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Videos: Cosplay

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Von:  Diesel (Cosplay Videos by Diesel)
Datum: 01.05.2014, 13:25
Länge: 4:27 Minuten
Thema: Animuc
Kategorie: Event-Impressionen
Beschreibung: All footage was taken at Animuc 2014 in Fürstenfeldbruck / Germany.


If you're in the video you can write me a message with time index, cosplay, your call name and a link to a presence of you. So I can feature you in the description.


For updates, work in progress and features add me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dieselsvideos
For some informations and a lot of SPAM follow me on Twitter:
https://www.twitter.com/dieselsvideos ;-)
Sometimes I post photos or stills on deviantArt:
http://dieselsvideo.deviantart.com<​br /> For my FAQ (actually only in german), cast galleries and photos visit http://diesel.animexx.jp
Or ask me Questions in german or english at http://www.ask.fm/DieselsVideos


Featured Music: Morning Blue by Josh Woodward
available under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 US License

Song: http://www.joshwoodward.com/song/Mornin​gBlue
Interpret: http://www.joshwoodward.com
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/​3.0/us/


Endcard Music:
The Cypher Circle by Vincent Lee
available under Creative Commons Attribution Share alike license

The Cypher Circle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zduZTERya3E
Vincent Lee @ Youtube:
Homepage: http://www.vincentleemusic.com
License: http://www.vincentleemusic.com/vlm-lice​nce-english/

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Ein Video konnte nicht geladen werden.
Ein Video konnte nicht geladen werden.
Ein Video konnte nicht geladen werden.
Ein Video konnte nicht geladen werden.
Von: GlomB (GlomB Videographer)
Datum: 25.03.2014, 23:33
Länge: 4:57 Minuten
Kategorie: Event-Impressionen
Beschreibung: LBM 2014, Leipzig, Messe

Special thanks to Otty Warmann! Great Song!

Visit his website: www.ottymusic.com

Von: QRuMe (SevenSeasonsCosplay)
Datum: 25.03.2014, 23:32
Länge: 4:55 Minuten
Kategorie: Event-Impressionen
Beschreibung: ↓ !please read description! ↓

Hey guys, NOW we're back! x3

We're sorry for the bad quallity, we don't know where it comes from but we uploaded it anyway cause it was a lot of work. ^.^
This CMV was made at a convention, where we've been a week ago.
Please watch in HD. ^.^
Thank You!!! ♡

► ©-right Musik:
Pharell Williams - Happy
► ©-right Video: SevenSeasonsCosplay

► Kurumi ☆
► Sas ♫
► Yuka ❀
► a looooooot of very awesome Cosplayer!!! ♥♥♥

contact us:

► facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Seven-Se​asons-Cosplay/300234800121845?ref=hl
► Deviantart: http://www.deviantart.com/?q=SevenSeasonsCosplay


Thank you for reading!
please like and subscribe us!

~ SevenSeasonsCosplay ♥

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