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Autor:  life-says-hello
Hey folks,

I did not post anything here for a long time although I wrote some things. Well, maybe it is exagerated to use "some" for two things but never mind.xD

Now I just want to have an overview on single songs I want to buy since they are the only or only two songs on an album I really like. All the other ones do not please me at all so that is why to buy the album would be senseless.

Here we go:

Wolves at the Door - Senses Fail // Strange-Sweet-Werewolve-Whatever xD

Comatose - Skillet // So beautiful! T___T" Maybe a little corny but I do not care xD

Whispers in the Dark - Skillet // I really like Skillet as far as their music and voice is concerned despite of the female parts...>.>" But this is sung by their male vocalist only ^^

Na, Na, Na, Na, Na...usw - My Chemical Romance // Why does the rest of this album have to be such fucked up? *drop* Well, okay I do not really want to get mean since I respect the band so I guess I should rather say: it is sad that their style of music now differs very much from what I enjoy u.รป

Puppet - Thousand Foot Krutch // I do not know if the beginning of the video is actually really part of the song but if it is it scares me in a cool way.>D It is like a horror movie somehow. Apart from this I love the energy of this song. ^3^

Okay in addition to this I still have to go through Drowning Pool, Hinder and Finger Eleven. Perhaps some other bands too. Plus I need to buy whole albums as well.^-^ I will keep this list for a time so I will not forget anything.

Cu ^^

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