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я є ℓ α x

Autor:  Toffelchan



look down at your chest

             and a little to the left

                            that's where i'll always be


What kind of year do you want for the GazettE in 2009?

Autor:  Toffelchan
Please talk about it one by one.

Reita “You mean, what do I think 2009 is gonna be like?”

-Yes. You can say something like “I want to make this year….”.

Reita “Well… OK. (laughs) Ummm. I want to get going more than ever. I always say something like “I want to establish our style”. But there’s no way to know how much I can do in terms of establishing our style on my own. So, all I can do is just strive to do more and be more. As for the rest, nothing is more valuable than good health. Taking care of yourself.”

-Thank you very much. Then, Aoi. What is your year gonna be like?

Aoi“Uhhh. I want to release an album by the end of this year.”


Aoi“I know you must have dimly perceived that we have to make a new album at last. (laughs)”

-…Now your accounts have less money? (Laughs)

Aoi“That’s it! I want my account to be loaded. (Laughs)”

Ruki&Kai“hahahaha!! (laughs)”

Uruha “A loaded account!” (laughs)”

Aoi “I want to go on vacation. I wanna have a fulfilling year.”

-Do you think you can have a fulfilling year?

Aoi“Yes. Yeah. I’m feeling strong in the wallet. (Laughs)”

-Much stronger?

Aoi “Yes. And I also want a rich sprit.”

Aoi“…I’m kidding! If I emphasized it, you may want to make it bold type. (Laugh)”

-Do you have any new challenges you want to take on?

Aoi“Nope, nothing! Just not to be left behind by the other members! Have to hang on to them. (laughs)”

-What about making an album? Do you have anything you can say right now?

Aoi “No, we haven’t done anything with it. Everything begins now.”

-We’re looking forward to it!

Aoi “Yes, please do. I hope it’ll come out. (laughs)”

-Yeah. (laughs) Thank you very much. Then, how about you, Ruki? What’s your 2009 gonna be?

Ruki “Well… We came here doing what we wanted. We kept doing that, aiming for perfection. You know, not everything goes better. Make everything good. I think my all time theme is to go to the highest level we can without losing ourselves. …That’s it. I want to do everything to the utmost. I think like that.”

-For us, it seems you move forward eagerly and everything goes perfectly for you. Isn’t that so?

Ruki “Ummm. Well, It’s not like everything goes perfect all the time. Uhh. I want to make it better. Make it as we wish it would be, or more than we can hope.”

-When do you feel this way?

Ruki “You know. In everything we do. Lyrics for a song, PVs, or jacket shootings. It’s the same as having something that really gets to us…I think we’re a band who hates to be imperfect. On that score, I want to be selfish.”

-Selfish in a good way.

Ruki “Yeah. … For us, it’s in a good way, but for others, it may be the worst way. (laughs)”

-No way!

Ruki “Really (laughs)? I want a year like that, where we fly the flag when we should.”

-Then, Kai? What will your 2009 will be like?

Kai “Well, I won’t change my basic spirit, but I will be improving myself. For all that, if the band as well as the people around us have the same goal or the same notions and go forward with me even if it’s just little by little, it will be a good year.”

-Who are the people around you?

Kai “The fans and everyone else. All in all, to have the same notion is the most important thing.”

-Lastly, Uruha, please.

Uruha “In 2008, I found out a lot about our sound, so, in 2009, making the most of it… then, well, I don’t want to compromise this year.”

-Thank you very much.
Then, lastly, please send a New Year message to fans overseas one by one.

Reita “Well. A happy new year. the GazettE has been welcomed by fans outside Japan in these one or two years, and I want to go outside Japan someday. But sadly, the schedule hasn’t been decided yet. If we have time, I want to visit many countries, so please wait for that moment to arrive.”

-Which country do you want to visit the most?

Reita “I especially want to go to the US. … But actually, I don’t wanna go there.”

-Which? (Laugh)

Aoi (whispers to Ruki) This guy isn’t funny!

Ruki (to Reita) This sick guy!

“(Everyone laughs.)”

Aoi “Anyway, do your best.”

-(laugh) Fans in the US must be waiting for you.

Reita “Yeah. Go to the US, and “Yes, we can!””

(Everyone laughs.)

