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~* Soun's Wedding Promise *~

Zeichner: abgemeldet   -   [Dōjinshi]
Erstellt: 26.07.2007
Neueste Seite: 08.01.2009
Nicht abgeschlossen
Thema: Ranma 1/2
Stichwörter: Humor, Drama, Romantik
Kategorie: Kurzgeschichte
Leserichtung: Japanisch
Kapitel: 2
Seiten: 22

in former times, when akane was a little child, she had a friend called kaito. they were best friends and kaito has always liked her much. and one evening kaito's father kenta tamasu and akanes father soun tendou drank a looooot of sake...this was when the disaster began
because when soun was boozed...he gave his old friend a promise..akane should marry kaito when they grow up!
but then the tamasus had to move away and soun forgot everything...so he thought there's no other son-in-law but ranma...but...after ten years kaito finally wants to meet his bride-to-be: akane!
and we can imagine that ranma won't like this...


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