Ame no Ai von Toa-chan (Candy, Trouble and beating Hearts) ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: 02. Say my Name -------------------------- o woke up in early morning as her brother kicked in the door, made a barrel roll into her room and threw a stuff animal at her. the young girl almost fell out of her bed as mumbled. "Just a little more", she said while throwing her blanket over her head. "Oi, nee-chan, are you still wearing your school uniform?" As no answer was coming back he sighs the left the room again. "Seems like I won't get breakfast", he pouted and closed the door. Only after an hour Io woke up again, her hair standing into every direction as she yawned slightly and sat up. "hunnn, how late is it?" slowly she took the clock into her hand, a moment of silence overcoming when she jumped up in the next second. "haaaa! what should I do, I slept over!" In the next moment the pink haired girl flew out of her house with a toast in her mouth, a shoe open and pulling on her jacket while running. Just as she ran through the park the dark clouds grew bigger and it started to rain. "whaaa, really?" Of course in all her panic she forgot her umbrella but couldn't just stop under a tree as she was already late enough. In complete panic she almost stumbled over the stairs and just right when the bell to the break run, she threw the door open and stood there completely soaked in front of the others. "uruuu! Gomenasai! Gomenasai!", she stuttered while bowing many times to the teacher that was staring at her completely confused. Even after some seconds no one said someone as the drops fell to the ground, leaving a small puddle. " Then Himuro stood up from his chair, walked to her and whispered something into her ear. The girls turned bright red as she looked down at herself. she didn't closed her jacket and left her white shirt in the rain. "urruuuuu!" She shouted and run out of the classroom. "So you saw through iiiitttt?" The classmates were left with slightly blushing faces. "Say, did someone thought that io would have such b-" A book hit him like a shuriken in his head. "Teacher, me and Muukun will go and look after her", he said after clearing his throat. Completely embarrassed Io hid in an empty room of the school as heard a knocking at the locked door. "Io-chan?" "You can't get in!!", she shouted in desperation and leaned against the door, wrapping herself up in her wet jacket. "Oi, Ururu-chin, you can have my shirt.", the lazy voice of Atsushi resounded and after a few second of hesitation she opened the door slightly as Atsushi suddenly kicked in it, followed by Himuro. "Kyaaah! What are you doing?! You can't! Get out!", she shouted at them bright red and tried to shove them out of the door. Himuro locked the door again before throwing some clothes at her. "Here, you shouldn't run around in wet clothes." Atsushi nodded while munching on an crispy bar. "You can have mine, but for that you will make me some more of your sweets." he looked down at her and gave her a huge shirt. with clothes in their hands Io stood in front of the guys , Himuro smiling kindly and Murasakibara staring at her with his bored expression. "Anno...c-could you maybe turn around?" Io almost whispered to the guys who realized that they were still looking down at her. "Ah Gomen, Io-chan", Himuro apologized and turned around. "eeh? why?" without a word Himuro pulled him around. both of them were waiting till they got the okay. "uruuu. D-Do you think that is okay?" As they turned around they saw Io in way too big sport short a too huge sport jacket and sport shirt of Atsushi. "What, what? now you look even smaller Ururu-chin" Io hid her face behind the hanging sleeves. "uruu, so mean." "kawaii", Himuro mumbled before smiling again. "Don’t worry, io-chan, at least you won't get ill!" The small girl hid behind Atsushi as she tried to be unseen by others but as she couldn't hide forever, he just grabbed her at the shirt collar and carried her like a dog in front of her. "ah! P-Please let go Murasakibara-san!" he let her down again and she stared to hit him, which turned out though to be lightly touches to him. "S-So embarrassing, d-don't do that in front of everybody!", she looked up at him with teary eyes and blushed face. For a moment he stared at her when he suddenly popped a chocolate stick into her mouth. "hm?" perplex she stared up. "Are you able to make those?", Atsushi asked and smiled at her lazily. Io tasted the Mikado stick and looked at it. "y-yeah. It's pretty easy actually. You just nee-ah! p-please do not change the topic like that!" She pouted and tried to hit him again. "That tickles", he muttered while scratching the back of his head. The upcoming lessons was sport and so the class moved to the changing rooms. Io was wondering what might would be different here and soon she realized, that almost every girl in her class was taller than her. Nervously she looked around the girls as they were changing clothes. tall, slim and sporty. Only one girl, named Suzuna, was small and bit more chubby than the others. She patted on her shoulder. "I know what you think, we can't keep up with those supermodel but we are strong yourself! Don't forget that Io-chan!" "eh?" She turned around but Suzuna was putting on her sport clothes already. Just by now Io realized that she still wore the sport clothes of her classmates Himuro and Atsushi and remembered that she doesn't has her own sport clothes with her, due to the panic this morning. "Do you want my exchange gym clothes Io-chan?" Suzuna asked with a little grin on her face and gave them to her. Hastily slipped into them before walking out. "Were are you going?", Suzuna shouted after her but Io didn't hear her. When she reached the male changing room she knocked at it silently. Nothing happened. "maybe they are already in the gym", Io muttered and just wanted to start to run as the door opened and a guy with exposed chest was standing in the door. "oh, Io-san!" The pink haired girl almost fainted, holding her hands