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The S-Files

A Scientific Treatment on Structure and Workings of Athena's Saints (Well, sort of...)


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Interlude VIII - Shaka's Teleport Service! Chasing the Night Prowlers

Interlude VIII

Shaka's Teleport Service! Chasing the Night Prowlers

Makoto stormed upstairs to Scorpio Temple.

"Himiko? Where are you?" she shouted breathlessly.

"Here, where else," the voice of the blonde engineer came from their quarters. "Wait outside for a moment, I'm almost through developing the photos."

"Sure, but hurry!"

"I can't speed up the developing process, sorry. Gosh, this guy looks gorgeous!"


"Which reminds me -- why are you already back? Didn't you want to ...play with him for awhile?"

"Ahm, we had slightly differing views in this respect..."

"In what way?" Himiko had finished and opened the door. "Tell me!"

"He decided he wanted to found a family with me with at least a dozen sons!"

"How cute!"

"You can have him if you like..."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I only want my Camus-sama. -- Hm, I wouldn't have thought that DeathMask is such a family person..."

"He seemed totally serious about it!" Makoto shuddered. "I' m lucky I escaped..."

"You mean, he really wanted to marry you and everything?"

"I fear so."

"Well, you can still consider it when you want to quit your job at the Graude Foundation Research Labs," Himiko suggested.

"I'd rather not... Just imagine - a dozen children or more!"

Himiko laughed.

"I need to be comforted right now. I have a severe shock."

"And who is supposed to comfort you?"

"I don't mind - as long as he doesn't want to marry me and have children!"

"But don't think about Camus! He's mine."

"He's to icy anyway. I don't think he'd be able to comfort anyone." Makoto sniffed.

"It's too bad that both Milo and Camus are in Athens right now..."


"Hm... Why don't we go and look where they are?" Himiko suggested.

"And how are we supposed to find them?"

"Why don't we ask one of the other Goldies? What about Shura?"

"Better not. He's still peeved that I didn't stay at his temple."

"Tsk tsk tsk. First you leave Milo, then Shura, then DeathMask - who's next?"

"Dunno. I'm open for anything..."

"If I ever get my Camus-sama I will never leave him! I'd even build some comfy igloo for him..." Himiko sighed dreamily. She had to see Camus again, as soon as possible. "Why don't we ask Shaka? He's so strong that he could even teleport both of you to Athens at once."

Makoto agreed and they went to Virgo Temple. Shaka was deep in sl... meditation, as usual.

"Hi, Shaka!" Makoto tugged at his cape that he had draped around himself like a sarong.

Shaka floated upwards and unfolded his legs and cape. "Who dares to disturb my meditation?" he asked indignantly.

"Open your eyes, then you don't need to ask." Makoto shook her head.

"This insolence can only have been uttered by two certain girls," Shaka commented. "Okay, what do you want?"

"Please do us a tiny favour!"

"And what do I get in return?"

"What do you want in return?"

"You will cook for me tomorrow!"

"No problem," Makoto smiled. "But don't complain if you overeat and get a belly ache again."

"I won't. And in the worst case I will call Mu again."

"Okay. Tomorrow you'll get a truly delicious meal if you teleport us to Athens to Milo and Camus."

"Hm. Why don't you simply go there? It's not that far," Shaka wondered.

"It's farther than we like, and anyway, we'd never find Milo and the others."

"And I shall work as your teleport service? You know, that's somehow demeaning!"

"Please..." Makoto looked at him. "Think of Bengali eggplant and yogurt with mustard seed, or a berried avocado grapefruit salad, or green beans with scraped coconut..."

"Okay, I'm convinced!" Shaka put on his best angelic smile and homed in on Milo. In the next instant they materialized in a steak house, fortunately next to the table where Milo, Aiolia and Camus dined.

"Thank you Shaka. You are really nice."

Shaka's smile intensified, and he teleported back.

"How did you manage to do this?" Milo marveled. "Shaka would never do anything for any of us!"

"Probably you don't offer him the right things in return," Makoto grinned.

"By Athena, it's her again!" Camus looked at Himiko in shock and downed the glass of Château Beau Rivage he had ordered to accompany his steak with green peppercorns. Slightly irritated, he looked at the empty glass. It was a pain that this girl brought him to finish his wines in such an unbecoming manner.

"Camus, how could you!" Milo pointed in mock horror at the empty wine glass.

"I'm sorry," Camus said with hanging head. The poor wine...

"It seems you have a lot of fun here," Makoto observed.

"I haven't," Camus stated dryly and watched Himiko's every move. He hoped she wouldn't come closer.

"I have," Aiolia contradicted.

"Fine," Makoto smiled. "I need a little entertainment."

"We're almost done eating," Aiolia said, "and as you can see, Camus has even finished his wine already."

"Yeah, usually one has to wait quite a while until he has enjoyed it to the fullest," Milo grinned.

"At least this shows he's a gourmet and not a gourmand like certain other persons," Himiko gazed at Milo and Aiolia. "And I don't look at anyone."

Camus grumbled something unintelligible, only the word 'groupie' could be understood.

Aiolia laughed. "Hey, I wouldn't mind having a personal groupie around!"

"Camus seems to have another opinion about it." Teasingly, Makoto tousled the Aquarius Saint's hair.

Camus gave her a deadly stare, especially as Himiko squealed, "Don't you dare! He's mine!" before she jumped at him and clutched her arms around his neck. He never had the slightest chance to escape.

"Don't panic, I don't want him. But these strands are so cute." Makoto pointed at the two thick strands of indigo hair that framed Camus' face.

"I know..." Himiko sighed and twirled one of them around her index finger. "But it's not only the hair..."

Makoto gave Camus a thoughtful gaze. If he wouldn't always look so darkly! His gaze could easily freeze an active volcano.

Camus decided not to move at all. Maybe Himiko would go away on her own if he ignored her actively.

"I really don't get it," Milo grumbled. "What has he that I don't have?"

"Hm. Let me think about it," Makoto said.

"I'm listening!"

"He looks so cute when he tries to resist temptation," Himiko giggled.

"That's one point," Makoto nodded.

"Hear that, Camus? Give in and she won't be interested anymore," Milo suggested. And then maybe he would become the object of her infatuation, he added mentally.

"I'm not so convinced," the Aquarius Saint said tragically. If he would give in, he probably would never have any single moment for himself again.

"Himiko chose you. No matter what you do or want, you have lost anyway," Makoto told him.

"Well, then he really should give in, then he can at least enjoy the situation," Aiolia grinned and gave the waitress who just passed the table a winning smile.

"Not everybody is as varied in his interests as you are," Makoto commented.

"If you ask me -- I think his attitude is somehow unhealthy," Aiolia shook his head.

"Chacun son goût," Makoto shrugged. "And you Saints are pretty robust anyway, aren't you?"

"Fortunately," Camus said dryly as Himiko still clung to him and squeezed him like her favourite teddy bear.

"It's a shame that Himiko wants you all for her own, or I would love to find out how robust you are..."

"Hey, one groupie is already more than enough!"

"I would like any amount of groupies, but they just don't come to me," Milo sulked.

"I think it's very comforting that you aren't besieged by groupies," Makoto grinned.

"So you want me all for your own?" Milo asked eagerly.

"Sure. Where else should I move in?"

"Well, you could go back to Shura," Milo grumbled. "Or worse -- DeathMask..."

"Thanks, but no thanks! I will never set a foot in DeathMask's temple again, if I can help it."

"Hm? Did he do something to you?" Milo wanted to know.

"I never want to meet him again!"

"Good," Milo said with satisfaction.

"Even though he looks very cute..."


"So what did DeathMask do?" Aiolia asked curiously.

"Well, he was very nice, but he had some strange ideas about family and marriage..."

"DeathMask? Nice?! Can't be! He's a cruel monster. Just look at his temple!" Aiolia exclaimed.

"Yeah, the great hall is ugly, but his private rooms are really nice."

"Huh?!" Aiolia uttered perplexed.

"Absolutely comfy. I loved his big sofa."

"DeathMask has comfortable private rooms?" Milo asked incredulously. "I thought he'd sleep on a bed of nails..."

"Himiko, would you please stop nibbling at my earlobe?" Camus said grumpily. "If you are hungry, order a meal."

"Don't they look adorable?" Makoto asked.

"I think it's interesting that he doesn't simply teleport away," Milo pointed out.

"Indeed," Aiolia grinned. "I'm sure he likes her despite all of his protests."

