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Wieder son Cosplay Blog Cosplay

Autor:  CAGE

Hi there everyone! 

I decided to write a blog because I realized that I got a theme that really annoys me and which pops up again and again. 
I really don't mean to offend anyone but I want to tell some persons the other side of the lake. 

Since I got an active life on Facebook and Tumblr (also dA, Animexx, Twitter) I get more and more messages about cosplay with questions. 
In general I really don't mind but most of the questioners don't even try to find stuff out themselves. For example: I got a FAQ section on my TUMBLR where I already tell a lot of stuff about material I used or how I did things. 40% of the questions are already answered there. Also there are a lot of questions which are more a thing for google. I am not google, no cosplayer is. 
Questions like "what is worbla?" "where can I buy wigs?" "which make-up is good for my skin type?" are no questions which should go to cosplayers. We all have our own stuff to do and can't effort that much time to play google, sorry. 

Also the sound makes the music. Make sure to thank properly and don't act like you demand an answer, it is not your right to get one. No cosplayer is pledged to give answers. None has to tell everything. 
You should know that many... 
...spend weeks or month to find a fitting wig, maybe even order 2-3 until it's the perfect one. 
...search lot's of fabric stores and the internet for a fitting fabric.
...need days to do a pattern themselves to make it fit and looking like the original. 
...do many make up tests until the result is satisfying.
...build the weapon/armor again and again with different materials to make it wearable and not to heavy. 

So of course it's not a piece of cake to just hand the link to the wig, tell the fabric store, give all info about material and colors used. 
Especially if it's for a total stranger. If you give that to your friends you can expect to get "paid back" one day in some kind.

Many should also think properly if they really want to do a expensive and complicated as their first one.
Think how experienced the cosplayer is, whom you are asking. Just because you are asking a person that stuff, your costume won't turn out the same. (I don't want to offend anybody, everyone was a beginner once and especially if you start at a young age it's hard but please THINK what you can do)
Everyone has to earn their skills, you can get HELP earning them but you can't just get them from another person.

So please just THINK before you ask another person you don't know. 
Only if you can't find the answer yourself, ask someone. 
Don't expect an answer and if you get one, be grateful. 

Blogs about that themes:


EDIT: Da ich aktiver auf internationalen Seiten bin ist dieser Text auf Englisch. Keine Lust für Animexx alles nochmal zu schreiben, Englisch sollte ja mittlerweile Standard sein. <3  

Datum: 16.02.2014 23:07
Du triffst den Nagel auf den Kopf.

(Ausnahmsweise bin ich mal deiner Meinung, Elb :P)
"You're doomed. Your battle can never be won. Unless you defeat yourself."
Datum: 16.02.2014 23:44
Gezielte Punktlandung!

Ich kenne das ganze irgendwoher.
Von A-Z.

Aber ich weiß gar nicht genau, was mich am meisten stört:

~ die Leute, die sich gar nicht erst die Mühe machen selbst ihre Fragen zu beantworten (*Wo kann ich Perücken kaufen?*)


~ die Sorte, die schon zu Beginn patzig und unfreundlich ist und eine Wall-of-Hate ausspucken, wenn sie nicht die Antwort von dir bekommt, die sie wollen.
Denial is N O T a River in Egypt!
Datum: 17.02.2014 11:18
Word |D
Einer der Gründe, wieso ich nimmer so aktiv bin. Und in deinem Ausmass muss das ja noch härter sein.

like it? like it!
Datum: 17.02.2014 18:24
Animexx ist ne deutsche Seite.
Datum: 17.02.2014 21:47
> Animexx ist ne deutsche Seite.

Y a-t-il un problème véritable? :C
Datum: 18.02.2014 13:01
auch von mir große Zustimmung dazu.
es ist schon irgendwie traurig das manche sich anscheinend nicht mal die mühe machen sich selbstständig Gedanken zu einem selbst ausgesuchtem Cosplay Projeckt zu machen. Aber das Denken selbst scheint ja nach und nach verlernt zu werden -__-

PS: ich kann kaum bis garnicht englisch, wozu gibt es Übersetzungsprogramme wenn man wirklich es verstehen will dann benutzt man halt die. Oder zu faul zum denken XD

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