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The Curse of the Brand



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Moment of Fate

"As we approached the capital city of Melior, we had to seize two enemy strong­holds at the same time: Fort Pinell and Nados Castle. A small platoon of beasts and birds went to Nados Castle to act as a decoy, while the main army attacked Pinell. We defeated the mysterious man Bertram, who had replaced General Tauroneo as a member of the Four Riders.

Just as we had secured the area around Pinell, King Tibarn returned. He told us that at first everything went as planned. The laguz lured some soldiers out of the castle and crushed them. But at dusk, just as they were about to retreat, the enemy received reinforcements from the capital. Their leader single-handedly wiped out an entire platoon of the gallian army. King Tibarn is certain this man is no other than the Black Knight General Ike spoke of.

Right now I have to leave and attend a meeting. I really am not looking forward to seeing the Count of Fayre there. He always gives me a headache – talking as if he was on stage all the time."

"Poor Tanith", Sanaki said, looking up. "She really doesn't like people who talk much but say little."

"The deputy commander's feelings really are not our most pressing issue", Maian replied. "That Black Knight bothers me far more. I have repeatedly heard of his un­natural prowess, it almost seems as if he was invincible. But I really wonder who is hiding underneath that helmet."

"Well, I doubt he will reveal his identity", Lehran stated dryly.

"So the crimean army will have to deal with him next...", Sanaki mused. "Say, do you have information about the princess' retainers, the delbray-siblings and Count Fayre?"

"Yes", Maian replied. "Count Bastian was an adviser to King Ramon and he is said to be a very powerful sage and a skilled strategist. Lady Lucia and Princess Elincia are the same age, they were raised like sisters and are therefore very close. The lady is said to be an awesome swordsmaster. As for General Geoffrey – he was a member of the Royal Knights under Prince Renning and responsible for taking the princess to Gallia. It is very likely he will become the new leader of the Royal Knights. His archery and skill with the lance are unrivaled, as well as his riding skills."

"I see. So the princess must be happy to have those people back at her side. But what if they cannot defeat the Black Knight?"

"Event the strongest armour has a weak point. They just need to find it. And I am pretty certain that General Ike will get any obstacle out of his path."


"Titania, I need to tell you something – about the night my father died."

Titania sat down on a stool while trying to stay calm.

"I didn't tell anyone before, but the one who killed my father was that Black Knight. Father and I went for a walk and talked about a few things, then he told me to go back. I could tell that something was wrong, so I followed him. When I reached that clearing, they were already fighting. At first, it looked like a stalemate, but then the Black Knight sent father flying across the clearing. Then he threw his sword at father's feet and drew another one. He obviously wanted father to take up the blade, but instead father seized his axe, Urvan. They spoke to each other, but I was too far away to hear. Father charged and - " Ike closed his eyes. "It was over almost the same instant. They stood frozen under the full moon, as if they were embracing each other, but I could see the sword protruding from father's back... The Black Knight pulled his sword back and father fell. I tried to catch him, but we both fell. The Black Knight wanted father to give him something – the medallion, no doubt – but father said he'd lost it. Then the knight threatened to kill Mist and me. I was so angry I jumped up and attacked him. But I couldn't harm him and he simply knocked me down. If King Caineghis hadn't been nearby, he would have killed me. After the knight had left, I tried to get father back to the castle. He was still alive and I hoped that we would make it in time... I clung to that false hope as it started to rain while I walked towards the lights..."

Ike looked up to see Titania crying.

"Thank you for telling me this, Ike. The commander was with you during his last moments... he must have been happy. Now – I think I can finally leave my grief behind."

"One more thing... the following morning, after we had fought off the daein soldiers, I returned to the clearing. I hoped to find any hints, any clues... and there was this sword still stuck in the ground."

Ike opened a chest and took out a long blade that shimmered golden in the faint morning light.

"I took it with me, hoping that I would meet him again if I did. When we fought at Delbray Castle, the Black Knight told me that his armour and his sword, Alondite, had been blessed by the goddess. Only another blessed weapon could possibly harm him. This is Alondite's counterpart, Ragnell. I'm going to use this sword against him and avenge my father. And this is something I want to do alone."

"I understand. I trust you have enough experience to judge an enemy you fight. But remember this, Ike: retreating does not mean losing. It would be pointless to just throw your life away in a battle you can't win."

"I'll keep it in mind. Besides, I don't intent to lose!"

"I understand. I will make sure none of the others interfere with your quest."

As expected, Nados Castle was teeming with daein soldiers who were determined not to let them enter. Tibarn, Ranulf and some others smashed them a way into the castle and then the real fighting started. Ike split his army into three groups: One led by Tibarn, the second by Elincia and Geoffrey, the third he led himself.

