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Das Stalker-Meme

Autor:  Fami
Vom wem geklaut ist ja wirklich unwichtig, da könnte ich gleich mehrere nennnen, xD

Ich werde auf Wunsch auch gerne Ergebnisse veröffentlichen XD

sleepingFrog -> 54
Urahara_Kisuke -> 54

Antworten werden bevorzugt per ENS akzeptiert xD

( 2 Points ) My name:
( 2 Points ) My last name:
( 5 Points ) Take a stab at my middle name:
( 3 Points ) Who am I in love with:
( 2 Points ) Where did we meet:
( 2 Points ) What kind of car do I drive:
( 2 Points ) Where do I work:
( 3 Points ) Something that I am afraid of:
( 2 Points ) Do I smoke:
( 3 Points ) Do I drink:
( 2 Points ) Do I have any siblings:
( 2 Points ) How many:
( 1 Point ) Do I like 'em:
( 4 Points ) What's one of my favorite things to do:
( 2 Points ) How many piercings do I have:
( 3 Points ) Name a song that I love:
( 4 Points ) Am I shy or outgoing:
( 3 Points ) Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules:
( 2 Points ) What’s my favorite color:
( 3 Points ) Name something I hate:
( 4 Points ) Name a talent I have:
( 4 Points ) Do I have any pets:
( 5 Points ) What is the color of my room:
( 5 Points ) Give me a movie or TV quote that I love:
( 5 Points + on creativeness ) If I were stranded on a desert island, what would I bring:

70-75 Points; Stalker Extraordinaire!
60-69 Points; Hard-Working Stalker
50-59 Points; Decent Stalker
20-49 Points; Stalker-In-Training
00-19 Points; Crappy Stalker or New Stalker
Datum: 20.12.2010 10:58
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