"Pah. If I'm still here it's because, first, I haven't paid for my meal yet, and second, she would follow me anyway."

"True, but it would take a while until she reaches you again."

"I suspect it's only that he downed his wine in one gulp," Milo laughed. With an evil grin he ordered another glass of wine for his friend, this time a strong, red Greek brand.

"Maybe you should just give him enough wine to drink and he'll do whatever you want him to do," Makoto suggested to Himiko.

"Ah no. I want him to want me out of he free will and not because he's drugged." She buried her face in the silken indigo mane, and a pink heart floated idly above her head.

"I really wish I knew how she does this," Makoto wondered. "I don't have the slightest explanation for it."

"Must be some weird kind of Cosmo," Aiolia suspected. Well, if they didn't have any Cosmo at all, they would never have been able to pass the Veil around Sanctuary.

"I think it has a certain appeal," Milo commented with a broad grin. "Camus, just look! It's all because of you icicle..."

"I want to have something like this, too," Makoto sulked. "I feel so normal around you."

"Well, someone who is so eagerly after Camus can't be normal in the first place. I would be a far more likely candidate for thousands of willing young women. It's too bad that there are only a handful of girls available at Sanctuary," Milo sighed.

"So that's why you compete for everything that resemembles a female person?"

Milo gave her a dark look. He was sure she wanted to tease him because once he fell for Aphrodite's disguise.

"Well, aren't we all very eligible young men who just have to be admired by the fair sex?" Aiolia asked. And of course, he was the number one eligible young man.

"Yeah, and Camus is the all time number one," Himiko sighed. "My perfect Prince Charming!"

The Aquarius Saint rolled his eyes.

"To me he has more of the frog in the story," Makoto laughed.

"No problem, I volunteer to kiss him anyway," Himiko chimed. Camus almost fell into a state of shock.

"That's something I would die to see," Aiolia laughed.

"Me too," Makoto nodded.

Himiko left her place behind Camus' chair, walked around it and took place in Camus' lap. The Aquarius Saint decided to ignore her stoically. If he wished her away hard enough, maybe she would simply disappear.

Makoto positioned her chair so that she could watch Himiko and Camus. This was better than any movie.

The waitress brought the wine Milo had ordered for Camus. The Scorpio Saint pushed the glass towards his friend. "I guess you need it..."

"Indeed..." Camus took a long gulp, then coughed. His face turned an unhealthy green. "What's this vile stuff? Do you want to poison me?"

"It's a Mavrodaphne."

"It's sweet and cheap. Disgusting!" Camus shuddered.

"I have to comfort him," Himiko decided and gave him a tentative kiss on his lips. Immediately, Camus' hair stood straight up.

"How cute! Aren't the two a perfect match?" Makoto giggled.

Milo nodded. "And I can't convince you to become my significant other so that we could make up another dream couple?"

"You are dreaming," Makoto told him.

"Oh yes, of you," he sighed.

"It seems you all have certain mental problems," Makoto observed.

"Not me. I'm a perfectly normal guy," Aiolia said.

"Hm..." Makoto examined him from head to toe.

"You see, I still have some free space left in my temple..."

"I'll consider it."

"Makoto! You can't leave me again," Milo lamented.

"Why not? You only want me to cook for you"

"Pah. That's only because you refuse to accompany me the other times... I'm a Scorpio, you know," he said seductively.

"So what?"

Milo sighed. "Ah yes, I remember. You don't believe in astrology. Otherwise you'd know that Scorpios are sensual and very passionate..."

"Scorpions are poisonous and sting -- that counters all of the positive traits."

Aiolia followed the dialog with great interest.

"Humph. Okay, I may sting -- but I assure you there are various ways..."

"And what?"


Now Aiolia burst from laughter. These two were as interesting as Camus and his 'groupie'. He turned to the Aquarius Saint whose hair had assumed his normal style again, even though Himiko had put her head against his shoulder. Obviously the strong Greek wine had dulled his perception. The young woman was delighted - for once he didn't wear his uncomfortable Gold Cloth.

"He's soooo cute," she sighed dreamily and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder. Camus sighed. She was still here...

"And what are we going to do now?" Makoto asked.

"I enjoy being so close to my beloved - especially when for once he doesn't try to flee."

"But I begin to feel bored," Makoto nagged.

