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How I fell for Scorpius Malfoy



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Nice little library

A/N: I finally managed to finish this chapter - and I´m very sorry for the delay... There was a lot going on - taking my final exams, finishing school,... plus I wasn´t keen on spending my time indoors (the weather was amazing :] )

Anyway, here´s the new chapter - I really hope you like it, because it was a bit of a pain in my neck.

So please leave a comment and tell me, what you think about it :]

And now... enjoy the chapter ^^



„Rose, I can´t do this! I just don´t get it …”, Dominique cried and clapped her book shut.

“Sh!”, I silenced her. The librarian glared at us. “Could you at least try to shut up?”, I hissed angrily. I had known it had been a bad idea to agree to help her with her homework.

“This Runes stuff drives me totally crazy. I´m going to fail – I won´t pass my final exams because of this fucking subject.”, she complained.

“You won´t fail. The exams won´t take place until June, and now it´s December…”, I retaliated. “Maybe you should do some revision of the last year, but ….”

“A revision of the last year?! … That´s it. I quit Hogwarts. I´m going to become a cleaner.”

I really don´t know why everyone was making such a big deal out of that subject. Yeah, it was not exactly the most interesting one, but then again it was not that difficult at all.

I had been sitting in the library with Dominique for about an hour, and still we hadn´t got a step forward. Seriously, this was totally ridiculous, and I started to lose my temper.

“Okay, this is leading us to absolutely nowhere. If you really want to learn that stuff you´ll have to make an effort. You haven´t even tried to understand it yet.”, I argued.

“Well, can you blame me? This subject hates me!”

Wow, this was the most absurd conversation ever.

“Actually, you are the one who can´t stand Ancient Runes - that’s why it hates you.”, I replied sardonically.

“Then it´s a mutual hate-relationship, so what? You can´t get along with everybody!”

I couldn´t believe she was actually saying that.

“Okay, first of all: You´re completely paranoid. A school subject doesn´t hate anyone. That´s just you being to lazy to get off your arse and do some work.

Secondly: You could have dropped Ancient Runes two years ago and you just didn´t do it – so you were the one who got herself into that mess.

Thirdly: You´ve just spent one hour complaining about your homework. You could be finished for at least half an hour. It´s not my fucking fault that we´re still sitting here!”

Dominique glared at me. Then she sighed and opened her book again. “Why do you always have to be so… so… reasonable?”

Here we go again with that nonsense. “Okay, look, I´m not that reasonable.”, I mumbled.

“Rose, you are reason itself.”, she replied, yawned and began to go through the chapter for her homework once again.

You are reason itself. ´Oh Dominique, what you don´t know´, I thought and shot Scorpius Malfoy, who sitting a few desks away, a quick glance.

Malfoy and me, we had been … let´s say…. quite professional the previous two weeks. It seemed as if he really didn´t find that whole “snogging incident” to be that much of a big deal, and that did lift a huge burden of my shoulders. I tend to get worked up about things like these easily….

But still… That drinking fiasco led me to think once more that even my closest friends were far away from knowing what was really going on.

Or maybe I was just overreacting. It doesn´t matter anyway.

So, Malfoy and I had this kind of silent agreement just not to talk about that evening – neither one of us had mentioned our nice little session even once. You´d expect that simply “ignoring” what had happened would cause some kind of awkwardness between the two of us, but apparently the exact contrary was the case. And although I should have known better, I really grew to think that this incident didn´t have any bad consequences at all. Of course fate should prove me wrong.

But during the first few weeks after said Friday I didn´t have any reason to think of any complications that could occur.

The only change that attracted my attention was the fact that Malfoy and I sort of became friends, if you want to call it like that, and I started to look forward to doing rounds with him. It was quite nice actually.

Dominique was still going through her text, so I watched Malfoy reading. I´ve always liked people watching – I could do that for hours. If I had the time, I´d probably sit there for ages…

I had to admit that Malfoy looked quite handsome. Scorpius has got this silky hair through which you´d love to run your hands all the time.

I began to recall the previous afternoon that we had happened to spend together at the exact same table I was sitting right then…


“Hey Weasley!”

I raised my head. Malfoy was standing in front of the desk where I was doing my homework for DADA. I smiled at him.

“Hi… “

“Erm… I just wanted to ask… Would you mind me sitting here?”, he asked pointing at the chair right on the opposite side, “If I had known that this place was going to be that crowded today I would have come earlier… That´s quite uncommon if you ask me…”

He was absolutely right. It was odd that so many students were in the library – especially because the exams were still months away.

“Yeah, sure…”, I replied.

He sat down, pulled some books out of his bag and started doing his own homework. I don´t know how long we sat there in silence until I sighed and shut my book closed.

Malfoy looked up. “Have you already finished?”, he asked.

I glared at my books and shook my head angrily. “I wish I was...”, I mumbled.

He nodded understandingly. “Just one more week to go… It´s about time.” He was talking about Christmas break.

“You´re telling me… I´ve got this annoying feeling that I couldn´t stand another fucking day.”

Scorpius chuckled. “Me either.”

I decided to change the subject because my homework annoyed me to hell. “So what are you going to during Christmas break? Are you staying at Hogwarts?”

“I´d love to, but… well, my parents want me to spend Christmas with them… And you?” He didn´t look very excited about it.

“I´m going to be home too… We´ve got this huge reunion every year….”, I replied.

“Don´t you want to go?”, he asked. Apparently I looked very excited neither.

