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The noble man and the demon boy

Sebastian x Ciel


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This demon, Bitter Memories

When Ciel opened his eyes it was dark outside. The moon shone through the window into the dim lighted room. He was lying on Sebastian's bed wrapped in the warm white blankets wearing one of Sebastian's old pajamas. It took a moment for him until a faint memory of what had happened before he passed out came back to his mind. There was this red haired Grim Reaper, attacking them. He remembered being stabbed by his Death Scythe, but for some reason he could not get a hold on anything that had happened afterwards. How did they even get back home?

When he sat up his head felt dizzy from just the small movement. Feeling incredibly weak he checked his body for the wound the Death Scythe had left on him, but the only trace of the attack was a pale scar over his stomach, that looked like it was old half a life-time, having healed almost completely. Other than that there was no sign reminding him of the attack left on his body. No blood, no dirt, nothing. He smelt like the artificial cream humans used to wash their bodies with.

Looking up, he scanned the room for Sebastian, however he didn't seem to be anywhere close by. Feeling a weird sting of...was it worry?... inside him, he tried to toss the strange feeling away. Of course Sebastian was alright. Who else should have carried him here? His starvation and the Grim Reaper's attack did not only seem to have weakened his body but also made his mind foggy.

But for some reason he did not even feel hungry at the moment. It was strange. Was this the last stage of a demon finding his death through starvation? First there was the painful hunger and when the hunger was gone and the demon would eventually forget eating, the trap of death was awaiting him? He didn't know. Demons were solitary beings and did not engage with other demons very often. They were born with certain instincts and skills and knew how to survive immediately. Ciel did not even remember how he was born. The only thing he knew was that he was born in the human world in 1875. Of course there was also the demon world but it was nothing one could compare to the human world even in the slightest. It was a vast land with strange alien like creatures wandering around. Sometimes demons dragged their prey down there to have fun with it before devouring it. Maybe the demon world was something that humans would describe with the word 'hell'. But even down there meeting another demon did not happen too often and there was no one teaching them how demons worked other than their normal instincts.

That very moment Ciel was torn out of his thoughts by the sound of the door opening.

“Oh, you're finally awake.” It was Sebastian, carrying a plate with dinner with him. The demon hadn't even noticed his presence. “How are you feeling?” He put the plate down on the table on the right side of the bed and sat down at the couch next to it still looking at Ciel though.

“... okay.” The demon answered shortly not wanting to talk about his strange condition he himself didn't really understand.

Sebastian threw Ciel a suspicious look which made the demon avert his eyes from him to avoid direct eye contact.

“How long was I asleep?”

“Almost a week. The servants were already very worried. I had to keep them from sending you to a hospital.”

“A whole week?” The demon was shocked. He had never been unconscious or asleep for such a long time. It was absurd considering that demons didn't actually need rest when in normal condition.

“Yes. Making up a convincing story for your condition was really difficult even for me.”, Sebastian sighed and took a forkful of his dinner.

Ciel didn't know why but he suddenly felt the heavy urge to have a bite from Sebastian's dinner. Confused he tried to ignore the feeling. How pathetic. He did not need human food.

Noticing the demon's stare, Sebastian offered: “Would you like to have a share?”

The demon struggled with himself. He really wanted to eat it but at the same time it was weird for him to want to eat human food and he did not know how to explain that to Sebastian. This time his hunger was stronger though. Not looking at the taller one directly he replied. “I don't mind eating it if you want to spare a bit.”

Sebastian grinned at the smaller one's obvious behavior. “Well then, I'm going to get some more food from the kitchen. Be right back.”

A few minutes later Sebastian returned to Ciel who was still sitting in bed and handed him a plate with dinner. Ciel didn't need to be told twice and dug in. Surprised by how tasty it was, his eyes widened. It did not take long until the food was eaten up. Handing Sebastian the empty plate he actually felt slightly better than before.

“Oh my, someone seems to have a great appetite for human food today. I wonder why that is. For a demon you're also very skillful using a knife and fork, aren't you? I already noticed that earlier when we were dining with the magazine’s crew.”

Sebastian's well observed remark flustered the demon and he countered: “Before you start making stupid comments you should better tell me how we escaped from the Grim Reapers! I seem to have passed out and I can't remember anything after that idiot of a Grim Reaper stabbed me.”

