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SCREW TV Vol.5 Livestream, MJP, Musik, Screw

Autor:  laruku

(© all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)


Am 28.01.2011 wurde über musicJAPANplus das SCREW TV Vol.5 ausgestrahlt.


Line up:


Vocal: Byo



 Guitar: Kazuki






Guitar: Manabu





 Bass: Rui





 Drums: Jin






Die Übersetzung ist wieder von musiJapanplus.



Der erste Teil war von 


Rui: This is SCREW TV SHOW Vol.5 Yoroshiku! Before we start with the program here is the introduction!


Rui: Please follow @ and don't forget Please take part in the program!


Rui: This time, I am the personality of SCREW TV SHOW Vol.5 Let's start with the introduction!


Byo: I'm the vocalist, Byo!


K:Byo is unusually cheerful!


Kazuki: I'm Kazuki on guitar, Yoroshiku!


M: I'M Manabu, guitar. Yoroshiku! Jin: I'm Jin on drums. Yoroshiku!


Okay, so now that we've got that out of the way, today's show is "2011 - In One Shot".


Rui: Everyone, what kind of things do you want to do, or try doing this year? So basically, let's ask what everyone's aspirations are.


Rui: Starting with Byo!


Byo: I'll give my best! Rui: Private thing, too. Kazuki:We hope to do this with energy! Jin: I want everyone to get addicted to SCREW.


Rui: Private....I want to make a cafe! Rui: And with those feelings, SCREW will work really hard all year this year too.


Rui: We'll do lot's of projects this time too, so expect a lot


Rui: Moreover, as is typical of the extra volume segment, it's become a 「Band member」and 「What I want You to Say」 kind of thing!


Rui: That being the case, it'll be a perfect 「No One Knows Who Gets What」 system.


Manabu: I'm so happy that they are watching


Rui: her name is Rena-san and the situation involves Manabu.


Rui: Scenario: Manabu and I are going out. (...let's go steady! lol)And as it's Manabu's birthday, we've spent the day together.


Rui: That day, the two of us, in the middle of enjoying ourselves, my cell phone rings. At that time...


Rui: What I Want You to Say: "Don't pick up. For today, you should only be thinking about me..."


Kazuki: This is something that she wants to hear from you? Rui: Your face is all red!


Rui: Your face is all red!


Adressed to:Kazuki Scenario: Kazuki and I are in the same class, and we often hang out together.


One day, I'm alone working on some committee stuff after school.Suddenly, the classroom door opens... "Who's that I wonder??"


I think and look towards the door. And there is Kazuki! After that, still in the classroom, in the middle of talking his face turns serious.


What I Want You To Say: 「It seems I like you, Chiaki...so become mine.」


Moooooeeee!!! Kazuki: IS this OK? Is this project really Okay?? This is really embarrassing! You guys should be ready!


Contributor's name:Chero Addressed to:Everyone! Scenario: (It's a bit late but...) January 3rd was my birthday.


Want I Want You to Say: Just a normal "Happy Birthday!" and a simple comment please!


Jin: Happy Birthday! My birthday is in April. See you! Kazuki: What was that???


Rui: I didn't celebrate at all. Manabu:OK, Rui. Happy Birthday. I hope to spend a good year with these 5 members.


Kazuki: This is something we should say. Manabu: Really, happy birthday, I would like to spend time with you again.


Kazuki: Happy birthday! I want you to be a woman that shines no matter how old you are. Rui: At last Byo! Byo: Jo, Happy Birthday!


Rui: Contributor's name:Hitoe For:Kazuki Scenario: "I want Kazuki to remember my face!", I go to SCREWs concerts and instore events.


Rui: After a while of regularly and repeatedly attending events, Kazuki begins to recognise me. Then one day I encounter Kazuki!


Rui: "Wouldn't it be nice to talk with him in private" I think anxiously and as if Kazuki notices, we strike up a conversation.


Rui: We exchange numberswe manage to meet more often and have a reciprocal relationship but of course, love between a fan and a band member


Rui: Taboo! And then, another day, on the way home from dinner one night. Walking next to me, he suddenly embraces me tightly


Kazuki:"Crap...I...I can't hold back anymore! Hitoe, I love you!" With all my heart! Kazuki: From the heart! Jin: See you next week~!!


