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I habe mal wieder eine Englische-Fantasy-Phase....

It was an exceptionally beautiful day. Brooke stared in the turquoise cloudless sky, witnessed how golden sunbeams glittered on the icy lake. The young woman lay on a sharp-edged boulder, recovering from the experiences of the day, meditating on her acts and words. She tried to explore her mind, reaching deep down to the bottom of her soul. Brooke knew that her current life did not satisfy her in every way. Her mates were stupid human beings, acting like animals, only living to satisfy their very basic needs. They were living in a dark age; fear, survial fights, superstition and starvation controled the whole existence of men and animals. Hunting, chiselling

wood, eating, fighting and praying was their entire world, they never went beyond it. They did not know about the heavenly place Celeste that guided their fate. Unaware of what was really happening, Brooke felt that she was different from the others. Of course, she also wore brown fur clothes, her hair was dirty and her skin was rough. Her demeanor did not distinguish her from the other people. Nevertheless her mind and her thoughts were unusual and mysterious. But sometimes, she was longing for a man that understood Brooke and acted like she did. She needed someone she could love.

By putting herself into a trance, Brooke was able to communicate with the ghosts of Celeste. She developed this special skill after she had found a wooden stick in a dungeon-like cave. It was a magic wand, sent from the ghosts of Celeste. They had chosen Brooke to lead the entire mankind into a new brighter age. Brooke knew that something was going on with her, sometimes she felt a terribly strong force going thourgh her flesh. She must have been lead by an unknown power that was guiding her on a stony track.

Brooke did not live with the others, she resided in a cave far away from the village of the humans. To reach her home, she had to cross a deep river, was forced to climb rocks and finally, she passed a meadow covered with stones. Because her perception was well trained, she suddenly spotted a tiny violet light in the sky. First she believed that she must be dreaming, but then the spot became brighter and bigger, it almost looked like a diamond would spankle among the coulds. Eventually, Brooke realised that her eyes were not betraying her and she faced reality. "Time has come!", a strange voice whispered. The light dazzled Brooke and she held her hands up to protect her eyes. The wind was blowing and tousled her hair. Suddenly, her mind became empty and knew what was going to happen next. Then she felt her body (or was it her spirit?) moving towards the sky. Everything was

white, clean and pure. A young, handsome man approached and intorduced himself as Ridge, the heavenly guardian. He took Brookes hand and kissed her gently on the cheek. Brooke realised that she was in Celeste. A new bright age was about to begin.


copyright by icewind


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