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an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story


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Boy, am I glad that I´ve already written so many chapters. Suffering from a real bad case of writer´s block (never thought I would, but somehow I just have no motivation and no INSPIRATION to write something new at all... Maybe someone has an idea?)


His head resting on his arms, Yazoo observed one busy Aeris bustle around the kitchen, preparing food and humming a happy little melody. He was bored out of his wits, but she didn´t let him do anything, because she said that he had still to rest and stuffed him with her, admittedly very delicous, food.

Still, after five days of doing nothing but eat, sleep and listen to her chatting, he slowly started to become restless. Not that he didn´t like sitting in the warm kitchen, smelling the various delicious odors that came from the oven, but… He just wasn´t used to sitting around, doing nothing. So the evenings, when the sun had vanished behind the horizon and Aeris had gone through the house and lit the candles and oillamps, had almost become welcome.

For the last few nights he´d been summoned to the library, accompanying Vincent in his readings. The man had read several things to him, wanting to know his opinion on them, but never commenting on what Yazoo said, and the boy hadn´t understood why he did it at all. Though it had been quite interesting. Not that he´d admit it -he was still giving the man the cold shoulder and remained distanced.

Unlike Aeris Vincent was… eery. Yazoo didn´t know what to think of him and he believed that the man didn´t like him. Not the best start for an intimate, long lasting friendship… Though he had some kind of respect for Vincent, somehow. Maybe.

Anyways, it was nearly night and Aeris prepared to go through the rooms and enlighten them. He slipped from his seat and followed her, ocassionally giving a monosylabic answer to her questions, until the maid noticed his constant looks towards the library to see if Vincent had finally come to release him from his boredom.

Smiling, Aeris stroked over his head and carefully put a candle in his hand. “Why don´t you go ahead and start lightening the candles in the library for me? You have seen how I do it often enough now, haven´t you?”

He nodded, looking very serious and almost solemn as he conceived the dripping wax shaft.

Shaking her head a little, she watched him walk off to the library with an air of importance around him. He´d become a splendid young man one day. If only he could get rid of that horrible slang of his, that so did not match his burly appearance. Oh well, they were making a little progress, at least she had been able to teach him the meanings of “please” and “thank you”(a lot of candy had to be sacrificed, though).

Yazoo pressed down the handle of the doorknop and slipped into the dark room, the flickering candle still carefully wrapped between his fingers.

By now he had mapped the stacks of books and shelfs sticking into the room, and without much problems made his way to the big candle bearers. Soon a warm light engulfed the room, and satisfied, the boy turned to the last bearer when he tripped over a book lying in the way.

Damning the thing with colourful curses, Yazoo put his candle into the bearer and crouched down to violently shove the offending book out of his way, when his eyes got glued to a picture on the yellowed, open pages.

There was some kind of monster, with huge teeth and a long tail. It was entirely covered with hovels and out of its mouth came hot flames. Huge wings made it hover over a tower, where a lovely damsel was looking out of a window, terrified by the dragon.

In the lower corner, an impressive knight in shining armor on a black horse was aproaching, his long lance directed at the evil dragon to save the damsel in distress from its disgusting claws.

Taking in every detail, the boy was so consumed by his study that he didn´t even notice the shadow approaching silently behind him.

Interested, Vincent watched Yazoo stroking over the painting with careful fingers, head tilted to one side as he was lost in thought over the story that had let to the events depictured.

“I see you are rather busy tonight.”

Flinching at the sudden voice from behind, Yazoo´s breathing stopped for a moment. Then he turned his head around to glare at the vampire for scaring the shit out of him. Did he always have to be so damn sneaky?!

Vincent looked amused instead of guilty -or frightened by Yazoo´s withering glare- and bent down to catch the book from the floor. After a glance at the title, he gave it back to the boy and turned towards his usual seat on the sofa.

Mimicking his actions and looking at the cover, but not being able to decipher the signs, Yazoo jammed the thick, old book under his arms and followed the man, asking

“What´s it ´bout?”

“It is a collection of old tales and sagas,” Vincent informed him absent-mindedly, being already occupied with his own stories.

“What´s it say?” Oblivious to Vincents activities, the boy had come to stay next to him and expectantly demanding an answer.

Lifting an eyebrow, Vincent looked at him for a moment, but then set aside his own work to take the book and flip it open on the passage where the picture had been.

“Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a princess so beautiful that even the sun appeared pale in her presence. But she was not only pleasant to the eye but also of a lovely and warm personality, thus attracting the attention of all the fair knights and princes in the country.

But she had eyes for only one, the most skilled and honourable knight under her fathers, the kings, men. And knight Siegfried was also deeply in love with her, and asked the king for Princess Beatrice´ hand in marriage and the old king happily obliged, filled with joy that such a splendid man would become his succesor and provide the kingdom with his offsprings. The whole country was overjoyed too, and a great feast was held that lasted three days and three nights and everyone was singing and praising the damsels beauty and the knights braveness and everthing was good.

On the night of the marriage though, before knight Siegfried could visit his Princess´ chambers, a shrill scream of fear filled the castle and before the knights eyes, a huge, ugly dragon from the mountains came. The devil reached into the damsel´s chamber and had her in his wretched grip, where the princess fainted from his ugly sight. Helplessly the brave knight had to see how the creature spread its wings and flew into the sky, spitting fire and grumbling like thunder.”

He stopped, feeling the boy climbing on the sofa beside him and peeking over his shoulder.

“What happen dan?!” Yazoo impatiently breathed into the vampires ear, totally fed up in the story.

“Then,” Vincent said somewhat wryly “they lived happily ever after.”

