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an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story


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An irritated silver head looked up from his book at the smiling maid looking over his shoulders and prodding for his attention. Somehow, he did not like this kind of smile on her face or the impish gleam radiating from her big brown eyes.

Not that he did not like his big sister, it was just somewhat… unsettling. The last time she´d been that giddy, he had found himself in a dress, which hadn´t been that bad, for he had been kind of used to it from before and he had gotten cake. But Vincent had been strange and the boy feared that he´d been angry with him, though he´d been back to his normal self for the rest of the night…

“Nothing,” Aeris chirped, clasping her hands together behind her back and teetering on her feet expectantly.

Rising one thin silver eyebrow, Yazoo waited for her to let the cat out of the bag, because if anything her behaviour certainly meant everything but ‘nothing’.

The queasy feeling in his guts was soon affirmed, as she finally snatched the book out of his hand, and declared in that benignly, but no objection tolerating voice of hers “I think you should go out today!”

Ignoring the unenthusiastic expression of her fosterling, she shooed him out of his cozy, beloved room and and down the stairs, summoning a hand-knitted bonnet from the cupboard in the floor.

“You should wear this, it´s cold outside,” she chatted, putting the hat on the poor boy´s head.

“But…” He didn´t come any further, for she had already wrapped his lithe body in a thick grey coat and moved him out to the snowed street.

“No buts, young man!” she chided sternly, stemming her arms into her hips, as was her wont when she tried to be authorative.

“What am I supposed to do here?” the boy asked, after a sceptic look around the alley.

“Well, find some other children and play of course!”

The horrified look on his youthful face only reassured the maid that it was high time for him to socialise with someone, and even his changing to full manipulative mode, including switching to pleading puppy eyes and pitifully shivering from the ‘cold’, did nothing to spare Yazoo from his misery, as she quickly closed the door in his face (before his attitude could affect her soft spot), shouting a mirtful “Have fun!” through the door.

Glowering at the closed wooden door, the boy swept his wollen scarf over his shoulder and slowly turned towards the alley, mumbling a dry “Great.”

Maybe he could go to the-

“And do not even think about hiding in the book store, I´ll ask Mister Reeve about it later,” came the good naturedly warning through the door, dimming the boy´s mood even further.

This would be one hell of an afternoon, he could just feel it.


“Hey, what´re you doing?”

Professionally ignoring the youthful voice behind him, Yazoo continued to crouch down in the snow and poke the bleeding bird with a stick, eyeing it with barely concealed boredom as it tried to flinch away from his torture.

“Hey, I´m talking to you!”

“Maybe it´s deaf or so,” a second voice suggested.

“Or blear,” a third boy said, letting his index finger rotate beside his temple and tongue hanging out of the corner of his mouth.

The other two brats laughed, and the second agreed, saying, “Yeah, haven´t seen her here before…”

Yazoo didn´t care enough to correct them, nor even let their words bother him.Whatever they thought, hopefully they would come to the conclusion that he was boring and leave him the hell alone. He had absolutely no ambitions to socialise with the intellectually challenged neighbourhood brats.

“Wait… I think I´ve seen it before… At the church or something. You´re a boy aren´t you?”

Unfortunatly, the runt sounded interested all of a sudden. And there had crept a mean undertone into his childish voice.

“Honestly? He looks like some girl or something…” came the doubtful objection from the brat´s friend.

“Yeah, but it’s a he,” the other announced, sounding self-important. “My mom said that he´s living with that Aeris woman in that house at the end of the street. She also said to not play with him, ´cause the priest said something about the devils spawn or something…”


Yazoo could almost feel the three reverent gazes boring into his back. Maybe the boys would be good runts and listen to their stupid parents and leave. Though it didn´t really bother him, he was busy torturing broken birds and waiting for time to go by, anyway.

“Hey, you! Are you Lucifer´s spawn?”

The snow crunched under their little feet as the three boys came to stand in a half circle behind him.

“Cat got your tongue or something?”

“Hey! If you don´t answer we´ll make you!”

The brats snickered cruelly, glad that they had found a potential victim for their bullying.

Unimpressed, Yazoo continued to poke his bloody stick into the bird´s broken wing.

A little foot connected with his back, making the crouched down youth fall forward, but out of reflex his little hand shot out and caught the weight before his body could fall face first into the snow.

A silver head was turned slowly, and impassive green eyes stared expressionless through long bangs at the kids.

Some pedestrians, mostly servants that took care of their masters businesses, were walking by, not bothering to take notice of the four kids ‘playing’ by the well.

It was getting late and most of them were only concerned to go home, so the street was emptying rapidly.

Feeling uneasy under Yazoo´s stare, the smallest of the party, a blond boy of approximately twelve years shifted and tugged the second oldest, a brown haired runt, whose red nose stuck out over his thick scarf, at the sleeve of his brown coat, mumbling “Let´s go home. He´s no fun.”

The oldest, a fat little boy with small, mean eyes snorted. “You´re just scared. As if that little fairy´s something to be afraid of… I bet he´s just dumb, is all.”

He cast another glance at Yazoo, who had come to return to his former position and had focused his full attention back to his own play without sparing the boys so much as another look, and shrugged, snorting again. “Whatever. It´s getting dark and my mom said to not play with the guy anyway. Says his master´s some suspicios, creepy guy anyways…”

“Yeah, I heard he´s never going to church and has never been seen outside,” the second boy whispered, shuddering.

“Yeah,” the fat brat nodded his head, looking superior. “The worst scum o-”

He didn´t come any farther, as the bloody stick fell to the ground along with one porky little boy, who was pushed on his back with Yazoo straddling on his soft belly.

