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Thread: Funny Twilight Commentary´s

Eröffnet am: 21.03.2009 19:32
Letzte Reaktion: 03.07.2009 21:31
Beiträge: 3
Status: Offen
- Bis(s)-Reihe

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 -ShadowKissed- Funny Twilight Commentary´s 21.03.2009, 19:32
 Nachteule Funny Twilight Commentary´s 18.04.2009, 11:34
Funny Twilight Commentary´s 03.07.2009, 21:31
Seite 1

Von:    -ShadowKissed- 21.03.2009 19:32
Betreff: Funny Twilight Commentary´s [Antworten]
;) hier mal ein paar Audiocomentare. Vileicht habt ihr ja auch naoch welche XD

Diese hier sind alle von Rob ^-^

"Never trust a guy who plucks his eyebrows."

"I have so many inexplicable facial expressions in this movie."

"I had pecs for about two days. Everyone would hate me. Just look at me walking around with my little peacoat on. My little customized pea coat."

"Sometimes I think I look like I’ve had facial reconstructive surgery. Like after burns."

[Jokingly] "I hate people who cry around me. I'm not friends with them anymore. Especially girls. Cuz girls are crying all the time. It's like, 'Shut up.' [Catherine Hardwicke points out that he just admitted that HE cried too] But I was crying over something legitimate. A movie."

"I'd love to be able to fit in a box. Like one of those people who fit into small boxes. I'd love it."

[Scene in the forest where Edward asks Bella, "What do we eat?"]: "Cheeseburgers."

[Scene where Edward shows off his sparkly body]: "I'm sorry, Bella. I'm just like a sweaty guy."

"I notice I have one of those butt chins. Like a nubbin."

Am besten find ich den mit den Cheeseburgers XD *wechlol*
I’ll be back so soon you won’t have time to miss me. Look after my heart — I’ve left it with you.
-Edward Cullen, Eclipse-

Von:    Nachteule 18.04.2009 11:34
Betreff: Funny Twilight Commentary´s [Antworten]
Hehe, cooler Thread ^^
Schade, dass es noch keine Re-Posts gibt :/

Als erstes ein paar Zitate von Jackson xD

1. Twi-Tour 2009/ Ein Fan fragte Ashley Greene(Alice), ob sie etwas mit Taylor Lautner hätte. Sie schaute dann erstmal Jackson an und er meinte total trocken:
"My Wifey?!"

"Papercuts are dangerous things...!"

XD eins der geilsten überhaupt von Jay ~

"I used to want to be a vampire when I was young. It'd be great, you know? Run around at night, never die, kill people. It sounds like a great life!"

^-^ Klaaar Jackson...~ Unser kleiner, böser Vampy.

"We had a lot of weather issues on the set of Twilight. One day we really needed the clouds to cover the sun, so we started doing a cloud dance, initiated by our director. We started dancing around and the extras really got into it. The entire set was dancing. And a few minutes later the clouds came, so it might've worked."

*sich vorstell X'DD*

Sooo, und jetzt noch was zu Kellan Lutz x3:

"I'm a fish. I've been swimming my whole life."

"I love life way too much and find fun in almost anything. I'm a chameleon."

"I bet on everything. Everything. It's just like, 'I bet you I can spin my chair longer.' Everything, I say 'I bet you.' I love to win."

Tjaaaa Emmett halt X'P

" For me to say 'You're beautiful', I can only say that to my girlfriend. The word 'beautiful' has such a different caliber than any other word out there, like 'sexy', 'hot', 'cute."

Sooo, das wär's erstmal...
Vielleicht find ich noch was :D

Hillywood introducing Jackson and Ash :D

"What is it Alice? What do you see?"
"I see...me...and I see you...!"
"Alice, keep your thoughts to yourself!"

Von:   abgemeldet 03.07.2009 21:31
Betreff: Funny Twilight Commentary´s [Antworten]
ich weiss eigentlich nur das mit
dem hurtigen bieber
und natürlich CHEESBURGERRS!!
