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°°~*~*...Twisted...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave

...Decepticons must be Tamed...
...Otherwise I wont recognize you as my Leader...

°°~*~*...Always There...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave
...When you feel Sorrow...
...I will take away your Tears...
...I will always...
...Belong to You...

°°~*~*...Ode an die Freundschaft...* ~*~°°

Autor:  Soundwave


...manche Menschen wären einfach besser tot...
...oder nicht existent...
...vorallem wenn es sich hierbei um sogenannte "Freunde" handelt...
...Ich habe daraus gelernt, dass sogar die besten Freunde einem in den Rücken fallen können...
...und zwar so, dass man danach nur schwer wieder aufsteht...
...in dem Sinne, werde ich mich hüten jemals wieder leichtsinning einem Menschen zu vertrauen...
...und meine Feunde mit bedacht wählen...
...man wird ja doch nur ausgenutzt, hinterrücks abgestochen und dann wegeworfen...

°°~*~*...Never meant to Be...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave

...I will protect you from Anyone...
...Even from Megatron...
...Cause you deserve It...

...Would you tolerate This...

...Cause were not meant to Be...


°°~*~*...You were my Guidance...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave

...There was a time I Recall...
...Where my hope was Lost...

...But I could never abandon You...
...You are the Leader of the Decepticons...
...Invincible and Heroic...
...Nothing could defy your Glory...
...I would lay down my life for you at any Time...
...And then I Wondered...
...What would you do if I Died...
...Would you save Me...?...
...Some wishes should be left Unspoken...

...He was threatening you infront of Me...
...But instead of shooting You...

...He shot Me...
...It happened Unexpectedly...
...I could feel the Pain...
...I dissapointed You...
...I could hear your Rage...

...But it had something good as Well..
...Now was your chance to kill your despised Enemy..

...You didnt...

...You chose my life over his Death...
...Trying to save me with Shockwaves Help..
...But your left alive Nemesis Returned...

...Preventing you from saving Me...

...You had to make  a Decision...
...I knew you would accept the Fight...
...It was obvious that you would stretch time as long as you Could...
...I never was so Wrong...

...You defeated Him...
...Avenged Me...
...And Then...

...You surrendered yourself to the Autobots...
...Sublieged to the Custody of the ones you hate so Much...
....Why Megatron...
...You didnt have to go that Far...
...Just for Me...

°°~*~*...Light of my Life...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave
...When I was made...

...I soon realized that I was Different...
...I was an experiment, not treated Equally...
...Created for the evaluation of new Abilities...
...Hosting lesser Lifeforms within Me...

...But you came for Me...
...Asked me to be with You...

...You recognized my Talents...
...And you first showed me the meaning of "Trust"...

...You had a Vision...
...Becoming the greatest Gladiator of all...
...And so you Did...
...But I was not Enough...

...You had a Vision of a reunited Cybertron, restored to its former Glory...
...Opposing the Senate and the High Council...

...I would have done anything to make your Dreams come True...
...I learned the high Arte of Communication...
...And used my despised Abilites to manipulate those against You...

...But Xaaron found out and took you away from Me...
...I was alone Again...
...I prayed to Unicron that your Death shouldnt be in Vain...

...But Then...
...I found Him...
...Your Successor...
...A Gladiator whos Vision was the Reunion of Cybertron and its Restauration of its former Glory...
...And he as well treated me like an equal Cybertronian...
...He even swore to protect me and my Experiments...
...Like you once Did...
...It was like I was given a second chance to fulfill your Dreams...
...So I followed him and did what I Could...
...Swearing my eternal Loyalty... 
...And Together...
...We made It...
...I avenged your Death and killed them All...
...The High Council has Fallen...
...And He...

...He was just...like You...
...Protecting me and my Children...

...I will never forget You...
...My Love...
...My Life...
...You gave me a purpose in Existence...
...But now I have a new Master...
...And Your Spirit still Lives in his Spark...

...Like you were Reborn...

...So I will forever be His...
...Like I forever was Yours...
...Wherever he will Go...

...To whatever World we will travel To...
...He will forever Have...
°°*~*~*My Loyalty for Eternity*~*~*°°

°°~*~*...Where Corruption Begins...* ~*~°°

Autor:  Soundwave

...Senator Decimus, Senator Proteus, Senator Ratbat...
...You may got me Caged...
...But one Day...
...The Autobot High Council will discover your Betrayal...
...Until then...

...I will subliege to your Command...

°°~*~*...Monster Deep Inside...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave

Somewhere deep inside,
Down beneath the hide,
Where soul and Spark have died.
I know my darker side.

Black face and hollow eyes;
It's truth within these lies,
For death and evil ties,
My Spark, for thee, thus dies.

This monster deep within,
Down beneath the skin,
For thee, my King, I sin,
And the darkness deep within.

Horror, here, in silence grows
An evil mind no one knows.
For thee, my King, my darkness shows,
Black o'er black, your sin bestows.

Somewhere deep inside,
A darkness lay in silent tide,
Until I can no longer hide
This roaring monster deep inside.
Ich LIEBE dieses Gedicht *.*

°°~*~*...My Reason to Live...* ~*~°° Transformers

Autor:  Soundwave
...I was there since the Beginning and made you Rise...

...Fought this War by your Side...

...You said you dont need anyone and cared for Nobody...

...But when I was at the brink of Death and everyone thought you would retreat...

...You fought yourself through all the Obstacles and risked your Life...

...Just to save Me...

...This is why...


°°*~*~*I cant be without You-You cant be without Me*~*~*°°

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