Lyr-x von DemonhounD (Songtexte, englische Gedichte) ================================================================================ SparrowHunt (Songtext) ---------------------- Was macht Demon, wenn es mal keine Bildbeschreibung parat hat? - Es sagt alles, was es zu sagen gibt mit Musik. Oder anders gesagt: Mir fiel zu meinem Bild "Jackbird" keine echte Bildbeschreibung ein, also habe ich diese Lyrics dazu verwendet. - Ich steh selbst total auf den Song, den ich selbst geschrieben habe! hier ist übrigens der Link zum Bild: We are the noble fairy tribe. We are the hunter's call to fight. We are the creatures made of plants. Keep moving on, this is our dance. We'll force you to forget yourselves. We are the ancient spriggan-elves. Come on, friend! We'll go to hunt. Beauty will die! That's what we want. Killing Jackbird will be fun. The beauty dies, when we are done. The beast inside urges to kill. So let it out, bow to his will. Come on, come on! We'll go to war! Bring chaos and hear our lore! A tale of cruel slaugtherings and 'bout the lot of fun it brings. Killing Jackbird will be fun. The beauty dies, when we are done. The beast inside urges to kill. So let it out, bow to his will. The ones that die are worth the feast. Those who retourned alive - at least - can tell what bloody spree we had. We conquered it to claim its head. Killing, Killing will be fun. The beauty dies when we are done. The beast inside urges to kill. So let it out, bow to his will. Killing Jackbird will be fun. The beauty dies, when we are done. The beast inside urges to kill. So let it out, bow to his will. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (