vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 48: ------------ 48 Underneath him the fields stretched towards the horizon, only occasionally a thatched farmhouse or a windmill distracting his hollow gaze. Swaying his tired wings again, Yazoo unstoppably glided through the clear nightsky towards his destination. He had been on the road for three nights now, but the distance between him and his brothers was closing fast, even though it was still too slow for his liking. The flights tired him though, and drained his strenght very fast so that he had to make pauses and drink whatever he could find. During the days he rested in random, occupied graves, impatiently waiting for the sun to go down again. By his calculations it couldn´t be much longer until he reached their city… And as if to proove him right, at the far horizon a bunch of lights appeared, leading the way through the darkness. Rigidly staring at the town slowly becoming larger, Yazoo banished every thought from his mind, just like he had done the last three nights. Because whatever he tried to think, be it about the reunion with his brothers or just random, trivial things, his mind inevitably would wander back to his departure with Vincent and the nausea threatened to overwhelm him again. No, if he even tried to comprehend the dimensions of what had happened he would go insane without a doubt. The betrayal was so outragious, so uncomprehendable that he just couldn´t wrap his mind around it without feeling that his soul may be shattered to its very core. Vincent had been the center of his live, everything he had wanted and lived for and now it was taken away so suddenly… So he pushed everything away as far as it was possible, leaving it outide his frosty cage and concentrated on his task, the winds beneath his wings and the pale moonlight shining in his face. When he reached the outskirts of the town he went down, willing his wings away and silently moving through the shadows towards the towns wall. He didn´t need anyone to see him. With a brief, concentrated look he teleported himself inside the city, emerging from the shadow of a cramped alley and throwing the coat he´d stolen from his last victim over his back. People didn´t need to see his torn shirt and the blood on it, he was suspicious enough as it was. Expressionless he turned towards another street, mentally reaching out for a rat that was shuffling past him. Just like in every city, the beasts had infiltrated every last corner and nothing escaped their vivid eyes. Which was of great help for Yazoo right now, since it relieved him from searching every single house by himself. He sat down on the dusty ground, tiredly leaning against the stone wall of the house behind him and resting his exhausted body. The transformation still took so much of his strenght and it was extremely painful… But he´d bear it if it meant that he could see his brothers again! Searching the collective memory of the animals he eventually found an image of a shock of familiar silver hair that made his breath hitch. Green glowing eyes came into view, half hidden by soft strands. They really were…! Until now, a part of his mind, a desperate one, had still clung to the highly unlikely possibility that maybe this was a misunderstanding and… And Vincent hadn´t betrayed him so utterly and thoroughly!!! Shoving the image of his mentor away, Yazoo rose to his feet abruptly and followed the rat he´d ordered to show him the way to his brothers. The closer they came, though the slower his steps became until he finally came to a halt in front of a small, crumbled house, that stood a bit away from the rest. It was surrounded by a tiny garden, where various vegetables grew out of the dusty earth. The rat sat before the askew entrance, preening itself. Yazoo eyed the estate uncertainly. At least it wasn´t just a shack, like the things they had used to live in before… Forcing his feet to move forward, the vampire went around the house, until he found a spot that radiated warm light. It was only a small, barricaded window, but it would suffice. Guiding one jade eye towards a slid, he clenched his hands, not knowing what would await him at all. The first thing that came into view was an unrefined, large wooden table with a candle, that flickered in the breeze coming through the wooden slids. A few planks had been put up on the wall behind, serving as shelves for various items. A cocking place was set up underneath and a stack of wood was resting next to it. A pot with a boiling liquid, probably soup the vampire assumed, hung over the fire and filled the room with its heavy fragrance. And there, on the wall someone had hung up a dirty cloth… Eyes going wide, Yazoo recognized his old dress he´d worn when they had been on the hunt. How… small and ragged it looked now. And they had kept it. They hadn´t forgotten about him. His eyes wandered over to two straw mattresses that obviously served as substitutes for decent beds. Only their occupants were nowhere to be see- The creaking of an opening door drew the peeking orb to the other side of the room, as a bulky shadow shuffled inside. A hand flying to his mouth, Yazoo stiffled the moan that threatened to escape him, as Loz, big bulky Loz entered the room and slurched towards the fire, boredly stiring with a big wooden spoon in the murky stock. “It´s done a´ready or what?” came the youthful, impatient voice of his youngest brother from the second room, and soon enough another silver haired figure entered, coming to stand behind Loz and standing on the tips of his feet, trying to peek over the broad shoulder of the other. Holding his long bangs away from his eyes, Kadaj sniffed into the air, making a face “Dun tell me it´s stew soup again. Really if dis dusn stop I´ll turn inta stew maself…” Loz just shrugged, murmuring apologetically “Sry, ain´t nuthin else.” “Yeah, yeah…” the smaller waved a hand in dismissal, grumpily turning towards the table and providing Yazoo with a good look at his face. Gods, he had grown so much! The change was even more apparent on him than on Loz. When he had left, the oldest had been very much grown up then, but Kadaj… He´d still been so frail and small and now… He hadn´t reached manhood yet, his voice sounding youthful and light still, but his whole composure had become so… mature. Backing away from his peeping spot, Yazoo leaned against the wooden wall heavily, looking up into the sky and closing his eyes briefly. What was he supposed to do now? His first impulse was to just rush to the door and announce his presence. But Yazoo had never been a person to react on whim. No, he had to think about this first. Thoroughly. At once, Vincent´s last words echoed through his mind, telling him that he shouldn´t, couldn´t do it, because he was different now. He was a bloodsucker, he was dead. He wasn´t the brother they knew anymore… But then Vincent had lied to him before. What merrit did his words hold now? What truth held any of his words? Pushing himself away from the wall with a determined expression, Yazoo drew the coat around him tighter and with a sharp jerk rapped at the door. There was no way to see what would happen if he didn´t try it. After all there was no one else in this world he could rely on now but himself. TBC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xyleel: Nee, hehehe, die Fledermaus ist schon Vincent^^ Ich denke, wenn Vincent sich verwandelt sieht er ziemlich aus wie Chaos in DoC. Yazoo ist noch nicht soweit, dass er sich komplett verwandelt, er hat erstmal nur Flügel und sieht aus wie ein Engel *schmacht* Eigentlich sind ungefähr 8-10 Jahre vergangen. 5 Jahre hat Yazoo mit Vincent als Mensch verbracht und den Rest als Vampir. Wenn ich 5 geschrieben habe, muss ich das unbedingt noch ändern, danke für den Hinweis! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (