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Haruma High Drop - Foto 2 / 3

Fotograf: Blurmage
Hochgeladen von: abgemeldet Fotogalerien
Fotogalerie: Haruma High Drop
Fotografiert: 26.05.2012, 17:11 Uhr
Veröffentlicht: 02.09.2013, 13:57 Uhr
Schlagworte: Cosplay, Kamui Gakupo, [Neu]
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Kommentare (14)
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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  mokasasu4ever
2013-09-06T18:30:25+00:00 06.09.2013 20:30
raistlin03 kann: Englisch, Japanisch, Mandarin (Langzeichen), Mandarin (Kurzzeichen)
amazing! it looks so great *____*
Antwort von:  mokasasu4ever
06.09.2013 20:31
oh ohps the first line schouldn´t be on the comment :D sorry
Von:  Mitsune
2013-09-06T04:54:03+00:00 06.09.2013 06:54
What a stunning composition. Not only the cleanly sewed costumes, but also the colors. I generally like simplicity, and the black and white, which covers most of the picture (if we do not take the trees and the little park in the background into consideration) frames yours and your Lukas wigs perfectly, especially since they have unnatural haircolors that could be found on blossom petals at best. The only thing that bothers me is, that the picture looks a bit... How do I say this? Too round.

As Lukas dress already distracts from the edgey parts of the photo (like the quarters from the fence) I personally would've choosen a more straight up perspective. I think it might be the lense or the editing that is to blame for this effect (even if it is barely noticable). However, this is merely a question of personal taste, and overall I think this is a good picture and a nice change to closeups where the focus is more on the details of the costumes.
Von:  Yumi_Lucifer
2013-09-06T02:31:33+00:00 06.09.2013 04:31
wow it look great
Von:  Taira
2013-09-04T15:12:04+00:00 04.09.2013 17:12
Sooo nice~ <3
Von:  Chocoterasu
2013-09-04T10:50:11+00:00 04.09.2013 12:50
Great Photo!
Von: abgemeldet
2013-09-04T09:43:48+00:00 04.09.2013 11:43
Wow, you are amazing, being able to speak and read so many languages, which are so difficult to learn.
Antwort von: abgemeldet
13.09.2013 21:15
Hi! Well. Just like in Germany, we speak two language in our country. English and Mandarin. I picked up Japanese when I was in school due to my interest. I will learning German soon so I hope to practice it when I come to Connichi in 2014. :D
Antwort von: abgemeldet
17.09.2013 20:36
Oh, I am sure you will.
Nevertheless, Japanese is hard to learn and if you want to learn German, I am happy. The more languages, the better.
Von: abgemeldet
2013-09-04T08:33:57+00:00 04.09.2013 10:33
Wow, thats's amazing!
Von:  Swaja
2013-09-03T18:51:47+00:00 03.09.2013 20:51
Amazing photo! Love both cosplays. And great location.^^
Von: abgemeldet
2013-09-03T16:26:58+00:00 03.09.2013 18:26
Wow, du kannst sogar Mandarin Kurz- und Langzeichen und Japanisch?!?! Echt geil:)
Antwort von:  Swaja
03.09.2013 20:52
Und kein Deutsch, deswegen ist das Kommi auf Deutsch wahrscheinlich weniger sinnvoll.;-)
Von:  Zaizen
2013-08-31T14:03:12+00:00 31.08.2013 16:03
This is amazing! I love both of your Cosplays! ^-^