"You only need to accompany me to my temple to spend a nice evening there," Milo suggested seductively.

"I bet you only want another dinner."

"That, too. But afterwards we can ...relax a bit."

"While we clean the dishes and tidy up, yes. We had that before."

"Actually I thought of something more entertaining," Milo grumbled.

"The only thing of real importance for you is food!" Makoto pricked him into the side. "You're getting fat!"

"I had hoped to convince you to ...train a little with me."

"Sorry, that's not for me. Senseless stone smashing and the works..."

"That's Shura. I have other things in mind."

"And what?"

"I will show you tonight..."

"I want to know in advance what I have to expect!"

"A love-starved Scorpio Gold Saint, what else?" Aiolia laughed.

"I'll kill you," Milo threatened.

"I knew that was what he was up to," Makoto sighed.

"I almost had her," Milo grumbled.

"As if I would trust you even one tiny bit!"

"But I'm absolutely honest," Milo claimed.

"Yeah, you admit that you only think of one single thing," Aiolia teased.

"Look who talks!"

"You are absolutely cute," Makoto commented.

"I'm not cute," Milo said exasperatedly.

"Of course not," Makoto grinned.

"But he is," Himiko sighed and snuggled closer to Camus. One heart floated up from here and hit his nose where it burst into myriads of tiny heart shaped particles.

"I think it is pathological," Makoto commented.

Camus watched the tiny hearts in utter bewilderment. And he was the reason for this?

"I have never seen anything like this." Aiolia shook his head.

"Isn't here any potable wine around?" Camus asked desperately.

"Well, we saw a wine bar when we strolled through the town a while ago," Makoto said.

"Then let's get going!" He stood up and Himiko almost fell to the ground. She sulked. Obviously, Camus had decided to regard her as nonexistant.

Makoto led them to a wine bar and they found a nice place in a more or less dimly lit corner. As soon as Camus sat, he was immediately occupied by Himiko again. He sighed. He really needed a good wine now.

Milo and Aiolia exchanged a meaningful look. Camus struggled less and less. Should this mean that Himiko slowly but surely eroded his defenses?

Makoto fetched the menu and ordered a bottle of Domaine de l'Abbaye Santenay Graviéres for Camus. He looked as if he needed something like this.

When she passed him a glass, he inhaled in the bouquet, and his face brightened visibly. "Now that's a wine!" he said with a smile.

"He smiled!" Himiko sighed.

"Well, I know something about wines, too. If you know how to cook, you should know which wines go best with your meals."

Camus didn't say anything but enjoyed his wine. Makoto ordered wine for herself, too, but hers a sweet Greek liquor wine that she loved dearly.

"Camus-sama," Himiko looked at him. "I would also see to it that you only get the best to eat and drink..."

Camus returned her gaze thoughtfully while he sipped the deep red wine. It was truly delicious - velvety, full-bodied... If Himiko really would see to it that he got good wines whenever he wished, he might let her stay in his temple. But nothing more.

Makoto was satisfied that Camus looked somewhat happier. His former icy stare had been almost unbearable. She really wondered how Himiko could stay so close to him without turning into an icicle herself. Makoto sipped from her glass and immediately felt warmer. This was a really yummy wine, even though it was very strong, she thought. If only she wouldn't get too tipsy.

Milo watched her with interest. Maybe she would get a little drunk, then he could certainly convince her to accompany him the remainder of the evening and the night.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Do you want to try the wine?"

"Oh yes, please." Milo beamed at her. She wanted to share her wine with him. This was a good start. He took the glass from her and helped himself to a deep sip. "Delicious!" It was a Samos wine, a Greek specialty he also liked very much - as long as he didn't get a beer, that is.

Makoto decided to order a whole bottle of it as Milo seemed to like the stuff. She poured him one glass after the other, and much to her relief she only got a little bit of it. When the bottle was empty, another followed and another... Milo was slightly tipsy and directed seductive smiles and suggestive looks at Makoto.

"I'd say it's time to go now," the red-haired woman said after a look to her watch.

"No problem. I only hope you'll pay." Milo smiled at her.

"Yeah, I'd better return to my temple, too," Camus said and hiccoughed. "Oopsie. I shouldn't have drunken the whole bottle..."

"Well, no one but you likes this vile dust-dry wine," Aiolia shrugged.