So the black haired man told Ciel how he had distracted Grell, how the Grim Reaper called William appeared and how he picked the other one up. Of course he also didn't leave out the moment when the demon lost his mind and nearly took his soul before passing out from exhaustion. When Sebastian described the moment that could have finally been the end of his life, the demon looked at him in shock. His face showed a mixture of self-anger and … sadness? He looked almost as if he was in pain; as if a memory from the past had struck him. A strange reaction, considering the fact that Ciel was to consume his soul sooner or later anyway. Of course Sebastian noticed it right away and it strengthened his suspicion that something in the demon's past had happened that had turned him into the unusual demon he was now. But if his plan worked out, he would make the demon tell him about it soon anyway.

He then continued explaining how he had carried Ciel home and had climbed into his bedroom though the window using the tree in front of it after laying Ciel down in a hidden spot in his garden. He didn't forget to add a comment about how Ciel's habit of climbing through the window had influenced him to having this kind of idea, gaining a hiss from said person in return. After he had climbed into his bedroom, he changed into new clothes and hid the blood stained ones in his cupboard. Then he searched for new clothes for the demon, a plastic bag, a towel and a first-aid kit. After he found everything he climbed out of the window again, stripped Ciel out of his clothes, cleaned the blood with the towel, put a bandage on his wound to stop the bleeding and put the clean clothes on him. After he put the bloodstained clothes in the plastic bag and hid it and the first-aid kit in the shed, he began to dirty their new clothes with mud from the ground. Everything needed to be authentic for his plan to work.

He then lifted the demon up into his arms again and rang at his door. Because of their encounter it was already very late and his preparations had again taken another 30 minutes (which was actually very fast considering how many things he had done) and he could bet his mobile was full of messages from the servants and his parents if they hadn't even contacted the police yet. He was slightly out of breath but that only proved his story. When a worried maid opened the door and saw the two of them in this condition she nearly fainted from shock. However Sebastian was quick to explain that after work they had decided to make a spontaneous walk through the park when suddenly a group of drunken teenagers attacked them. He continued telling her that after a quick fight he managed to make them run away but Ciel had passed out from the shock as it sure had reminded him of the time when he was still living on the streets. After assuring her for the fifth time that they did not have any serious injuries and just needed some rest, she finally left them alone and promised to also contact Sebastian's parents, who had already been worried that Sebastian might have collapsed again or even worse, because he himself was too tired to do so right now.

When he finally entered his room he had taken a closer look at Ciel's wound and vetted it thoroughly this time. He also washed the demon and then put pajamas on him after also putting a new bandage on his wound. At least it had already stopped bleeding but he better wanted to make sure. He lay Ciel down on his bed and then finally washed himself. He felt tired but strangely alive. Since his luxurious old style bed was more than big enough for the both of them he lay down next to the boy. Throwing him a second look he really hoped he would wake up soon. Sebastian was dying to find out more about the demon and the supernatural world.

The next day he secretly washed the blood stained clothes by hand and also kept an eye on the demon all the time but he didn't seem to show any signs of waking up soon. The days went by and Sebastian continued his normal life while Ciel still showed no signs of waking up. From time to time he checked his wound, washed him and put new clothes on him.

“It was fascinating how fast your wound healed!” Sebastian told the demon with admiration in his eyes. “Only one day after the incident the wound had closed and two days later it was healed completely, only leaving a little scar. By now the scar looks like it has healed for half a life time. Your regenerating abilities are astonishing!”

Ciel hissed. “No, they are not. It should not leave a scar behind at all. Yet it didn't heal completely.”

“Is that because you didn't eat any souls lately?”, Sebastian asked further.

Taken off guard, Ciel threw the other a bewildered look, before he replied in an angry tone: “Why do you know that?”

“Don't you remember? The red haired Grim Reaper mentioned it before he stabbed you. And to be honest it's not difficult to guess. I came to the same conclusion earlier. You talked about demons not needing any sleep, yet your sleeping time enhanced every day. Also, your senses are getting weaker and you refrain from doing anything that involves too much physical effort even though it should be mere child's play for a demon like you. Now you also start eating human food. I don't know anything about how demons work, but here is what I think.” His gaze bore into Ciel's eyes.

“If a demon eats less souls than his body needs, his abilities start to weaken. The longer he continues like this, the heavier the impact. After a while he’ll start relying more and more on the body he chose to take form of. In your case it's a human body. Hence you need sleep and now you even need human food. As to what happens if you continue this I can just guess that you'd either die or turn into a human completely.”

