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Dreams are never weak like we are

Jonghyun X Key (SHINee)


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Act. 1

It was one of these spring days when the weather isn't great at all. It was cloudy and rainy all day long. Besides the schedule of his band Key had to shoot a couple of scenes for Raising an Idol and so he was brought to today's location via car. While staring out the window his thoughts start drifting away again.

He was wondering what was going wrong these days. He couldn't name the problem at all. The only thing he knew was that Jonghyun acted kinda cold in front of him recently. He knew Jonghyun for years now and since their trainee days they were really close.

" . . . " his ringing blackberry cellphone brought him back to reality. The display showed Jonghyun's name and of course he picked up the call in no time. "Hi Jjong!" started the younger trying to sound cheerful. "Kibum? It's Onew here." Key's bad mood was back again. " . . . " Key didn't know what to say so he rudely waited for Onew's reason to call "Kibum? Are you still there? I'm calling from Jonghyun's cellphone because ...."

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Key suddenly remembered the day he met Jonghyun for the first time. He just started as trainee for SM Entertainment and Key had already heard rumors of Jonghyun back then. He was called "The Voice" amongst the trainees. Key was very curious about him but would never show this much interest in an individual on the surface. So this day of their fateful first meeting was scheduled because of their today's vocal lessons.

The younger one had to sing a part of an H.O.T song and did so very well. The coach gave him praise and some suggestions to improve his singing. After him Jonghyun had to sing the same part of H.O.T's song. His singing was impressive and powerful so Key got goosebumps all over his body but the coach rant Jonghyun to sing as he was taught. The latter one blushed and mumbled an excuse while bowing his head a several times.

The whole lesson Key looked at Jonghyun subtly. He wanted to find out more on this boy! The only thing he knew was that the other one was older then him. He had to find out and so he did. After the lesson he 'accidently' run into him and started to chit-chat with him. Jonghyun was still a bit considerate due to his coach's criticism and wasn't really listening to Key's talking.

While walking around the SM Buiding Key was greated by a lot of girls and this was the reason Jonghyun suddenly became interested in Key. Jonghyun thought that the younger boy was popular amongst the girls and so he took a closer look at Key. He saw the good-looking boy who won the vocal lessons over him and became angry for an instant. As if Key knew he suddenly started to link his arm with Jonghyun's. The older one didn't knew what to say so he silently agreed with it.

"Jjong? I'm allowed to call you Jjong? Jonghyun is kinda long, don't you think? I like Jjong it fits you really well. It's cute and unique like you" stated Key.

"I'm older than you. Call me 'Hyung'."

"I won't call you 'Hyung', Jjong~♡"

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This memory made him smile softly. It happened a lot since these days. Time passed by so fast and since their debut they hardly had time for anything else besides being Idols. Key was glad that he managed to finish school this year. Due to his schedule he decided that he won't continue studying at an university or college but would instead focus on his carreer with SHINee.

"What was Onew-hyung talking about again?" Key tried to remember but he didn't really listen to him earlier. He went to meet up and shout a couple of scenes with Shin Irang - his teacher for being a chef. Irang was 3 years older than him and kinda liked this boy. She knew very soon that this boy appeared to be light-headed but was on the other hand very loveable. It was Irang's sincere belief that this boy's behaviour appeared because of his shyness. They shoot some scenes and Key went back to their dorm only to find out that nobody was their.


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