Makoto paid for everything (the credit card of the Graude Foundation Research Labs was very practical), and they left the wine bar.

Himiko clung close to Camus and for once he was even glad about it as he didn't walk to steadily anymore. Normally he enjoyed smaller amounts of wine as the ones he kept at his wine cellar were far to expensive to gulp them down like this.

Aiolia looked at his colleagues, laughed and decided to teleport home at once. Milo and Camus should be able to cope for themselves.

When Makoto looked at Milo, she thought it would be better not to trust his teleport abilities in his current condition, so she called a cab that brought them into the vicinity of the Veil that shut out unwelcome visitors.

The rest of the distance they had to walk, which was quite a feat with the two slightly drunk Goldies. Makoto sighed and tugged Milo upstairs.

Himiko had similar problems -- and she had to drag Camus up to the eleventh temple.

Finally, Makoto and Milo arrived at Scorpio Temple, and Makoto directed him into his bedroom. He was sleepy enough right now.

"Do you stay with me tonight?" he asked her with his dangerous puppy dog gaze.

"Well, I'm here right now..."

"Fine!" He pulled her closer and they fell onto the bed.

"Not so fast - I want to get rid of my shoes first..."

"Oh. Of course..."

Makoto put off her shoes before she helped Milo with his. He giggled and pulled her close again. Finally she would be his!

Makoto sighed. "You are pretty drunk. It's amazing that you can still look straight. How many fingers do you see?" She held up three fingers.

"Hm. Enough..." He caught her fingers and kissed them.

"Hey, that's cheating," Makoto protested and tousled his stunning blue-violet hair. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Very much so," Milo grinned like the proverbial Cheshire cat.

Makoto propped herself up on one arm and watched Milo. Shouldn't he fall sleep soon? The Scorpio Saint yawned. He felt just perfect right now. Maybe a little drowsy, but otherwise fine. He turned around and lay on his back. Makoto played with one of the strands of his hair, and he enjoyed her attentions. Right now he was definitely too lazy to move.

"You are pretty lazy," Makoto observed.

"Well, it's just that I'm entitled to get all of the attention."

"Is that so?" Makoto laughed.


"That's enough now."

"Hey, you can't do that!"

"Sure I can. Look for someone else who pampers you!"

"But you are convenient," Milo sulked.

"Convenient?! Pah. See you tomorrow." Makoto stood up.

"Makoto, you cannot simply go now. You're here in my temple, so you have to act according to my wishes."

"Well, in that case I'll move out tomorrow."

"And where would you go?"

"Aiolia said that there is some space in his temple."

"You can't tell me you want to move in with Sanctuary's best known womanizer and macho!"

Makoto giggled. "Look who talks... I'm sure he's really nice." She started towards the door.

Milo grumbled something unintelligible and tried to jump up to stop her. Unfortunately, he got totally tangled in the cover and crashed down.

"Are you looking for something down there?"

"Only my shoes," Milo claimed, while he tried to get up. Maybe he shouldn't have drunken so much, he thought when his head began to spin.

"And I thought Gold Saints are able to move at light speed..."

"Well, I can do that... only not now..." He merely managed to tangle himself worse.

"Oh dear, I can't bear to watch this picture of miserable suffering." Makoto helped Milo out of the cover, and he immediately took the chance to pull her into an embrace.

"See - you're mine, and so you have to stay."

"Dream on."

"Hey, I'm the perfect match for you!"

"I strongly disagree."

"Where do you find one single fault in me?"

"I can find so many of them that I don't know where to start! You are conceited, and that's only the beginning."

"You are cruel - and I always thought that was my domain..." He yawned again.

"I suggest you go to bed now." Makoto shoved him backwards, and he fell onto the mattress.

"But you stay with me!"

"Only if you promise that you sleep now." She sat down on the edge of the bed and gazed the Gold Saint who looked still slightly poutily. Somehow he was just big boy, incredible powers or not. Must be the fact that none of the Saints was brought up like a normal child.

"If you insist..." By now, Milo was too tired anyway. He curled up and began to snore. Makoto sighed and decided to find a comfortable spot, too.

* * *

When Himiko and Camus reached Aquarius Temple, Camus was too tired to manage to shut her out. He collapsed onto his bed and fell asleep, and Himiko grasped the opportunity to cuddle close to him.

- End of Interlude VIII -


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