Rui: that was hot! At last, next is Byo!!


Contributor's name:Manami Addressed to:Byo Scenario: Byou and I are childhood friends from elementary school, as well as neighbours.


But for various reasons, I have to move and I never got the chance to convey my feelings to him.


10 years later, a friend lures me into a CD shop and shows me a SCREW poster.Somehow, my friend is a SCREW fan and together we go to see the band. Thus, I manage to meet Byo again at the concert.


After that we meet numerous times and one day, at a café, in the midst of reminiscing old times...


Byo:"The truth is, I've always loved you, since way back in those days." Fooouuuu!!!! Kazuki: Please, someone! This should be censored!


Jin: This is getting me hot! Rui: The next one gets me the most!


Rui: For Manabu, Situation: Say this as a couple. Also, use judgement. (laugh)


Manabu: "I can't stand it, i don't want to leave your side. Would you let me be your dog, minami?"


Rui: Is going to become a dog apparently! Manabu saying "make me your dog!" is a big mistake!


Rui: Okay, next is Jin. Byo: Yay!


Rui: From yatti, to Jin. Situation- I love jin so much i watched you the entire live!


Rui: because of SCREW's lives, i become happier. each day my feelings for jin get stronger…


Rui: one day, if there was a chance, i'd like to meet jin in the music room. i'll bring up courage and tell jin, "I love you jin!"


Rui: Jin - "Yattii! I always loved you! I want you to be by my side!"


Jin: Well, the love confession ends here *holds up the hash tag sign* Rui: were waiting!! Rui: this one is another one for Kazuki!


Jin: This is a little shaming penalty.


Rui: From Liv,to Kazuki. Situation: I follow my dream and have moved to Tokyo. on my birthday,on a playform waiting for the train.


Rui: "I wonder if there will be anything good to happen today.." "It'd be nice if today i could meet kazuki out of no where!"


Rui: and as I was thinking that... but who, kazuki! was on the same platform! As I stood up, Kazuki looked at me and smiled


Kazuki:"I was waiting for you." with hashtag! Ok, I will read next the one. Addressed to Rui!


Its not really a situation but, I remembered about the last show, when Rui talked about Kuroshitsuji,Please, be Sebastian!! (laugh)


Sebastians phrases, are my favorite! Instead of Ciel, when you come and save a young lady what you would do…


Kazuki: Sebastiiiiiaaaaaaaan!!! Fuuuooouuu!!! Byo: Well, I'll be waiting for your complaints on Twitter (laugh)


Rui: Is this okay?!? Kazuki: Oh, one thing! Kuroshitsuji is a Japanese comic. Rui: This is a really deep corner.. (laugh)


Kazuki: We would like to skip next time.


Rui: This time we have a part called "SCREW INSPIRATION" you can probablyget what it is by the title.


Rui: For this part, the person who picks the theme has to draw an illustration. OF course they wont show this to anyone!


Rui: We have one more categories prepared, though!


Rui: Then when it is finished, the other members will see it and will try to get what it is...


Rui For example, from this box if I pull "rabbit" then i would draw an illustratoon for a"rabbit"where none of the other members could see.


Then,once I finish I would show it.Looking at the illustration, the other four would say things like "DOG!" "BEAR!"until they get it right


Rui: Who has confidence in their illustration! Rui: Byo, Kazuki and Manabu are catastrophic. If the three of them win....


Rui; Okay, so we'll pick who goes, but do you get it? In the lot there is a pink one, the idiot who picks this one gets to pick the theme...


Rui: ... and draw the illustration.


Rui: Shall we pull! First round!!! And.... go! Jin: It's me! KAzuki: We can't look!!! Rui: Who thought of this theme???


Kazuki: Did anyone haverice cake? Manabu: I am still in a New Year's mood. I had one today. There are about 100 of them.


Manabu: My family sends it. Right, Mom? She's not watching, though (laughs)


Jin: Don't forget the "#"! Manabu: Don't use 2 byte characters! Use 1 byte character! Rui: I've done it! I'll pull it out!!


Kazuki: Keiko?? Rui: These are too hard! MAnabu: Are you guys tweeting??


Rui: Can you see? Do you get it!? Drawing within this time limit is difficult!! Kazuki: I know!!! Maybe....