Aoi “…Nocchi!”
(musicJAPANplus note: Nocchi is a Japanese comedian who became famous as a look-alike of US President Obama during and following the US Presidential Elections.)

Reita “I’m not Nocchi!”

Ruki,Kai, & Uruha (all laugh)

-(laughs) Aoi, please.

Aoi “Yes. (laughs) A happy new year. …As he said, I want to go to many countries.”

Reita “Yes, we can!”

Aoi “As Nocchi said.”

Reita “Hey! (laughs)”

Aoi “Yeah. (laughs) We’ll do our best!”

(Everyone laughs.)

- Then, Ruki, please.

Ruki “A happy new year. So, like they said, I want to visit many places. As for CDs, if we release our album, I want to release it overseas the same day as in Japan. We’re going to be releasing an album, and having concerts. Yeah.”

-Kai, please.

Kai “A happy new year. Umm. Please listen to the GazettE this year, too. As we said before, I think we’re gonna release our new album, so please wait to see the new world of the GazettE..”

Aoi “(Whispers to Reita) He said the GazettE is going to release their new album!”

Uruha “Was it OK to announce that? (laughs)”

Ruki “If we don’t release it this year, we won’t release an album for another 3 years. (laughs)”

(Everyone laughs.)

Ruki “How long does it take to release it?! (laughs)”

-Uruha, please send a message to fans overseas.

Uruha “Compared to before, compared to the past, I feel that people living in countries overseas are closer to us. Nowadays, the Internet is very common.”

Uruha “What days are you living in?”


Uruha “In the past, we never dreamed of going abroad, but now, that possibility is getting closer. We’re not just close in that way; fans overseas can always see us through the Internet. So, know about us through the Internet, and someday, I hope you can see the GazettE with your own eyes.”

-OK. Then, that’s all for today. Thank you very much!

“Thank you very much!”
Thank you, the GazettE!

MYV verlässt uns....T___T

Autor:  Toffelchan

nothing more to say






MYV verlässt die PSC



aber ich wünsch ihm viel glück auf seinem weiteren weg <3

XDDD" *geklaut habs* bitte füllts doch mal aus hm??? ^^

Autor:  Toffelchan

Was würdest du tun, wenn...
» Ich stürbe:
» Ich dir sagte, "Ich mag dich":
» Ich dich küsste:
» Ich direkt neben an wohnte:
» Ich etwas klaute:
» Ich ins Krankenhaus käme:
» Ich weit weg ziehen würde:
Was denkst du über mein/e...
» Persönlichkeit:
» Augen:
» Gesicht:
» Haar:
» Kleidung:
» Manieren:
[1] Wer bist du?
[2] Sind wir Freunde?
[3] Wann und wo haben wir uns das erste Mal getroffen?
[4] Wie habe ich mich da angezogen?
[5] Was denkst du über mich?
[6] Welche ist die schönste Erinnerung, die du von mir hast?
[7] Wie lang denkst du, bleiben wir Freunde oder Feinde?
[8] Liebst du mich?
[9] Habe ich dich jemals verletzt?
[10] Würdest du mich umarmen?
[11] Würdest du mich küssen?
[12] Würdest du mit mir schlafen?
[13] Stehen wir uns nahe?
[14] Was sticht bei unserer Beziehung heraus?
[15] Wünschtest du, ich wäre cooler?
[16] Auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10, wie nett bin ich?
[17] Gib mir einen Spitznamen und erkläre ihn.
[18] Bin ich liebenswürdig?
[19] Wie lange kennen wir uns?
[20] Beschreibe mich in einem Wort.
[21] Was war dein erster Eindruck von mir?
[22] Denkst du noch immer noch so über mich?
[23] Was denkst du ist meine Schwäche?
[24] Denkst du, ich werde einmal heiraten?
[25] Was an mir macht dich glücklich?
[26] Was an mir macht dich traurig?
[27] Was erinnert dich an mich?
[28] Was würdest du an mir ändern?
[29] Wie gut kennst du mich?
[30] Wolltest du mir jemals etwas sagen, konntest aber nicht?
[31] Denkst du, ich würde jemanden umbringen?
[32] Postest du das in deinem Blog, damit ich es auch ausfüllen kann?


Autor:  Toffelchan
Toffel is back im Sachsenlande...und garantiert nicht....glücklich damit...

ich will zurück ins Bayernland....zu dir~



miss u ganz much <3

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