vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 46: 46 -------------- 46 And so their yearlong escape began. Sephiroth chased them with never ending energy and wrath around the world. Whenever they believed that they had lost him and had settled down somewhere he would appear and they always barely escaped his insane urge for destruction. Wherever they went, he left a bloody path behind him, killing everthing that came to stand between him and his goal. Even though they never let him near enough to come face to face Vincent and Lucrecia knew from the violent, unbridled bloodlust that radiated from his presence that he had lost his mind. It probably would have been a lot more plausible to face him and have a battle to the death instead of enduring this tiring life. Vincent was confident that he had a fair chance making it out alive. He could feel the change in his entire body that had come with consuming the mother´s ancient blood, the power pumping through his veins. But it was also the same blood that restrained him from seeking a direct confrontation. Because whatever Jenova had been, a monster, a sadistic, cruel blooddrinker, she had in fact been Sephiroth´s mother and maker. He was her first son and had all her appreciation, as well as her power. And her blood refused to battle him. So they ran and slowly but surely the distances between them settling down and Sephiroth finding them became larger, until eventually, they could not feel him anymore. Vincent was wary though. He did not believe that a man like Sephiroth would give up so easily without satisfying his bloodlust and without having carried out his revenge. But it seemed that everything went well for them for a while. They settled down in an old church, where they slept during the day and by the nights they went into the cities, hunting. Lucrecia had been able to transform by now and so even long distances were no problem for them. Vincent could convince her to agree to his one-victim-per-night policy, and the rest of the nights were spent in peaceful quiet. Or so he thought. As another 20 years had passed, her absences during the night became longer and she seemed somewhat restless. When he asked her about it, Lucrecia just smiled and kissed him before going back to brooding over her documents. Vincent knew that it were the same she had rescued in the nights of their escape, but she never showed them to him and he never asked, respecting her privacy. More and more he came to the conclusion that they were the source of her uneasiness though, and after 18 years of them being together the night came when he noticed that she had drunken from more than two victims. He tolerated it for about two months, thinking that it was just a phase maybe and that she would cease doing it by herself. But instead of less victims it only became more and eventually he couldn´t keep quite anymore. Upon his careful inquiry, Lucrecia looked only a little guilty and asked him to be lenient with her, that she had really tried, but she wasn´t as strong willed as he was and that she needed the blood. He gave his quiet consent after a long discussion, trying to hide his disappointment as good as he could, hoping that her strange mood would coe to an end now. It became better for a while, but eventually Lucrecia´s periods of absence became longer again, going to the point that she was away for entire weeks without telling him where she went. He could feel the distance between them increase and it pained the vampire to no end, but he also had no idea how he could stop it. One night after he had feasted, he made the momentous decision that it could no longer go on like this. After he had made sure that she wasn´t coming back too soon by reaching out for her presence and not finding her anywhere near, Vincent went over to her coffin and took out the papers she always had there with her. He did not feel good at reading her obviously most private documents, but he was desperat and did not see any other way. And so he settled down in his chair and flicked through the pages. They were in no order and only fragmented,but they told him anything he needed to know nonetheless. Apparently they were documentations about tests she had made during their stay with the vampires. And to his shock Vincent had to notice that they seemed to be of a very similar nature to the tests, Hojo had performed on him only a century earlier. They spoke of recovery times and the anatomy of blood drinkers, one could only know if one took a ‘deeper look’ into the subjects´ bodies. Vincent did not know if she had performed any of the horrendous tortures herself but she had known about them without a doubt and apparently not objected against them. But what disturbed him most was, that there were also entries that had been made just very recently. With trembling hands he put the papers down and then laid them back into her coffin. Three nights later Lucrecia graced him with her presence again. And of course he confronted her with his findings. But instead of remorse she only showed anger that he had dared to read her diaries.Desperately, Vincent tried to understand what was driving her, but all she could offer were passionate explanations about how important it was to know about their kind and hence casualties had to be made. It was totally going beyond his ability of comprehension and he asked her finally, if she was going back to her work during the nights she was absent. Lucrecia bit her lip and admitted that, yes, she had a deal with Sephiroth. He would not chase them anylonger and she would continue his tests. Vincent fell into his chair, crestfallen, trying to comprehend what had happened behind his back all the time. She just stood beside her coffin and watched him in his misery, not knowing what to say. Eventually Vincent looked up at her again and begged her to end it instantly. If it was their safety she feared for, he would face and destroy him. Falling into his arms she said that it was alright, that he did not have to do it and that she was sorry for having him caused so much pain. They remained in their embrace for quite a while until dawn came and they had to