Manaby: Who it is? Byou: Who's that? Someone you know?Rui: The one who's holding up his hand!Kazuki: This one(at Manabu)Rui: Thats right!!


Rui: the one who was wearing glasses at the beginning of the program.. Rui: It was Manabu...


Manabu: Anyways, I think there are too little hair (laughs) Rui: no way can you draw something good in this time!


Kazuki: Also the eyebrow is big. Manabu: But it was easy to guess!


Jin: Those who're watchng this too, please try to find the answer (Twitter ) Rui: For those people watching, if you answer with the # tag


Rui: Round two's idiot has been decided! It's Byo. Manabu: Please choose! Rui: Did you remember it?


Jin: Byou-chan, do your best, please tweet! I'll wait 24 hours. Rui: How many mochi did you eat?


MAnabu: I've only been eating rice cakes for the past month


Kazuki: 500!? Rui: Please eat meat, too!!! Manabu: I eat meat. Jin: Well then, everyone please send meat to Manabu-kun on ...


Kazuki: There was meat, wasn't there? Manabu: Yeah, there was at our office. Is there a tweet about "meat"?


Rui:I wonder if there is meat on twitter.Manabu:It would be funny if there are tweets saying "meat".Rui: Okay,we'll just wait for meat then


Rui: When I saw the theme, I thought "oh no!" this really has to be drawn Byo: Done!


Manabu: I don't know who it is. Rui: for those who know the answer, reply with the # tag! Jin: I think I know! Isn't it tasty?


Rui: This, is a person, right? (laugh) Kazuki: Is this....that....someone famous? Anyone?? Rui: I have no idea. Jin: Chawan?


Jin: *looking at twitter* I haven't seen anyone with the correct answer yet~ Rui: Do you all get it??


Rui: if you go by groups, what group is it in? Byo: The type is this!


Kazuki: I know! Perfectly! Rui: I might have gotten it too. Okay, then Jin! Tell us the correct answer. Jin: It's SCREW's Rui-kun!


Kazuki: What!? Rui?


Byo: Correct! Jin: Send your "congratulations" messages to Jin! Rui: At first, this (hat) and i thought me Kazuki: Byo, you are good!


Byo: Okay, lets go to the next Rui: It's better if everyone wins, I think, right?? Rui: Okay, so three more. Do you get it? Manabu: Me!


Jin: Well, what is Manabu going to draw? Send your predictions! *on twitter* MAnabu: I'm really nervous...


Jin:I've never seen Manabu's drawings. Rui: Before, when using the twitter app we got santa clause drawn.


Manabu is the only person who doesn't have that Byo bytes Jin's head and also Kazuki did.


Rui: Byo, Kazuki, Rui's drawings are terrbile! everyone in the world let them know! Manabu: Crap! I am good! I am finished 60, 90%


Rui: A little bit more?


Manabu: Crap! This is getting worse! I draw the body and it's getting really bad. Jin: Are you finished yet? Manabu: Done, look at this!


Rui: The members haven't seen this yet, but for those watching, answer with


Byo: Okay, my turn? The answer is me!? Jin: It kinda looks like you! Kazuki: Try it! (to Manabu)


Rui: Theres someone in the band who moves liek this. In private we see it a lot


Kazuki: Try it! (to Manabu) Rui: From Jin, how is it? Jin: It's really simple to convey. Rui: Is there someone who knows the answer?


Manabu: This is Mario. Kazuki: Great, you are really good! Manabu: Okay there are 2 left.


Rui: In two minutes its one! Done! Rui: it's the leaders turn! Kazuki: I will, I got it! Rui: Okay? Kazuki: And this is....


Rui: On a scale, how many stars would you give it? Kazuki: Well, this is 3 stars.


Jin: Among those who're watching, some got the correct answer.


Jin: Please send your messages of love to Kazuki! (on twitter) Rui: A love message to Kazuki!


Jin: No matter what you say, everyone's got mad artistic skills.Rui: Before, in December we put up photos.


Rui: After that a fan gave me a DS game for drawing.


Rui: Out of all the members in the band i have most artistic ability Jin: Even if I draw, it won't be very funny. Manabu: Why are you mad?


Rui: This is it. Three people have drawn but, for this one use the and tell us how many points you'd give the drawing.