Disbelieving, Yazoo narrowed his eyes and stated “Ya lyin´. Da knight has ta save da damsl first.”

“Oh? But it says that they were living happily ever after right here.” With a gloved finger Vincent cooly pointed at a text passage, inwardly amused by the boy´s irritation.

Sceptically, Yazoo snatched the book out of Vincent´s lap, sticking his little nose between the pages and with a concentrated look on his face he tried to let the symbols make sense.

Eventually he came to a conclusion and self confidently declared, holding the book away from his face “’Da knight kills da ugly dragon and den he´n´da princ´s go back to da castl ´n bang’. Dats what it says. ”

Vincent kept to himself what he thought of the last part of Yazoos interpretation, simply remarking, “I honour your vivid imagination child, but you certainly are wrong.”

“Oh yeah?! An why´s dat, hn?” Lifting his chin in a challenging manner, a little pout gracing his features Yazoo haughtily stared down at the man, the book tugged under his arm again.

“Because,” Vincent said, his own eyes already scanning the pages of the divine comedy again “you can not read.”

The pout increased, as did the cold look.

Then the boy crawled from the sofa, finding himself a spot on the carpet, and with his back demonstratively turned towards his patron, Yazoo flipped through the old pages again, lost in his own constructions.

Shaking his head, Vincent turned back to reading, but his gaze was drawn to the boy every so often as he observed him out of the corner of his eye. Eventually he lay his own book aside, grumbling in a somewhat defeated manner “Very well then. I will read it to you.”

A victorious little smirk tugging at his rosy lips, the boy instantly was on his feet as if he had expected nothing else anyways because of his witty calculations. He went over to the man, who had crossed his legs, one arm lying on the armrest, and watched him with red, glowing eyes.

Yazoo knelt beside the vampire on the sofa so he could have a good look on the text and pictures to make sure that Vincent didn´t try to shit him again, handing over the book of fairy-tales.

After a side glance at the boy, Vincent flipped the pages open and was about to read in that sonorous, monotone voice of his, when Yazoo seemed to remember something and off-handedly offered a “Thanks.” It sounded rather bland, but Vincent blinked in surprise though. After a short nod, he began to read out loud.

Yazoo sank deeper into the cushions, listening to the tales. He felt the soft texture of the velvet under his bare feet. It was warm and cozy and his stomache was full, a state so very foreign and new to him. With his brothers it had always been cold and humid in their houses, the stench of rotten food and sweat sweeping into every corner, and their stomaches had grumbled almost always. Instead of the nice, warm candles there had only been the cold moon light and a foot or sharp elbow in his rips because they always slept together on the ground, thinking it was less cold this way…

They had made it through 5 stories, when Vincent felt a light weight on his arm and spared a look to his left, continuing his monologue, but stopped mid-sentence, when he noticed the burden to be a silver head that rested against his figure.

Breathing even and eyes closed, Yazoo had tipped over, sleeping.

Vincent stared straight forward again, feeling very awkward and not knowing what to do.

Normally people didn´t fall asleep in the presence of a vampire unless he wanted them to and the unfazed attitude of the boy somewhat startled him. Vincent wasn´t sure if this meant that Yazoo was trusting him, or if it was a sign of utter disrespect.

Maybe the boy was just tired.

Either way, it didn´t make the strange feeling go away.

Soundless, the vampire layed the book aside and after a moment of contemplation, he decided that Aeris had to be gone to bed already. So he carefully gathered the sleeping form in his arms, the boy doing nothing but stiring a little, and brought him to his room, where he placed him on the bed.

After a moment of just staying beside the sleeping form, he awkwardly pulled the cover over Yazoos shoulder. When he was satisfied with his task, Vincent crept deeper into his collar, shaking his head again and vanished to go hunt for some meal.


Xyleel: Haha, ja Yazoo´s Selbstbeschreibung war nötig, nachdem ich ihn den größten Teil der Story hab dreckig durch die Gegend rennen lassen (kann sein dass ich mich etwas hab gehen lassen in seiner Beschreibung aber... hach, das war noch die gekürzte Version XD *full fangirl mode*). Freut mich das Aeris dir zusagt,mir ist erst im Nachhinein eingefallen, dass ich sie charackterlich etwas arg verbogen haben könnte. Aber so ist ja alles gut :)

Hehe, wie Yazoo Vincent studenlang gebannt zuhört, konnte ich mir auch gut vorstellen, deswegen dieses Kapitel *spaß hatte*

Jaha, die beiden sind eher ruhige Charaktere und es ist schon ein wenig eine Herausforderung (ähnlich wie bei Yaz und Seph, aber da kann ich letzteren ja einfach mal einen seiner Anfälle haben lassen um die Story vorranzutreiben. Geht hier schlecht *seufz*). Denn einerseits passen sie ja charackterlich sehr gut zusammen, aber Interaktionen sind eine sehr heikle Sache, wenn sie IC bleiben sollen. Und jetzt geht es ja auch noch, weil Yazoo klein und frech ist, aber er wird ja auch mal groß und... zynisch... uhg. Naja, hoffe mal, das wird noch. Und ja, die beiden werden zusammen kommen (dauert auch nicht mehr soooo lange, werde ein paar Zeitsprünge machen. Aber es soll ja auch plausibel sein und so...). Hab sogar erotische Szenen geschrieben (die im Nachhinein gesehen relativ harmlos sind... Obwohl mir trotzdem fast der Kopf geplatzt wäre beim schreiben...verdammt, muss mehr üben!). Ja, jetzt hab ich schon wieder einen Monolog geschrieben, sry! Schön dass es dir gefallen hat und danke fürs kommentieren!


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