“What the hell you´re doing?!” The boy had become red in the face, sweating and huffing. The other two were too surprised by the sudden attack to react and just stared at the scene dumbfounded. Everyone else had left the alley, so there was no one around who could have stopped Yazoo, as his white fist connected with the rosy face of his victim with a crushing sound.

Blood was spluttering into the white snow as the boy´s nose broke, followed by a loud squeal, coming from the pig faced boy. Though he was screaming more out of surprise than from pain and instantly started ranting, trying to get away from under his attacker, shrieking in rage

“You friggin´ asshole, you broke my nose! That´ll have legal consequences, my father´s the highest judge- ”

Another punch made him shut up and this time a real scream of pain elicited from the boys throat.

The other two just stood there, contemplating if they should do something and normally they would have come to rescue their friend without a doubt, but the frighteningly expressionless face of the attacker made them frozen to the spot.

Mechanically, the fist fell down on the fat child, until instead of screams only a wet gurgle could be heard. As the soft limbs of their friend started to spastically twitch under the silver haired youth, the remaining two boys started to come out of their lethargic state. Scurring backwards, the blond stumbled over his own feet and frantically whispered to himself “Oh gods, he´s killing him, he´s really the devil, he´s killing him!”

The other had wet his own pants, a dark yellow spot forming on his crotch, as he suddenly turned around and with a horrified look bolted down the empty street.

The blond stumbled back on his feet, following on hot pursuit and leaving the other two alone.

The pig face looked up at his attacker through swollen eyes, besides the pain only noticing the tiny smirk that graced his attackers face, hovering over him and grabbing with slender fingers for his stick. Then he saw nothing anymore as the next punch did something to his eye and he only screamed in agony.


Mal eine ganz kurze Frage: Ich habe entdeckt, dass ich auch smut schreiben kann :) Ergo könnte ich hier auch explizitere Sachen einbauen, wenn es niemanden stört. Ansonsten lasse ich es sein, und eröffne stattdessen eine drabble-collection, in die alle Kapitel wandern die nicht direkt in die Story passen und verfrachte sie dann einfach mit Warnung darein!

Loveless: Oh, schön wieder von dir zu hören, ich hatte fast schon befürchtet, dass die Geschichte so schlecht geworden ist, dass du sie lieber nicht mehr lesen willst (nur so zur Info:ich update ziemlich regelmäßig aller 2-3 Tage, weil die Story so lang ist!). Umso mehr freue ich mich über deinen ausgiebigen Kommentar, den ich natürlich auch ausgebig beantworten will *Hände reib*

Erstmal musste ich zeimlich lachen als ich am Ende die Bemerkung über einen Beta-reader für deine reviews gelesen habe XD Aber das ist gar nicht nötig, versteh ja alles was du mir sagen willst :)

Erstmal vielen, vielen Dank für die Komplimente, ich kriege immer ganz rote, glückliche Bäckchen wenn ich sie lese *verlegen grins*.

Meine Aeris ist nicht so perfekt wie sie in AC dargestellt wurde, aber so mag ich sie lieber :) Deswegen darf sie auch mal ein bisschen rumzicken.

Ich finde auch, dass die drei SHM sehr ätherisch wirken, das muss wohl (unbewußt) in meine Beschreibung eingeflossen sein. Außerdem bin ich ein bisschen Yazoo-Besessen... (Na gut, ziemlich stark sogar XD)

Deine Kritik an Yazoo´s Wissen vom Universum ist sehr berechtigt, und ich finde es toll dass du so genau liest und die Sachen hinterfragst. Leider konnte ich nicht umhin, dass einfach zu behaupten, die Erklärung, woher er dieses Wissen hat kommt nämlich erst noch :) Ziemlich bald sogar.

Kapitel 10 ist auch eines meiner liebsten, obwohl Xyleel (zurecht) angemerkt hat, dass es vielleicht etwas zu OOC war. Mal sehen ob ich da noch was ändern muss, oder es einfach mal so stehen lasse...

Zu deiner Frage, wann das ganze spielt: so ungefähr zwischen 1300 und 1500 (besuche gerade ein Seminar zu Technik im Mittelalter, extra für diese Story, obwohl ich mich natürlich nicht super strickt an die damaligen Verhältnisse halte. Versuche aber schon, das Geschehen recht authentisch darzustellen). Es werden übrigens noch weitere Charas aus Ac auftauchen (alle eigentlich).

Wegen meinen Gesellschaftsvorstellungen: Nach fast zweieinhalb Jahren Soziologie-Studium kann ich mich garnicht mehr dagegen erwehren, das fliest irgendwie authomatisch ein XD Und ja, ich bin sehr kritisch (um nicht zu sagen: pessimistisch) geworden! Ich würde also keinesfalls sagen dass du zuviel 'reininterpretierst'!

Okay, ich höre mal besser auf, sonst verstoße ich hier noch gegen die RegelnXD

Nochmals vielen Dank für deinen ausführlichen Kommentar und bis bald!


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Von: abgemeldet
2008-11-24T17:12:37+00:00 24.11.2008 18:12
Ach, herrlich. Endlich mal Yazoo in all seiner sadistischen Bösartigkeit XD. Der ist ja mittlerweile Vincent ziemlich angetan. Ich hoffe es wird bald ernst zwischen denen. Die story gefällt mir jedes mal immer mehr. Wenn du auch noch a weng Sex mit einbaust, wird die Sache noch besser. Ich glaube es schadet der Story nicht, wenn ein paar nicht jugendfreie Szenen vorkommen. Ganz im Gegenteil. Keine gute Vampirgeschichte ohne Sex ;).