Jin: The best is 100 points. Kazuki: This is better than I thought! I sweat while I was drawing.


Rui: With that, Kazukis drawing in 3,2,1, Jin: Oh I know what this is! Manabu: Oh. This is .....Yes, I know.


Jin: Those who're watching and know what it is, let us know over here~ Rui: Thats precise! Even the little parts!


Rui: its pretty easy to understand~


Rui:though its easy to get it took about 10 seconds before gettin it! Manabu:I'm worried about how to choose Jin:I want this on a keyholder!


Rui: the answer to this drawing is? Everyone: Kazuki~ Manabu: This looks like Kitaro at first sight Byo: You're so good.


Jin: That's a really nice face~




Da Twitter überlastet war, wurde der Rest der Übersetzung bei getwittert.




Rui: An artist is difficult! Manabu: No one can draw this. Rui: well the one who got rice bowl was me though


Rui: sorry for a lot of omitted mispellings


Manabu: This is fun. Kazuki: Yeah, we can do this for an hour.Rui: With this, Jin is last. Manabu: Jin's good so he might need more time.


Jin: Done! Rui: That was fast - that's our artist! Jin: Yep, here it is! Do you know what it is?


Rui: Like earlier when you were outside of the booth and we could hear you laughing


Jin: Isn't it funny? Rui: As for a corner, its like we did it like we hadto do it. Let's do it again!


Jin: This is tough~! *looking at the problem* Kazuki: Jin, Jin! You're showing it! Rui: the level of difficulty is high this time?


Rui: You say that but you drew it so fast! Kazuki: Jin-kun you are showing it! Watch out! (laughs)


Rui: But you know, we don't really have a chance to draw things. It's a good opportunity


Byo: Did you all get better at drawing? Manabu:This is a great chance. Rui: The drawings you do at instores.. Byo:It's usually bad Jin:S'ok!


Rui: It's this! Jin: This, do you know what it is? Rui: There's laughing on the other side of the booth!


Rui: This is good! Kazuki: Isn't this Jin chan? Byo: this, whats this again, this


Jin: This one is famous around the world I think. Jin: If you know, raise your hand! Manabu: It's the yellow one! Kazuki: Yellow?


Rui: Do you get what this is? Rui: Is there someone watching who gets it? Jin: Among those who're watching, who's got the answer?


Manabu:Is this Bato? Byo: Does this character have a name?Rui: It has a name like "SCREWs Manabu" or something Kazuki:Like Manabu and Keiko?


Rui: This is amazing! Jin is the best! Byo: With getting the characteristics Kazuki: Where is the mouth?


Jin: I guess the mouth starts here, this is the bib...Byo: how old? Jin: I guess I'm an elementary school student, hmm... this here is. err.


Rui: Well each of us drew a picture. Lets end it here, i guess. Me, I don't really talk with a loud voice but, my throat hurts (laugh)


Rui: Yellow Jin has a bunch of answers, Twitter Rui: This is amusing. Manabu: This is fun.


Rui: Do you have any feeling about this corner? Kazuki: This was fun. This is the most fun time in my life.


Kazuki: Next time we do this, the host should think of a theme. Rui: Oh, that's nice Kazuki: But he can't participate in it(laughs)


Rui: Well this drawing is for Manabu


Rui: The corners are sort of embarrassing, but it'd be nice to do them again, eh. Manabu: Don't ask for too difficult things (laughs)


Rui: Peole watching probably can't tell, but I'm sweating oddly


Manabu: What is the delusion? Really? Kazuki: But this is that...the winners of the quiz!


Rui: yeah thats right, those really hard ones they were able to get


Manabu: These projects were fun. We want lots of feedback from you! Jin: The picture from earlier - I turned it into Manabu.


Rui: You'd be in it too! And next months airing will be 2/25 (fri) at 9pm~. with an opening. and the personality will be...


Rui:Which one is manabu!? Rui:okay, the end soon. itd be nice to do another SCREW TV in this sort of carefree fashion Jin:We'll be waiting!


Rui: Well everyone has done it right? Besides for one person. Wait for it!! Byo!


Byo: I'll do my best. Rui: Wow, low hype! Rui: the difference in temp! (laugh)


Jin: Are you sleepy already? Rui: It's still 10pm (laugh) I've already done it, so next is you. Byou: I thought it would be alright.


