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self knowledge ...

Autor:  Treeflower
this time I´m writing in englisch... sort of mood...
I realised that every time I draw a character or make a sketch of something, that it doesn`t matter how hard you try, there will always be someone better in it.. My problem is, that everybody is better than me... doesn´t matter how hard I try.. I have my own style, but still... I get to see, how bad it really is... getting down on my mood to see how many of the mexxler s can really draw... make s me down... I think I will only draw for myself and not for others.. my style doesn t like anyone anyway... so who cares??... I also miss my friends... long time ago I was in a clinque...really good feeling, but now.. everythng just disappered.. yomething happend and I feel worse about it.. I miss my friends... And the time I had..

Just wanted to say that...

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