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Well, I have retired from cosplaying Riku after MANY years and many cons. So, this is a summary of photos of when I cosplayed him at a few cons throughout the years...

Seite 3
Ac-Cubed 2007 (ver. 4.0)
-So, I met this guy at FANEXPO 2007 who I became really good friends with...and well, he gave me a Way to Dawn keyblade he made D:
So, here I am, fourth time cosplaying Riku to a con (and of course, several other small events before) with said keyblade. Also, at this time, I started to use white make-up to cover my eyebrows with so it had a silver-white tint and NEW PANTS!! The vest was fixed a slight bit as well.
PS. The Way to Dawn pictured here, I do not own anymore. My friend took it back and made me a new one which he ALSO took back because he didn't like it, thus, made me a NEW one which I now own. xD
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(Me) as Riku with my friend as Kadaj
(Me) as Riku with my friends as Axel, Larxene and Kadaj
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