing creature in front of him.

“Do not look at me!” Vincent snapped, slapping his student away, that he fell to the floor, a small trail of blood trickling from his lips.

Slowly Yazoo reached to his injured lip, looking at the blood aghast. “This… isn´t a dream, is it?”

Pressing his lips together tightly, the vampire slouched down in his corner.

Eyes going wide, the young man slid away from the creature until he hit the corpse.

“You… you really are…”

Seeing the shocked and frightened expression on his protégé as he tried to get himself out of harms way -the harm being him- something inside of Vincent screamed in anguish.

Never had he wanted to see this kind of expression again, least on the face of someone important to him. He couldn´t bear the fear and disgust again, it was ripping him apart and now it was happening all over again.

The demon burried his inhuman face into his clawed hands, trying to hide his wretched body from the boy´s view, hissing “Go away! Leave me alone!”

A rushed shuffle was heard, but he didn´t care. All he wanted was to be left alone, for the pain to stop and the demons to quit their scornful laughter!

Suddenly two trembling arms were wrapped around his shoulders as Yazoo knelt in front of him, breathing ragged and his heart beating fast against the vampires dead body.

“Wha- what are you doing?” the man growled in surprise, looking at the silver head from between his fingers. Yazoo´s eyes were hidden by his long hair, but Vincent was able to see the flinching corners of the boy´s mouth. Or maybe it was just the flickering light of the candles.

But the vampire could smell the fear oozing from every pore of his protege´s body. He was scared to death, and still he held onto his coat tightly.

“Let go of me.” Harshly, Vincent tried to free his cloak from the teen´s fingers without braking his fragile bones.

“If you do not do as I tell you, I will kill you,” he finally snarled as the other still refused to let go.

“Do as you wish then,” Yazoo replied indifferently, making the vampire snort.

“Do you believe that I will not do it, because you occasionaly shared my bed?”

A bitter, cruel laugh followed, but was only rewarded with silence.

“Do not be mistaken, child. You have not the slightest idea what you are dealing with. If I feel like it, I will slay whomever I wish. And you are no exception.”

“You won´t kill me,” came the unfazed reply and the embrace got even tighter.

“And what makes you think that?” the vampire spit, feeling very confused. He just had threatened the boy with death after he had witnessed him sucking the blood out of a fellow human.

Either Yazoo was a lot more stupid than he´d thought or had a serious death wish.

“Because you certainly wouldn´t try to shoo me away with idle threats but just kill me on the spot” Yazoo replied dryly. “Besides, you saved my life once, nurtured me back to health and it would be rather uneconomical to just throw all of this away right now.”

Vincent snorted a listless laugh, his sharp teeth blinking in the light dangerously.

“So it belongs to you anyway and it lies within your jurisdiction to end it whenever you wish,” the teen continued thoughtfully.

Head hanging down, the vampire listened to his protege´s reasoning, remaining silent and bitter.

“You are not the monster you think you are.”

That made Vincent look up in puzzlement.

“All you do is trying to survive, like every human being. The only difference is that you need human blood to live on,” Yazoo tried to soothe his pained mentor, remembering what he had once read about creatures being sent back from the dead.

The tale had described them as ugly monsters that were feasting on human blood without so much as being able to speak a coherent sentence, only being driven by their hunger. They would outgo their graves at midnight, blindly searching for blood and once they had assuaged their abnormal thirst their disformed figures would go back to their graves. They could only be killed by the sunlight or a wooden stake through the heart. The holy cross would repell them and it was said that they could not cross flowing water.

Everyone who was bitten by an Upir, as the bloated monsters were called, became one of their kind himself and must wander the darkness for all eternity, trapped in this wretched, dull and hungering form.

In comparison to those horror stories Vincent was beauty incarnated and Yazoo did see absolutely no parallels to the folk tales at all.

Maybe he drank blood, and could only live in the twighlight.

Maybe he was dead.

But who cared anyways? It would only mean that Vincent couldn´t die anymore, remaining his gorgeous, calm and collected self forever and not leaving Yazoo behind like everyone else had.

“You know nothing,” Vincent interrupted his thoughts, sounding tired and somewhat defeated, but not trying to get the teen away from him anymore.

“Then tell me.” Calmly, Yazoo leaned his cheek against the man´s shoulders, feeling the stiff muscles relax after some time.

Though the vampire did not say another word, after a while his arms curled around the others slender hip in a weak embrace and a heavy head rested on his shoulders as the cloaked man silently screamed his grief into the darkness, not comprehending why Yazoo wouldn´t leave him after he had been exposed to his true ugly self, but feeling too confused and, frankly, relieved to give a damn right now.

Maybe it was this since long desired acceptance of his true form he finally had found that made Vincent refrain from erasing Yazoo´s memories.

After he had disposed of the dead body of the whore, giving Yazoo time to sit on the bed and think things over just in case he decided that courage was not his thingy and wanted to make a run for it, he had come back only to find the boy still waiting for him.

They had gone back to the mansion in silence where their first action was to calm down a worried maid, who swore to herself to never sent Yazoo on an errant again.

And from this night on, the vampires secret was shared with one human being that usually was nothing more than prey to the hunter.


Ich hoffe mal ich habe es mit dem Drama nicht zu sehr übertrieben...

Xyleel: Ach, ich weiß, Vincent´s Körperfunktionen verursachen mir Kopfschmerzen. Ich hatte gehofft, dass es keiner merkt, aber dir kann man einfach nix vomachen :D Als Vampir ist man ja tot, ergo sollte man auch nicht atmen. Aber Sex ohne stöhnen ist doch doof... Ich muss das irgendwie abändern, vielleicht sage ich einfach gar nix zu seiner Atmung und lass ihn nur bei bestimmten Dingen irgendwie rumkeuchen oder so.

Spätestens jetzt weiß Yaz dass Vincent n Vampir ist. Hat ja auch lang genug gedauert... :D


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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von: abgemeldet
2008-12-14T21:03:49+00:00 14.12.2008 22:03
Also, wegen der Dramatik brauchst dir keine Sorgen zu machen. Das macht die Geschicht nur besser. Du schreibst ja eh keine Schnulzen also bleibt es auf einem 'gesundem' Niveau;) Ausserdem setzt du sie in Situationen ein wo es ohne Drama eh nicht geht. Das mit Vincent hätt ich so geklärt, dass er zwar nicht mehr zu atmen braucht, es aber aus reiner Gewohnheit noch macht und vielleicht auch weil er sich dann selbst menschlicher fühlt. So schlägt man zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe;) Da Yazoo jetzt von seinem Geheimnis weiß, hätt ich angenommen, dass er nach dem Schreck Vincent mit Fragen bombardiert. Das hat mir persönlich ein bisschen gefehlt, aber es hätt wohl auch nicht richtig hier rein gepasst... Hach, ist das schön wenn du ein Kapitel nach dem andern raushaust =]
