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"We don't fear the Internet", yeah right. Everything and nothing, Important, In the news

Autor:  Velineyvra

Recent news: Chinese government has banned youtube. Apparently, they got themselves a nasty shock, finding pictures of monks from Tibet being treated badly. "Goodness! People may feel sorry them! Ban it! Quickly, before it's too late!" And then, afterwards, some spokesperson manages to say: "Of course we don't fear the Internet! We only fear the truth. And what the people might do if we don't control their every movement."

Seriously. Someone has issues. I'm so glad I'm not living there, 'cause I like expressing my opinions. It's not as if it's only youtube. I'm still mad that google gave in and censored their searching engine.

Expressing opinions is a human right! Let me, and all others, speak freely without fear. This is not the way ot make a proper society. Let's stop hiding the truth, and be open. Make a better world!

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