vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 40: ------------ 40 They did not come back until near dawn and to Yazoo´s utter horror they brought a new wodden coffin with them and placed it right beside his own. It was then that he felt like he had to have a word with Vincent, politely excusing himself to the lady and dragging his lover (?) into the salon. “Excuse me, what is going on here?” “Lucrecia will stay with us now.” “Shall I retreat to the crypt, that you can have some privacy or something?” “Yazoo, stop behaving like some jealous old woman, I already told you that it does not suit you.” “Well then, can you tell me with absolute certainty that there is no reason to be jealous?” It was a calm question, one that could not be dismissed with an annoyed flick of the hand. Vincent shifted his weight to the other foot, and averted his eyes, then sighed and turned toward the window, looking out at the moon. “Maybe it is better if our ways part here. You need something I realise now I cannot give you and that is: undivided attention and love. Please do not get me wrong, you mean very much to me, you really do, but if you stay here with me you will only get hurt. And I do not wish for that.” “And you think you will not hurt me if you throw me out?” Yazoo had turned towards the fire, their backs facing at each other. “No, I do not think that. But it will only be temporary. If you stay with me, it will be much more painful, believe me.” “Did she tell you that?” The other remained silent, just looking outside without really seeing anything. “Listen,” Yazoo said eventually, sounding tired “I am certain that you feel for her very deeply and that you are happy that she is here. And you may not want to think about certain things, but I did. I do not know what happened between you or why she left you to go with Sephiroth, but I doubt that he ‘took her away’ from you as you phrased it. She seems very capable of making her own decisions to me and it strikes me awkward that she suddenly appeared after she heard that you are having a life again.” “You eavesdropped?” the other vampire asked suspiciously, turning around, but Yazoo just continued, unfazed by the interruption. “I did, but this is not the point here. The point is that you have to think about it this way: Say there is a person you care for and you know this person cares for you too, but at the same time you decided not to be with that particular person. What would you do to ensure that your love interest will never forget about you, in case you may decide one day to come back?” Vincent did not answer, just kept on watching the back of his student. “Well, here is what I would do: I would leave that person in utter despair, making sure that he never stops grieving over my loss and clings to the past instead of living on. Now, what would you do if you found out that your plan didn´t work and your lover found someone else? I will tell you what I would do: Go back, make them brake up, take my former place and as soon as everything is settled I would take my leave, having made sure that my fill-in has been established again. Maybe she doesn’t even think that way, or does it conciously. Maybe she really missed you and only realised it now. But the fact that Sephiroth told her about us should make you wary. Do you really believe that he would sent her here if he wouldn´t expect you to end up miserable again? His only goal is to destroy you. It may not be this week or this year but he knows that she will come back to him eventually for the same reason she left you out of her own will once before and you will be the one who looses everything. Your dignity, your trust, her. And me.” “This is ridiculous, I will not listen to this any longer! You know nothing about us and I will not allow you to calumniate her!” the cloaked vampire snapped harshly, eyes blazing angrily as he turned and stormed out of the room before he could forget himself and do things to Yazoo he might regret later. Falling back in a chair, the silver haired teen watched the flames idly flickering in the fireplace. Now this had gone exactly like he had predicted for the worst case scenario. All he had achieved was drivingVincent right into her arms. But he had to try it anyway, hadn´t he? Since the damn woman had appeared on their door, Vincent had transformed into a wholly different person, desperately doing her every bidding, and there was nothing he could do about it. And since he also wasn´t able to watch the downfall of his master and obviously wasn´t welcome here anylonger he would take his leave by tomorrow. + The next night he woke, Yazoo found both coffins next to his own empty, which he appreciated quite a lot for he did not feel like seeing them all lovey-dovey. Going up into his room he gathered a few of his clothings and threw them in a white linen bag. He briefly contemplated about taking a bath before he left but then dismissed it. They could come back from hunting any moment and he wanted to be far away by then. Still he went into the salon, with its ever present fire, to take the books he had copied. They were his after all and he certainly needed something to do in the upcoming, lonely nights. Just as he was about to take them from the table and stuff them into his bag a low voice from the shadows ordered him “Sit.” Surprised, the young vampire looked up, narrowing his eyes and staring in the darkness. “Vincent?” He furrowed his brows a bit, then his face became cold and he informed the other curtly, while wrapping the leather ribbon about his pack. “My apologies, I will be gone immediately.” “Sit,” the other vampire instructed again, adding after a pause “Please.” Standing next to the table, Yazoo wondered what this was all about now, but eventually grabbed a chair and sat down, observing Vincent standing in his corner with folded arms. The man finally came towards the fire and calmly sat down in the chair opposite his student. Neither of them said anything, until the younger one lifted an eyebrow and asked “And?” Vincent looked at his gloved hand resting on the armrest, then his gaze shifted towards his student again as he finally said “I want to apologize for my inexusable behavior the other night and the one before that.” Yazoo´s jaw dropped and it took him a few seconds to shut his mouth with a clicking sound again. “I have been thinking about what you told me.” The vampire continued, going back to look at nothing in particular. “And I have come to the conclusion that I do not want you to leave.” “…I see,” the other young man said, not knowing what else to answer. “I have to admit, that I do not want for Lucrecia to leave either. As you probably know she means very much to me. But it seems that my enthusiasm about seeing her again clouded my judgement and I am grateful to you for being brave enough to confront me with the unpleasant, even though you had to fear that I would turn away from you. I did not appreciate it at that time, or rather was not able to, but now I see that it is the greatest sacrifice one being can make for the ones he holds dear.” “Really ?” Yazoo answered, looking sceptical. Initially he had just wanted to get Vincent away from the sheming bitch so that he could have him all to himself again. It had been some kind of desperate deed, but if Vincent said so… He most certainly wouldn´t object! “Yes. And if you decide to forgive me I will assure you that something like this will never happen again. Ever.” Yazoo tilted his head a little. Now he wasn´t a cruel being (just practical) and he could feel that Vincent was suffering and waiting for an answer, but his master also had caused him a lot of grief the past nights and there were certain things that just wouldn´t be done with an apology. “Do you remember the last time you promised me something? Not even half a year later you already broke it. I am sorry but I have some difficulties to simply trust your judgement any longer, if I do not know what it is based on.” “I understand,” Vincent said quietly. “I did not expect you to agree that easily. I have a proposal to make, if you would be willing to listen.” Yazoo gave a short nod and the other vampire continued “I will tell you about me. There shall no secrets remain between us. If you wish for it I shall allow you to read my mind so you can acertain that what I tell you is the truth. After that you can decide if you will accept my exculpation or if you rather not spend your time with me anylonger.” The silver haired teenager thought about that for a moment, then nodded again, but asking still a little suspiciously “What about the woman?” “I will ask Lucretia to take her leave as soon as she comes back from hunting.” “Great. If you don´t mind I would like to partake in this.” “Very well.” The vampire nodded after a brief pause and in silence they waited for Lucrecia Crescent to enter the salon. *+*+*+*+*+* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xyleel: Yepp, Vincent ist ein Arsch. Aber wenigstens hat er es gemerkt und versucht gerade nochmal irgendwie, die Kurve zu kriegen. Ich bin am überlegen ob ich zwischen diesem und dem letzten Kapitel noch eins schreibe, um klar zu machen, wie gemein und hinterhältig sich Vincent gegenüber Yazoo verhält... Und damit sich Lucrecia und Yazoo n bissl anzicken können^^ (Der erste Teil deiner Geschichte ist übrigens geschrieben, ich lads gleich hoch.) Hosted by Animexx e.V. (