Ciel gave the taller one a shocked stare. “Me turning into a simple human? That is impossible!”

“I don't know.” The black haired shrugged. “Either way is against our contract though. Also the possibility that you'd die is pretty high and we cannot let that happen. You really do need to have a soul as soon as possible. Why have you starved yourself anyway, if I might ask? During the first weeks you were out for a hunt every day.”

Averting his eyes from Sebastian penetrative gaze on purpose, the demon gritted his teeth. This was the one topic he wanted to evade for sure.

“I think you should really consider talking about it. Keeping quiet about it until now didn't make it any better, did it? Moreover, please also remember that we are bound together by this contract.”

To emphasize his words he showed him his left hand where the proof of their contract was engraved with a black sign. “I would like to know more about the demon who is supposed to eat my soul eventually. Also, I don't have a reason to use your words against you and I have kind of saved your life before, haven't I? I would suggest you begin to trust me more.”

The taller one had seen through his facade right at the beginning. Ciel had to admit that it was true that he kind of had the right to know about it, since it had endangered their lives. This time there was no excuse.

With a rather sad tone, the demon began telling: “I don't know much about demons either. The only thing I know for sure is that we need to eat human souls and that those souls we eat are forever lost. They cannot be reborn again since they aren't collected by the Grim Reapers. I am afraid when something is truly lost, one can never get it back again. ” His face curved into a painful bitter smile.

“At first I didn't mind devouring whoever it was. Men, women, children. They were all the same for me as long as they could satisfy my never ending hunger. Until I met her...”

1890. It was a night as all the other nights, as the demon hid in the shadows of a park, waiting for the chance to devour the next soul. He saw the outlines of a girl approaching the park in the distance. She seemed to be alone. As she passed a street-lamp, the light was illuminating her face for a brief moment. Curly blonde hair tied into two pigtails and eyes of a vivid green colour glittering from tears. Her soul gave off an especially delicious smell. It was a fragrance of unhappiness and resignation. He couldn't wait to devour it.

It was so late at night that no one else was walking through the park. It was a rather wealthy area of London and judging from her clothes the girl didn't look like her family lacked money. Usually, people would have wondered why a girl like her was walking through a park alone at such a late hour. But Ciel didn't care.

When the blonde girl walked past him, he released himself from the shadow he was lurking in and attacked her straight away. She landed on the ground with her back in the split of a second letting out a shriek; her dress splaying on the stony path beneath her. Realizing the shadowy figure above her, her eyes widened in shock at first, but soon her facial expression changed into a smile.

“So my wish really came true. Who would have thought this would actually happen? Thank you.”, she whispered and closed her eyes, waiting for the creature to kill her.

No one had ever smiled at him, yet thanked him. The bizarre situation made the demon freeze in his movement.

When the demon didn't do anything for a few moments, the girl opened her eyes again, staring into the shadow questioningly. “Are you alright, Mr. Monster? Didn't you intend to kill me? Please don't make me wait... I am actually a little afraid. I would be certainly thankful if you could do it as fast as possible.”

Irritated, Ciel replied: “Why do you want me to kill you? You are not supposed to do that. You humans always beg for your life.”

The girl continued her mysterious smile. “I don't think all humans are the same. Certainly not...Some people prefer dying than continuing their life the way it is.”

Growing interested, the demon asked further: “Then why do you not want to continue your life the way it is?”

Suddenly the girl’s eyes turned incredibly sad once again. “There is someone in my life who ruined everything. But I cannot get rid of this person.” Tears started welling in her eyes and flowing down her face. “It's rude of me to even think this way. I should accept my fate the way it was given to me like the duty of a proper lady demands. But I cannot even do this much... You see, I've become such a filthy woman.”

Ciel didn't understand the full meaning behind her words, but he got the feeling that this girl was different from the people he had devoured before. He couldn't tell why but he did not feel like killing her anymore. There had been moments in his still short life before when he had asked himself if living for the sole purpose of eating was satisfying, but he had never felt the need to change it. Because what else should he be doing besides eating? At this very moment though he just wanted to know more about this mysterious girl and why she was different from the people he had killed before.

He let go off her. Confused, she stood up; wiping away the dirt from her dress and looking at the shadow in front of her.

“I’ve changed my mind. I don't want to kill you right now. But I promise to kill you in the end if you form a contract with me.”