in front of her nose as she was afraid of someone seeing her little nosebleed. In the background she could hear some guys chattering. "Kyah, don't let her in! so embarrassing", someone acted with a girlish voice, followed by loud laughter. the door was opened wider and above the classmates head appeared Atsushis who looked down at her. "m y Shirt", he muttered and reached out his hand. "Ah! I-I'm sorry for the trouble!" She gave it to him and with this the door was closed again. the girl ended up to have a major nosebleed, shyly trying to get rid of it with a tissue. "ARE YOU READY!?", the loud voice of the gym teacher resounded in the gym hall. everybody jumped a little at the sudden shout. With little motivation the class lifted their hands and repeated the sentence of the teacher. "ALRIGHT! ITS RUGBY TIME!!" This time a loud shout was going through the boys row while the girls looked stared to sob or looking angrily at the teacher. "Not again! Can't we play something where we girls can actually do something too?", one of the female students complained but the teacher just gave her a wink. "NEXT TIME!..Nanao-chan." disgusted she turned around. Io was watching the somehow hilarious scene of the making up of teams. the group in which Atsushi played was looking at the group without him all fired up. The girls were divided into the boys group but none of the actually wanted to play this rough sport. from one moment on the other Io found herself fat the playground between the two groups of tall people. She rather stood at the side of the gym so she won't be overrun but suddenly she was the one holding the ball. A huge troop of wild guys was running at her . "a-ah! P-please it, sto-ooopppp!" The girl was picked up by Atsushi who run like a wild best over the group of men with her over his shoulder. "Go for it!!", Himuro and the other girls shouted However, completely into the game Atsushi didn't threw only the ball but Io, who flew over the playground and landed on the mattress which counted as goal. "Uruu, my head spinning", she stuttered dizzily. The next thing she saw was the white ceiling of the nurse station of the school. the face of Atsushi, Himuro and Suzuna went into her blurry field of vision. "Wow, Io-chan was knocked out! Are you okay?" A wild grin appeared on Suzuna's face as she eyes her up with her huge curious eyes. "Ururu, where am I?." She slowly sat up and shook her head, her vision turning more clear now. "Mukkun accidentally knocked you out", Himuro said gave the giant a little hit into his ribs. Atsushi placed a hand on her head. "Gomen, ururu-chin", he said and gave her his package of chocolate sticks. "They will make you feel better. Ah, also, the shirt you gave smelled like sweets." Himuro and Suzuna looked at him before Io smiled brightly. "Thank you Murasakibara-san.", she said happily with a light blush on her cheeks. "hooo, what do i see, what do I see? Some put a lovebird free.", Suzuna hummed and giggled like a young schoolgirl. "What love bird?", Atsushi asked while Io jumped up and forced a hand onto Suzuna mouth, turning bright red. "What are you doing here?, shouldn't you be in lessons." The curtains were drawn back and the nurse appeared, looking a bit pissed into the round.. "you guys, get out of here and go to lessons," she dispraised the three students and hit lightly with her clipboard onto the bed. "Lessons are boring", Atsushi said while staring at Io for a while. Io started playfully back at him as he suddenly felt a little jump of his heart in his chest. Immediately he looked away, pulling Himuro at his shirt with him. "Let's go Himuchin." Suzuna waved after Io and wished her to feel better soon. "So how are you feeling?", the nurse asked and took out a pen. "I'm fine", Io said happily and looked back at the door. "That good for nothing. You are too smart for him, Seiya-san." Io looked back at the women who gave her a professional smile. "eh? f-for whom?" The nurse let out a snorted chuckle before writing down something and turning around. "Nothing, don't mind me. I think you are fine now. if you feel dizzy again just come to me and I will check you again." With those words Io was left behind before she left the nurse office. The bell rung to the end again and io was standing there without umbrella as Suzuna stepped beside her. "I would take you with me but I live into the other direction", she said with an sad undertone. But maybe he can take you with him." Atsushi appeared by her side, over him a yellow umbrella and he looked down at her. "need one?", he asked. Blushing she looked at Suzuna who gave her a sneaky wink. "have fun. Love bird!", she said, waving and running off. "hurry or you will have to go alone." Atsushi was standing already in the rain." Hastily Io jumped under his umbrella and slowly walked home. On the way, people ran past them, with dogs, with bags or children. It was silent between the two and Io felt very awkward. "A-anno, Murasakibara-san I-" "Don't call me like that, its long and so annoying." Io saw up to him at first a bit shocked but then turned her eyes to the ground with a light blush on her face. "Say my name", he said suddenly a serious voice. "M-Murasakibara-san! t-that's your name right?!" the young men pouted and her gave her an angry look. "Not that name." Io gulped a bit as she clenched her hands "B....Bara-kun!" The men stopped still and looked down at her, realizing that he blushed slightly and putting his hand in front of his lower. "T-that name either!" "F-for me you are Bara-kun!" "i said not that name!" "Why?" Io looked at him eagerly and serious. At the same moment they both stood in front of Ios house. "I will call you like that Bara-kun, no matter what!", she blushed brightly as she said that before running to the door. "Ah! T-thank you very much for taking me home! and tomorrow...I will bring a lot of sweets!" With a deep bow she said good bye, leaving Atsushi in the rain under the umbrella. "That name...makes me feel weird. So annoying." Hosted by Animexx e.V. (