Fireshadow von abgemeldet (Hauptpairing: Sasu/Saku Neben: Naru/Hina) ================================================================================ Prolog: I was alone... ---------------------- SO liebe leute ^.^ hier isch ne FF die mir eingefallen isch als ich ganze Zeit son Bild angegotzt hab XD ja klint doof aber ich hoff sie gefällt euch es komm erst ein kleinen prolog aber ich hoff es macht nichts ^^ dank meiner freundin hab ich mich doch entschieden die FF raus zustellen bevor ich sie fertig hab ^^' also liebe leser dieser FF, ich freu mich immer für kommis ^-^ Eure Rasengan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was alone... "I was alone. Wanted attention, fun and friends. I couldn't laugh, couldn't cry. But the time go away. Found friends. Can laugh. But I can't still cry. But I can't CRY! Just as my stepfather, was in danger of life. Only then, became I My first tears. And I step in. I was alone. Wanted attention, fun and friends. I couldn't laugh, couldn't cry. I had no friends. Nobody would play with me. Nobody said to me "Hello". That WAS my life! Found friends. Can laugh. Found friends. Can laugh. That was my life!", hallte eine Stimme durch die Halle. Die Leute die zuhörten jubelten... Hosted by Animexx e.V. (