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The world is full of homesick kiwis... English, Neuseeland

Autor:  Jien
... and I, I guess, am one among them ;__;
Seriously, it's like with that relationship you think you've defenitely overcome but as soon as you see something that reminds you it's all coming back to you and you end up extra-salting your food/coffee/whatever.
It's like a disease since I know I'm not the first one and won't be the last to be falling on it (I envy all the folk about to head over there but I also feel sorry for them because the incubate time is over for good).
Anyway, I finally found a (good!) reason for myself to graduate (since I still belong to the 75% of fortunate people who don't know what to do with themselves after the schoolish safety of being guided or drilled towards a certain aim): I'm jetting back to New Zealand and I'm not coming back until I've seen everything I wanted to and made sure I got enough new zealandishness about me to last for a few more years (without falling into depressions)
Ok, the money question will eventually set a reasonable limit to my trip but I have to fill up my LßP-stock, catch up with all the people whos addresses I still got, but who apparently never figured out how to use a keyboard in time to write me (-.-) and probably getting so lost I won't find my way back to Germany (small hopes...)
Well, who knows...

By the way, that's my house in New Zealand, which I am literally entitled to call mine as it is firstly the one I lived in most of my time in NZ, and secondly my hostmum Jeanne made it utterly clear that I am welcome there at any time - even it she's not there (eg. visiting Australia^^).
It's a great feeling to have this second home halfway around the globe where you can always come back and I guess that this is also one of the things I treasure most about my year abroad: The knowledge that you can always go away and live someplace else because you a) managed once before and b) have an alternate place to go.

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