Byo: Manabu's is in July Rui: For january birhtday you made me do it, so febuary will be rice bowl time! Byo: I know, I'll do it!


Byo: Thats right, the neck part is big right? Jin: I'm shocked, maybe talk about clothes (laugh)


Rui: Well then, see you at the next All members: Bye bye!



ScReW TV Livestream, MJP, Musik, Screw

Autor:  laruku

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

ScReW Members:   Byo-vocal

Am 28. Oktober 2010 um 21:00 Uhr japanischer Zeit hielten ScReW auf der Musicjapanplus Seite einen Livestream. Fans konnten vorher Fragen an MJP schicken, die die Members von ScReW während der Talk Sendung beantworten wollten.

MJP hat bei Twitter die Übersetzung der Talkshow getweetet. Hier die englische Übersetzung des Livestream:

Jin I will be your host tonight!

Jin: This is #SCREWTV SHOW vol.2. We are waiting for your tweets!

Jin: We have a lot of questions from fans. We will answer them all!

Jin: Koizumi Manami from Australia! Which country do you want to go? Everyone : Australia!

Manabu: Other countries are fine to. Wherever people call us to. We are waiting for your fan mail from overseas as well.

Kazuki: Can we do it all over again? Jin: Ok, next question Yukiko from Malaysia. If you were not a musician, what would you be now?

Kazuki: Professional Tennis player, I've played Tennis, too! Jin: You were the prince of tennis!

Byo: A Baseball player.

Jin: So you guys have been playing it at school, too, right. Rui: For me it would be Football.

Jin: Everyone likes balls games.

Manabu: I would use a PC and write something, probably. I like computers. I started twitter.Everyone! I have started it! Follow me please.

Jin: SCREW are tweeting real time with their mobile phones, too. Manabu: We are watching your tweets too!

Jin: Ok, the next is for Byo. Yoakari from France. When you write lyrics, where do you get inspiration from?

Jin: He writes lyrics to make you smile. Ok, see you next week! (Joking) Ok, the next question is from Jamaica.

Rui: Oh, it's really from all over the world! Jin:So what are you doing when you are off? I am usually sleeping. and I dance naked outside.

Manabu: I do house work. Cooking, washing, cleaning...well, I have to do it and I feel relax. I love washing clothes!

Rui: I am sleeping like Jin, do a lot of laundry. And it's usually finished with that.

Byo: Use iPad. I wanna shut down from the entire world. But over all, I want to use an iPad.

Jin: You don't have iPad! So this is more about what you would like to do.

Kazuki: I just relax completely as best as I can!.

Jin: Ok, Fuyuki from Spain. Rui, you joined 2/9, what did you feel was different about SCREW from your other band?

Rui: When we are doing things like these or when we are talking, we are really good friends, which I enjoy with the others.

Jin: This is the one and only SCREW. We are very aggressive at live but these time, we are calm.

Jin: Next, question. From California, Morika and Nancy. Kazuki, Konnichiwa. How many guitar do you have?

Kazuki: Including the ones I borrow. 8. From 5,000 YEN upwards. They have different tunings for the recent SCREW songs.

Jin: The next question is for Manabu: do you like shy or talkative girls more?

Manabu: Personally I think it really depends on the person. I like shy girls, but I like loud girls at lives, too.

Jin: Next question is do you sleep naked? Byo: I don't wanna catch a cold, but I am naked.No, I am wearing something. How about you?

Jin: I am wearing something too. T-shirt for winter.What are you wearing when you sleep? Tweet us!

Rui: Jin got a comment that says "you are really looking like a host now!"

Jin: For Rui, from Portugal, Daniel-san: What is the thing you love most?

Rui: hmm, what could it be...SCREW is part of my life. Besides that, I live with my cat for a 5 years. I love her very much.

Jin: We got a comment from Yukke of MUCC, too! (laughs)

Rui: And Yukke. Let's go drink again. Thank you for the present too.Jin:Maru-chan is pretty. Right. Next, Byo san, what fetish do you have?

Byo: I have a fetish for white long legs. We should show Jin's legs to the world, to.

Jin: Next questions: what should I do to start guitar? Do you have any advice?