“A contract?”

“Yes. I am a demon and we demons can form contracts with humans. If you wish to be killed by me I will do so, but before let me observe your life for a while.”

“But you do promise to kill me in the end?”


“All right, then I accept your offer. Please form a contract with me!”

At this moment a clawed, black hand materialized out of the shadow and palmed her left hand. It felt hot for a moment and when the demon let go off it there was a black sign left on it. The girl looked at it with a certain displeasure in her eyes. “This is not cute at all... But I guess I can wear gloves to cover it.”

She looked at the demon. “Can you change your appearance? For example can you transform into a human?”

Not bothering to answer Ciel began to change his form. He had never done it before and he also didn't know how to make himself look. Then he decided to take on a form the girl's soul desired.

Just a moment later a boy around her age and height dressed in black attire stood in front of her. His right eye showed their contract sign.

“Wow, this is fascinating!”The girl was astonished. A little spark in her eyes was recovered...


When she took him home, she told him that her name was Elizabeth but he should call her 'Lizzy'. Her home was a huge mansion with a big garden in front of it. Upon entering the garden, she halted though. “I am very sorry, but I cannot take you into my house. My family wouldn't allow me to have a male visitor because of my fiancé...” Her voice vibrated a little, but this time she kept her composure. “Our shed is really comfortable though. I hope that is okay for you?” She gave him an apologizing look.

The demon just nodded. Why was she making such a fuss? What was the difference between a shed and a house? He didn't even need a roof over his head to begin with.

“But if you need me for anything you can just knock at my window if no one is watching. I-I mean, if you are capable of reaching the second floor that is! But demons can do that, can't they? You know, we humans have a certain image of demons, so please excuse me if I'm saying something weird...”, she blushed as if she had said something stupid. “But please never use the door or the servants will notice you.”

This was how their life together begun. When the demon wasn't hunting he spent his time in the shed and Elizabeth visited him almost every day. Then she talked about her friends and what kind of new clothes she got and sometimes she also talked about the human world in general or taught him things, for example eating with a knife and fork. Most of her stories were boring and other than on the day they met she barely showed him her sad side anymore as far as to the point that Ciel thought she was just a common human after all. At first he regretted having made a contract with her and even considered taking her soul right away and ending it. But sometimes there were these moments when she was extremely sad and talked in a way that were riddles for the demon. Furthermore, over time he got used to her chit-chat and it was an effective way to spend the time he was not hunting.

One day there was another occasion when she showed him the bitter side Ciel was not capable of understanding. It was an evening and Elizabeth wore one of the prettiest dresses she possessed. What was odd, however, was that she didn't smile at all. In the contrary. When she entered the shed her face was as expressionless as the demon had never seen it before.

“I am sorry, but I won't be able to visit you during the next days...” She just said to him without looking into his face. Her shoulders were shaking slightly and it was obvious that she was trying to keep her composure.

“My fiancé has invited me to a ball he has organizing today and he wants me to stay with him afterwards. As a trial for our future life as husband and wife. Tomorrow he will depart on a trip with me.”

The demon didn't know what to reply. He barely talked anyway and preferred listening to what Elizabeth told him.

Suddenly the blonde girl lost her composure after all; looking into Ciel's eyes with her tear filled ones.

“I...I don't want this..Why... why do I need to be engaged to such a person?” The tears streamed down her face as if they never wanted to stop.

Without any warning she suddenly threw her arms around the demons neck and rested her face on his shoulder.

“Why do I need to be engaged to a man so much older than me? With...without any self-composure or pride.”

Her voice was shaky and interrupted by occasional sobs.

“I don't want to do this with him... I want to be like the other girls. Dreaming of their wedding with their loved one... I...I want a cute fiancé...someone like you...”

She clenched her fists into the fabric of Ciel's top and her tears were wetting his shoulder. He did not hug her back though. Not knowing what she was talking about he was completely over-strained with the current situation and did not know how to respond.

After she had cried for a while it was time for her to leave. When he saw her again after a few days she only showed him a fake smile.


On another occurrence Elizabeth came to him with a big smile on her face. Her real smiles were vivid and bright and reached her eyes; making them sparkle.

“I went to a market place with Paula today! There I found something veeery cute and I just couldn't resist! Ta-daa!”

Saying this, she presented him a frilly blue attire with a tiny blue hat and attached to the hat a blue-white striped ribbon.