go back to their coffins. With a kiss she promised him that everything would be alright, that she loved him still and they parted. The next night she was gone, as were her documents. Of course he instantly searched for her, but she had either shielded her presence from him or had already gone to far. Vincent found no trace of her. He even went back to the vampires former hideout, but the catacombs were vacant, the halls empty and dusty and he had to return to his own coffin empty handed. Two months later he got a visit from his arch enemy, who stood in the doorway smirking, gloathing at his misery and bringing the message that Lucrecia did not wish for him to search for her. Of course Vincent didn´t believe one word and attacked instantly, but Sephiroth only hold a handwritten letter under his nose that said exactly the same and the vampire had to accept it, no matter how much it pained him. He blamed himself for this outcome, thinking that she wouldn´t have left if he hadn´t betrayed her trust. Drawing himself deeper and deeper into a world of resignation and misery, Vincent had stopped eating and tried various ways to end the pain. But the only way he now knew how to kill a blood drinker was unusable by him alone. Occasionally Sephiroth came by to bathe in his destitution and at one point Vincent had even begged him to end his life, but the other had only laughed, smirking that he liked Vincent like that much better than death. And so it continued for decades, with Vincent being unable to kill himself nor getting over it. Eventually he forced himself to set up some kind of routine again, with bying a house and building a library that would provide him with maybe a few restful hours, but it only worked for so long before he got caught up in the depressing reality again. And then the night had come where he found two boys in an alley, one beaten up after a failed attempt to ‘earn’ some money, and the other desperate to rescue him. * The vampire left the particular circumstances about his and Yazoo´s first meeting unclear on purpose. He assumed it was not necessary to remind him of the painful memories and Yazoo did not ask, maybe sensing that it wouldn´t make him happy. They were silent for a while as Vincent´s last words faded away into the library. The story had taken three long nights, being only interrupted by hasty meals and the oblicatory daybreaks. Now they were sitting in their chairs, each of them occupied with their own thoughts, though Vincent threw a glance at his partner occassionally. There was no sign about what he might have thought shown on his features though, so the black haired vampire could do nothing but wait. The young man was pondering Vincent´s story for a while, then he looked up from behind his bangs, saying with a remarkably cold voice “Well, I guess they deserve each other.” Vincent refrained from making a comment, but he could clearly sense his partners anger and distress. “I will not say anything else,” Yazoo finally informed the other, knowing very well that it would pain the older vampire, as he was aware of the fraud himself. Sighing Vincent leaned back and looked at the ceiling tiredly. “So, do you wish to confirm my tale by accessing my mind now?” The other shook his head, getting out of his seat and settling down at the others armrest. Vincent pulled him close and buried his head in the curve of Yazoo´s neck, enjoying the closeness and seeking comfort in his presence. Slender fingers slowly stroked through his raven hair, as Yazoo melancholically pondered “Ill luck always comes to the wrong people, doesn´t it.” Vincent looked up without moving his head, and answered. “Do not be mislead, I am not as pure as you may think I am.” Yazoo just gave him a look that said otherwise and the other vampire inwardly sighed. There was no use trying to convince him otherwise once he had sat his mind on something. Vincent could as well have tried to talk to the wall. But it was alright now. They would stay together and if he was honest, despite the pain that had come with the memories again, the vampire felt kind of cleansed now. It had felt good to finally get it off his chest for the first time. There hadn´t been anyone who could have listened and alone the knowledge that there was someone again who cared, made him feel free from his suffering since a long time. Besides, in retelling his tale, Vincent had come to recognize some important things about himself and also the relationship he´d had with Lucrecia. One thing was that he realized now that she had never truly needed him, from the very beginning. He did not know what had led her to come close to him, maybe it had been genuine affection, but whatever it was, it had never been the desperate need for company that had driven him into her arms. She had been kind tohim, his safe haven, his ray of hope, his goddess. And in his infinite devotion he had failed to see what creature she truly was, and that his and her desires were not compatible. She seeked knowledge at any price. All he wanted was peace of mind and a person that loved him with all his mistakes and flaws, just as he was and that he could devote his heart to in return. If only he could tell him… “Shall I kill him for you?” The question came absolutely innocent and untroubled, as Yazoo continued to idly stroke his lovers hair, but the other just shook his head in denial. “I will never burden you with something like this.” Yazoo didn´t look like it would give him sleepless nights, but remained silent. It was Vincent´s fight after all and he alone decided when and if it would take place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Xyleel: Danke, das freut mich^^ Dann werde ich das einfach so lassen, denn auch nach mehrmaligem drüber nachgrübeln ist mir nix spektakuläres eingefallen... Yazoo ist also auch wieder mit von der Partie (irgendwie hat er mir beim schreiben auch gefehlt, weswegen der Schluss von Vincent´s Geschichte etwas kurz wurde. Naja.). Allerdings gehen mir langsam die vorgeschriebenen Kapitel aus, da werd ich mich mal wieder ransetzen. Nochmal vielen Dank für´s treue lesen, du bist die Allerbeste ;) Hosted by Animexx e.V. (