Manabu:Just buy the guitar you like at the store. I didn't know what to choose so I just bought the one liked in design.

manabu: Like one for 20,000 yen. I was satisfied just holding it. Sleeping with it in my bed.

Jin: The next question is from Argentina, from Keru: Where would you wanna go to shoot a PV?

Kazuki: Caribbean sea. Jin:That's so Romantic! Kazuki: Of course!

Byo:New york. Disneyland. But over all, iPad.Jin:Yeah, iPad is great, but musicJAPANplus is the best!Jin:Something is coming out next month.

Rui:11/17 New album DUALITY is coming out!Jin: For people watching #SCREWTV we show you PV from DUALITY. Only on #SCREWTV

Jin: Let's move on. Manabu, what language do you wanna learn?Manabu Korean. I was studying it. I could read and write a little. It was easy.

Jin:Can you speak other languages? Kazuki: I can't even speak Japanese. Moimoi.Jin: That was Finnish!

Jin: how about from athe country we visited? kazuki: Moimoi (Finnish) and from germany : Danke Schoen!

Jin: Rui: You have many comments from twitter, ameba, do you read them all?

Rui: I read them all! I use my iPhone. I can translate the comments in other languages. Not only me but everyone reads them.

Manabu: To Jin: Do you still like McDonalds? Jin: I love McDonalds. I go 7 or 8 times a week. There are limited menues,too.

Jin: Like Double cheese burger, Teriyaki burger. Not sure if its the same menu in other countries. Tweet us about the McDonalds too!

Jin: Next question: What were you like when you were a little? Manabu:I liked to play outside. I make sand castle. And LEGO.

Jin: Now, Rui, how about you? Rui: I had like a secret place to go, and I caught a big snake, too

Byo: I was like a old man (joking). I were watching Baseball. Kazuki: I was a mature kid.

Jin: Manabu-san. What are you into lately? Manabu: DVD, comedy, really anything. I watch DVDs before going to bed. I collect DVD.

Kazuki: Nothing in particular. I like go drinking sometimes. Jin can not drink so much, though.

Jin:Next question from Ma-ko san:What were the first impression of each other? Manabu:I met Rui at coffee shop.I felt he was very mature.

manabu: He was aggressive at lives but he was a really gentle person otherwise.Rui:I met Byo for the first time there too.

Rui: I felt like I should not talk to Byo. I thought I should not talk from the impression from his stage. appearance

Byo:Don't talk to me.I won't talk to you from now.Kazuki was a football boy. He wasn't Visual kei at all.

M:I wanna climb mountain.There's a book for it too. and I am studying it. i will tweet too.

Rui: I wanna perform in other countries. I haven't been overseas since I joined SCREW. ANd besides music?

Rui Ok, I like my bike. I like the Kama-chari (kind of bike). I wanna go to the office by bike.

Kazuki: I want to do a full marathon. And boxing or read books at home. What about you Jin? Jin: I want to dance. I dance secretly.

Byo: I want to try high speed Comaneci in the sea.

Jin: OK, we have to make an announcemnnt. There will be Vol.3 of the #SCREWTV SHOW! YAY

Manabu: This time was too short again, so I'm happy that we have volume 3!

Rui: I was too nervous the first time, so I am looking forward to vol.3, too.

Byo: I had fun today, and hope you enjoyed it too!

Kazuki: We might answer even more questions from fans other than the 1st time. We want to show a new side of SCREW!

Quelle: http://twitter.com/#!/musicJAPANplus

Immer noch mein Lieblingssong von ScReW


Offizielle Hompage:  http://www.indie-psc.com/screw/
Offiziellee MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/screwofficial

Offizielle Twitter Acc:

Byo:        http://twitter.com/#!/screw_byo
Kazuki:    http://twitter.com/#!/kazuki_screw
Manabu:  http://twitter.com/#!/screw_manabu
Rui:         http://twitter.com/#!/rui_screw
Jin:          http://twitter.com/#!/jin_screw

Offizieller Ameba Blog:

Byo:        http://ameblo.jp/byo-screw/
Kazuki:    http://ameblo.jp/kazuki-screw/
Manabu:  http://ameblo.jp/manabu-screw/
Rui:         http://ameblo.jp/rui-screw/
Jin:          http://ameblo.jp/jin-screw/