“I thought a blue dress would suit you better than your black clothes, so I bought you these.”

Ciel did not feel the need to change his clothes but he kind of liked the color of the clothes Elizabeth had bought him, so he accepted them. From there on he always wore it.


“But then one day Elizabeth came to me and said she would have a guest today and that she did not want me to come to her meanwhile. She said something about that she did not like people seeing her this way and especially not me.” Ciel continued telling his story. “But in the end I was even more interested in what she would be doing and decided to observe her secretly. I thought that maybe she would finally reveal why she was different than other people. So I hid in the shadows when her guest arrived in a carriage and she came to greet him.

It was only afternoon but the weather was cloudy, so it was quite dark. When a man stepped outside the carriage carrying a long case under his arm and greeting Elizabeth in a friendly manner I decided to have a closer look. At that time I didn't know that he was just a fencer visiting Elizabeth for a duel. That was also why she chose to greet him alone. She did not like others to watch her duelling. What I didn't take into account were the horses tethered to the carriage though. When I came closer, they bolted upon feeling my presence. Just a few moments later they broke away from the reins. The coachmen fled immediately. I grabbed Elizabeth and dragged her away from the horses, but it was too late for the visitor. One of the horses stomped him to death before both of them ran away. Elizabeth clung to me in horror when she saw the man lying in his own blood on the ground. And that was the moment when they arrived.”

Sebastian threw him a knowing look. It was easy to guess who arrived.

“Grim Reapers. Two of them. However, at that time I had never seen any Grim Reapers and I didn't know who they were. I also didn't know that Grim Reapers and demons were enemies.

After they reaped the man's soul they suddenly attacked me without any warning. I was taken off guard and their first attacked slashed me right away. Weakened, I did not stand a chance against the both of them and only moments later I lay on the ground almost lifeless. But when they prepared to deliver the final blow, Elizabeth was there and protected me.”

His voice took on an intensely bitter tone.

“It was almost unbelievable how she defended us from the Grim Reapers with the rapier she took from the man's case even though she was a mere human. I still don't understand why she did not want me to see her fight in the beginning. She was strong, brave and extremely skilled. Yet, in the end she couldn't win against them. They tossed away her rapier and without it she was unable to fight anymore. Ignoring her, they then wanted to kill me at last; striking their Death Scythes at me, but then ...”

“She sacrificed herself for you.”, Sebastian completed his sentence.

A short silence grew between them. The demon clenched his fists into the blanket as he finally continued talking. “I don't even remember that moment very well. The Grim Reapers were shocked that they accidentally stabbed a human who was not on their list. I can faintly remember a third Grim Reaper appearing; scolding them for their behavior and forcing them to stop attacking us. I think they discussed about whether they should reap her soul or not. But then they decided not to do it because they would have to report her cause of death, which would lead to overtime, as one of them said, and reveal a failure in their work as Grim Reapers. So they just left.”

Angrily, he continued: “They knew what I would do afterwards! They knew that I would erase the proof of their mistake! I was weakened, barely alive anymore and I needed a soul to strengthen my regaining abilities. And then I...”


Elizabeth's body covered in blood beneath him. Her curly hair splayed at the sides of her head. A teary, exhausted face blessed him with a warm smile. Vivid green eyes shining with kindness.

“It will be fine. Please ... please end this life of mine finally.... Thank you … for everything. I am glad I met you.”

With her last strength, she reached for Ciel's cheek, caressing it reassuringly with warm, soft fingers. The demon couldn't withstand his hunger any longer. Giving in to his yearning and fulfilling Elizabeth's wish and their contract, he placed his mouth over hers; sucking her soul out of her body. Slowly, her fingers became cold. Her vivid green eyes lost their radiance and became dull, but her smile did not fade away until the very end.

During Ciel's narration Sebastian had sat down at the edge of his bed, listening to the demon's story keenly.

“From there on I only ate when it was necessary. At first I also spent many years in the Demon World to avoid contact with humans other than when I was hunting. But in the end I couldn't stand the Demon World any longer and returned. Through time I realized that it wasn't just Elizabeth who was different. Humans are all different in their own ways. There are those living their life like vermin; deserving their end. And then there are those who aren't. But we demons never know whose life we're consuming if we only eat because of hunger. It is my fault that she will never see the face of this earth ever again...”

“So you are having problems with eating because you do not want to kill innocent people?”, Sebastian wondered.