“Yes, I do, but … It´s just going to be quite busy, and this kind of bustling is the last thing I need right now. That´s all. And...”, I trailed off and shook my head angrily.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow. “And what?”


“Are you still not speaking to him?”, he asked.

How the hell did he know that? He was dead on target – Hugo and I still weren´t speaking to each other.

“No, we aren´t.”, I replied indignantly. “And I don´t fucking care.”

Well… This was a downright lie… I did care. Actually the fact that my brother was neither speaking – although he was the one who should have apologized – nor looking at me bothered me like nothing else.

Yes, Hugo is an idiot, and yes, sometimes I really want to kill him. But I love him after all, and I couldn´t stand the fact that we hadn´t talked in 2 whole weeks. The last time that had happened was when I had accidentally lost his favourite teddy bear (I had hidden it somewhere in the garden around the Burrow and couldn´t find it anymore…) – and this had been about 12 years before.

But there was no freaking way that I was going to admit that I kind of missed my nag of a brother.

“Sibling love”, Malfoy said and smirked. “Don´t worry about it, it´s going to be fine.”, he added when I didn´t answer.

I still didn´t reply, I just continued staring at some pamphlet I was spotting between his books.

“What´s that?”, I asked and reached for it.

“Mhm?”, Malfoy who had carried on his essay looked up once again. “Oh, that….”, he said reluctantly.

I began to read the piece of parchment that was attached to it.

“Dear Mr. Malfoy,

we are delighted that you are interested in our programme.

You should receive the application forms in a few days.

We are looking forward to hearing from you again,

The St. Mungo´s Healers Association”

I looked at him. I honestly have to say that I was quite surprised. “You want to become a Healer?” I really didn´t expect that.

“I´m thinking about it.”, he mumbled.

“Wow.”, I just said. The selection procedure of St. Mungo´s was said to be one of the toughest in the whole country.

“I don´t even know yet if I´m actually going to apply.”, he said and started to scribble on his parchment again.

“Why not?”

He didn´t answer immediately. “It´s… complicated…” It wasn´t until a few months later he told me the reason why he wasn´t sure about this. His father wanted him to get a job at the Ministry.

“You should try. You´re one of the best students Hogwarts has right now.”, I told him.

He seemed to be a bit taken aback by my compliment. “Well… Thanks, Weasley.”, he said grinningly. I smiled back.

“What about you? Do you have any plans yet?”

I shook my head. “No, that´s my problem… I´m studying like a maniac for all those stupid exams, but I don´t even know what I want to do with my life.” I looked at him contemplatively. “I´d love to do something completely different after school, just for a while…. Like… I don´t know… Going to America and working in a diner.”

“Well… Go for it!”

I started laughing. “Nah, I wouldn´t have the guts to do that – apart from the fact that it would be totally nuts …

Malfoy just shrugged. “I think it´s a great idea.”

“We´ll see…”, I muttered. Then I started collecting my things. “So, I guess I´ve gotta go…”, I said and stood up.

“Okay… Nice talking to you, Weasley.”

“Yes, you too. Bye, Malfoy.”

“Bye, Rose…”


Malfoy raised his head and looked around absent - mindedly. When he caught my eye he smiled at me. I smiled back.

“Rose, what does this crap here mean?”, Dominique asked.

Scorpius stood up to return a book, and I turned towards my distressed cousin.

See? This stupid, drunken kiss between us had changed absolutely nothing. Malfoy and I got along just fine.

At least that´s what I had thought …


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (3)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von: abgemeldet
2009-08-28T15:40:36+00:00 28.08.2009 17:40
aaaah böser cliffy....echt extremst böse!!^^

bin per zufall über deine ff gestolpert,aber hey!echt schöne sache..so genial geschrieben,rose gefühle,der aufbau,die ganzen charakteren..bin begeistert=)

dein englisch ist sooo verdammt gut,bistu iwie engländerin oder sowas?...nya,ich geb der leaves of gras ein bisschen recht.am anfang wars total ungewöhnlich sich malfoy so lieb und rücksichtsvoll vorzustellen.aber autoren dürfen ja bekanntlich alles xD

die sache mit dem kuss war auch schön,hätte ich iwie nicht erwartet,un dass beide so einfach weiter machen können,auch nicht...aber ich denk mal,dadurch,dass sie sich so unkompliziert verhalten,werden sie einfach zueinander finden müssen....jedendfalls hoff ich es^^

hoffentlich stellst du bald wieder was rein...ich bin echt gespannt und würde mich freuen!..ens??

Von:  Nachsommer
2009-07-30T01:14:56+00:00 30.07.2009 03:14
Only one comment??? where the heck are the other ones hidding???? Well, whatever...just me being surprised. Sorry for that :)...

The Story may be the best I've ever read on the subject. I love the characters, especially Rose. Even so I have little problemes imagining Malfoy as being so...nice. :?
And your English seems pretty flawless to me, so please continue. I would LOVE to hear from this story again.

Love, Leaves
Von:  Nubes
2009-07-26T19:39:11+00:00 26.07.2009 21:39
hm hm hm ^-^
ein schönes Kappi, und ich liebe Roses Einstellung zu so vielen Dingen einfach xD Bin ja mal ganz gespannt was als nächstes kommt, der letzte Satz ist ja sehr vielversprechend... :)
Ich hoffe du lässt uns nicht zu lange warten! lg Hanny
