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Autor:  -HyukJae-

What can I say?
This week I wasn´t online 1 day
Just because of damn work =__=
I´m sorry to all, who waited for me to write them
hope you won´t kill me ;______;
I promise to write at the weekend

Because starting from next week I can´t be online as much/ long
as I did the weeks before
Because we got new working-times and so we´ll start working at 6
in the morning.

But I have to look at it from the positive side.
I don´t have to work till half past 6 in the evening like the last 3 months.
You don´t know how happy I am!!!!!!
Right now I´m counting the days and there are just 4 left.

Maybe I go and celebrate this, yeah, you read right
I´m celebrating my new working-times
I know I´m crazy, but it isn´t my fault
I can´t do anything against it cause it´s there since I was born.

Datum: 07.04.2011 21:31
Sure! ^_____^~
We'll wait for you :)

And Yes let's celebrate your worktimes! :D :D
*takes hyukkie*
*dance together*
Datum: 12.04.2011 18:49
you know I take this for real XDDD
*goes and gets the alcohol*
*goes and gets some great music*
*flying to korea*
*catching SuJu*
*bringing them back to my house*

†ĭmє ώǻĭ†š fǒΓ ŋǒ ǒŋє
Datum: 12.04.2011 19:21
Yeah I know!
Thats why I will celebrate this with you :D
*stars at all the bottles*
Are you sure :DD
*looking at how fast you came from korea to germany*
SUJU! *__*
*freaks out*
Wookie & Minnie & Alcohol?
Do you really think this will work? :DDDDD
*takes a cup of Proseco* :DDDD
Prost :D
(By the way why are we speaking english?)

Datum: 15.04.2011 13:44

I´m definitly sure!!!!
*imagine how Minnie and Wookie are getting drunk*
OMG, my fantasy´s starting to show me ...interesting pictures
and this is YOUR fault!!!!!
*can´t sleep at night anymore*

Ehmm...yeah..why english?
I don´t know XDDD
maybe beacuse I read too much fanfics he last weeks??


†ĭmє ώǻĭ†š fǒΓ ŋǒ ǒŋє
Datum: 16.04.2011 12:03
Innocent Wookie .. No and Sungmin.. hm yes :D
That would be rather inbteresting hm~? :D
But let's keep Kyuhyun away from Minnie!
Let's push sungie towards minnie x'D Or else I will go
my fault? No way :D
Don't say such things :DDDD

Oh yes! I knwo these experiences - when I read to much fanfics in English then I can'T communicate with my friends ~ :D

Datum: 16.04.2011 12:15

Yeah, let´s do that!!!!!
I think it will be quite better than cinema
but you have to stay with me !!!

But I said it already XDDDD
and I ment it!

Ok, that didn´t happen to me o_O
but every time i got too much fanfics I start thinking and sometimes talking to myself in english ...
yeah ...it´s kind of stupid, i know ^__^;

†ĭmє ώǻĭ†š fǒΓ ŋǒ ǒŋє
Datum: 17.04.2011 11:05
Oh yes! I can pretend that this will be the finest party ever :D
yeye I will! ^__^~
*goes beside hyukkie*

Noo why I am such an EVIL person :DDDDDDD

Yeah thinking in english describes it the best :D
Stupid? No what are you talking about?
Sometimes it's a relief maybe because my mum doesn't understand a word :DDDDD
and all in all we are crazy :D

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