Ciel shook his head. “No. It's not that. I am not as ignorant to think that I can judge people. I am just afraid of making the wrong choice again and regretting it afterwards. I am doing this for myself.”

A smile appeared on Sebastian's face upon the demon's words. “So why did you chose me as your next contract partner? Because you knew I would die soon anyway?”

Sending the black haired man a weary look, Ciel replied: “So you knew it all the time, huh? That it was not a coincidence that I stopped you from committing suicide...” He sighed.

“It was just... when I felt your presence by chance someday... you reminded me a bit of her back then.”

Suddenly, Sebastian let out a chuckle.

“He-hey! Why are you laughing? There is nothing to laugh about!” The demon's face turned a shade of pink for a moment as he stared at the taller one furious.

“It's just … you comparing me to a little girl sounds very much absurd.”, he replied in an amused tone.

“I am talking about your soul! Your soul!” Ciel spluttered. “I am not caring about human appearances!” Realising his sudden outburst, he turned his head and cleared his throat. “However, I noticed very soon that your soul is also very different from hers. There is this one resemblance though. You both gave off a unique aura of resignation and unhappiness. This is why I decided to observe you for a few days. But then you suddenly decided to commit suicide. You know the rest.”

The demon gritted his teeth. “In the end I'm just doing the same mistake all over again! You see where this has almost led us. Nearly the same things keep happening again and I can't do anything about it! I let Elizabeth die and now I almost let you die, too... I haven't learnt anything at all from back then... I am a pathetic demon!”

“I certainly don't think so.”, Sebastian disagreed all of a sudden. “Indeed, you are quite clumsy and sometimes your harsh behavior does annoy me. But you are different than all of the humans I’ve grown tired of. You are still moving forward even though you have experienced these things decades, no, centuries ago. Your behavior is resolute and your set of mind is strong. Honestly, I think this is beautiful.”

He placed a hand on Ciel's cheek. It felt warm on the demon's cold skin.

“I am still here. Neither the Grim Reapers nor you killed me. This is what makes it different from what you experienced in the past. We can still change what is going to happen.” A surprisingly soft smile formed on Sebastian’s face. Not a teasing one, like usual, but somehow comforting, reassuring. “This girl cannot give you her warmth anymore. But I can give you mine.”

With a slow motion of his thumb, he began caressing the demon's cheek. It reminded Ciel of the warm hand Elizabeth had touched him with before she turned cold forever. A weird feeling began spreading in his body. Irritated, he slapped Sebastian's hand away.

“D- don't touch me! ... I really need to go hunting now...!”, Not looking into Sebastian's face, he rushed to the window, making an attempt of climbing the window sill. But before he could do so, the taller man grabbed his arm to stop him.

Ciel turned around, visibly annoyed.“What are you doing? Let go of me! You just said I need to start hunting for real soon!”

“It's night time now. That means it's dangerous outside. In your current state you cannot risk going out like this. Let's wait until tomorrow morning. Then we can work out a plan together how your hunting will be successful for sure.” Sebastian words sounded like he would not allow any protest. Besides, his firm grip onto the demon's arm proved Ciel that he was right. If a simple human was capable of holding a demon like him back, it might really be dangerous going for a hunt even for him...

With a displeased sound he went back to bed, folding his arms.

“I suggest you rest until tomorrow and then we discuss your hunt. Furthermore, it seems like rest helps your body regenerate a bit.” What Sebastian said was true. It kind of upset him, but he had to go along with the man's plan. Even though Sebastian's presence made him feel uncomfortable right now, in a way he could not describe. He did not understand it.

Covering himself with the blanket he lay down, facing the opposite direction of the black haired man. He had to admit that he found a liking to this soft old style bed...

A few moments later he noticed Sebastian switching off the light. Then, suddenly, he felt the mattress bent as someone else lay down on it. Starting up, he threw the other a surprised stare.

“What are you doing? I am sleeping here already!”

Sebastian just smiled. “I am sorry, but I believe this is still my bed. Moreover we fit in here both, don't we? When you were unconscious we also slept like this every night. Or does my presence make you feel uncomfortable?” He grinned at Ciel.

“No, definitely not!”

Not wanting to admit it, he demonstratively lay down again, his back facing the other. At least he did not want to look at his face, where he was sure another irritating grin had appeared right now. Stupid human! He really needed to hunt again, so that hopefully his body and state of mind would finally return to normal...


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