Ike had Titania and Boyd clear him a path while Soren attacked everything out of their range. Ike wanted to save his strength for the oncoming battle. He had asked Sothe to accompany him as well, since he expected a few locked doors to block his path.

After searching the castle, only the throne room was left.

"The one I seek has to be beyond these doors", Ike said. "Don't follow me. This is my fight."

"But, Ike - ", Soren began, but Titania cut across him.

"I promised Ike I wouldn't let anyone interfere. This is an important step for him to overcome his father's death."

"But I still don't like it", Soren growled.

"I'm done with the lock", Sothe announced.

"Thanks, Sothe. Good job."

The thief grinned. "I'll go and look for some treasure."

Ike opened the door and stepped into the throne room.

The Black Knight was standing at the far end of the room, along with Ena, the dragon they had fought in Nevassa.

"I am going to the capital", Ena said.

"No. You're not. The king forbids it. He has ordered me to kill you."

"So be it, then... If I cannot be close to the one I love, it matters not what happens to me..."

"Do you have any last words?"

"Yes... if you see Nasir, tell him Ena was sorry."

"If I meet him, I will let him know. As a last act of compassion I will make your end a swift one."

Ike saw Alondite flashing, then Ena collapsed.

"My... love..."

Ike drew Ragnell and stepped forward.

"Turn and face me, Black Knight!"

"So you have come. Did you bring Ragnell?"

"Yes. If wielding this sword is the only condition I need to fulfill, I won't lose this battle."

"You are very confident."

"What about the girl? Did you kill her?"

"I promised, but my blow was not clean enough. She is still breathing."

"Then I'll take her."

"You will have to use force."

"No problem. Prepare yourself!"

The doors were thrust open and Mist came rushing in, her sword strapped to her back and her staff in the hand.


"Mist? I told you to stay out of this!"

"No! I won't! I'll help you, don't even think about stopping me!"

"Fine. But if it gets to dangerous, you'll leave. Promise?"

"Yes. I promise."

"Gawain's daughter, eh? Good. Now I can wipe the entire family off the face of this continent."

The Black Knight slowly advanced. Ike stepped forward to shield his sister.

"I – I'll fight you!", Mist shouted.

Daein soldiers came running in through another door.

"That dog is attacking the Black Knight! Get him!"

"No!", the knight ordered. "This man is mine."

"Then – the girl! Get her!"

"You can try!", Mist replied.

To Ike, only one other person mattered at the moment. He and the Black Knight started to circle each other.

"It is an odd fate that makes us meet so often. This will be the third time I have defeated you. The first time was in Gallia, the second at Delbray Castle."

"But this time will be different."

"How so?"

"I was taught how to wield a sword by my father. If I stay true to those teachings, I cannot lose."

"Did you ever consider the fact that using the techniques of your father against the man who killed him would be futile?"

"You didn't realize it, eh? My father cut the tendons of his right hand, that's why he refused Ragnell. He couldn't have used it... He crippled himself after my mother's death. You could have never beaten him at the height of his strength."

"This – cannot be! Impossible!"

"I will prove that my father was the better fighter. I will defeat you!"


This battle was fiercer than any Ike had fought before. This time, the Black Knight wasn't playing. This was for real, and one would be dying.

Ike tried to remember everything he had been taught by his father. He had no time to look out for his sister, he could only hope she was doing well.

Suddenly, a daein soldier was thrown across the room. Both Ike and the Black Knight turned to see a gigantic white dragon standing in the room, towering over Mist. Because he was so huge, he was unable to stand upright.

"Don't just stand there, finish him!", the dragon boomed. Ike thought that the entire room was vibrating.

"You damned sub-human!"

The remaining soldiers attacked the dragon. A blast of white light erupted from the dragon's snout and the soldiers fell, some of them died instantly.

Ike turned back to the knight. The knowledge that Mist was safe – at least as long as the dragon didn't decide to kill her next – gave him new strength.

Suddenly Ike managed to land a heavy blow. The Black Knight staggered back­wards, lost his balance and fell.

"You have grown strong... I... commend... you..."

The sword had fallen from his grip and he lay absolutely still. Ike waited for a few seconds, but the knight didn't stir.

"What the – impossible! He killed the Black Knight!"

Ike looked up to see some of the surviving soldiers.

"Activate the traps! Now!"

The castle started to shake and parts of the ceiling came down. The dragon was shaken by a slight tremor. There was a flash of light and the next moment Nasir was standing in front of them.

"Ike! The castle is collapsing. Take your sister and your men and get yourselves out of here!"

He rushed over to the throne and swept the still unconscious Ena into his arms.

"Right! Thanks for helping us out, Nasir."

"Don't mention it. But we need to hurry... Ena is in a very bad condition."


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