vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 39: ------------ 39 After he had effectively thrown out his student, Vincent went back to the fireplace and sat down again. The lower half of his body behind his collar and his long dark hair falling into his face and casting it in shadows made it difficult to see his expression, and when he wasn´t speaking again, Lucrecia leaned forward in her chair, asking worriedly “I am sorry, should I not have come?” The vampire shook his head, briefly closing his eyes and rubbing his temple. “No, I… This is just very unexpected.” She looked to the ground. “Yes, I understand.” Forcing himself to put his restless hands into his lap where he interwined his shaking fingers, Vincent asked suavely “So, what made you come here?” Lucrecia smiled at him and leaned back in her seat, crossing her long legs “Sephiroth told me that you two had met recently and that you were doing very well. He said that you had even taken in a student. He didn´t mention however, that you made him…” And here they were again. Withdrawing deeper into the shadow of his collar, Vincent made a facile noise, then saying in his calm, sonourous voice “It was an accident. I did not intend for that to happen.” She lifted an eyebrow at that, but replied softly “I did not blame you at all. And as I can see he does you good. You look great.” “Thank you,” the other murmured, feeling like everything was very surreal. “Please, do not look at me like that,” she sighed, leaning her elbow on the armrest and propping her forehead on two fingers. “I did not expect you to wait for me forever. It is only natural that you would forget about me some day…” That she said, but the hurt in her eyes, she could barely conceal, spoke of very different feelings to her words. “I never forgot you and I never will!” Vincent instantly said, looking at her intensily and almost angry as his hands clutched around the armrest. She looked up at him, smiling a sad smile “I even believe you, you were always such an earnest person… But I see now that there is no place for me here, apart from your memories. Your heart has been taken away from me.” “Yazoo has nothing to do with this,” the cloaked vampire said dismissively. “His existence will neither influence nor change my attitude towards you and you know that.” “Do I?” Lucrecia asked, still smiling her sad smile and standing from her chair to stay in front of the fireplace. “Actually there has been no night I haven´t thought about you, about us, and when I heard that you were doing so well, I wanted to see, wanted to share your happiness again… I´m sorry, I really shouldn´t have come…” She turned around, biting her lip and attempting to grab her coat and run out of the room, but two strong hands held her by the shoulders, and a moment later she was drawn in a thight embrace. As the female vampire laid her head against his broad chest, smelling his unique scent and feeling his arms around her torso, he said quietly. “Please stay here for the night. I suggest we continue this discussion tomorrow night. Obviously we both need time to think and adjust to the situation.” There was a moment of silence that made Vincent fear that she would refuse his offer but eventually she nodded, freeing herself from the hug and uncertainly gracing him with a little smile. The warm light from the fireplace flickered over her gentle features and she was just like he remembered her from so many years ago… “I will show you your coffin now.” He abruptly turned around and grabbed for the candle bearer, more because he wanted to have something to cling to while he led her through the corridors than because they needed the light. Together they made their way through the dark hallways, the storm filling in for the silence between them. Eventually they came to the castles personal crypt in an outhouse. It provided their home with enough unoccupied stone coffins, though both Yazoo and Vincent had settled with wooden coffins. For one night it would do, though. Gesturing towards one of the burial cases, Vincent sat aside the candlebearer and opened the heavy lid. “I am sorry, it is a bit dusty… If you feel inclined to, I can offer you my coffin instead.” She shook her head, lying her now dry coat into it as a substitute for a blanket. “Do not worry, I am perfectly fine here. Besides, I believe that you and your student have to talk quite a bit.” His face did not show any signs if he shared her opinion or not. As she had laid down, he went to the stairs again, bowing into her direction and quietly took his leave. * When Vincent entered their own bedroom, which they had transferred to a less drafty and uncomfortable place, he found Yazoo sitting on his closed coffin, looking at the wall opposite the entrance and being in one of his lost moods. It wasn´t that Vincent had to complain about it, to tell the truth he did not feel much like explaining anything. He had to get his own confusion back under control, before he could even think about facing Yazoo´s unquestionably frosty accusations. “She´s ‘that woman’, isn´t she.” It wasn´t so much of a question but a dry, plain statement. Vincent removed the lid from his coffin, only replying “Yes.” There was no use in hiding it, and frankly he did not see why he should do it at all. Yazoo might not understand or share his excitement, but that didn´t change anything about the fact that it was there. Actually the cloaked vampire had expected a snappy reply or something sarcastic in return, but there was only a clinical statement. “I thought you said she was dead.” “Well,” the vampire lifted an eyebrow, preparing to slip in his burial case “actually she is. Just not in the sense that you may have suspected.” No further words were spoken, until Vincent remembered something he had to say before Yazoo was drifting off. “On another note: I would appreciate it if you could refrain from making such impudent comments in the future. Our private matters shall remain between us and I will not tolerate another verbal lapse.” There was no answer. “Did you hear me?” “I heard you.” “Well then answer.” “Good night.” “…Good night.” * When Yazoo woke up the next night there was no one there to greet him. The cellar was empty and Vincent´s coffin was vacant. And so was the salon and the crypt. When he came to the library, the silver haired vampire could hear their muffled voices, though. Apparently they were too caught up in their little chat to notice his presence and so he just took the opportunity to observe how they treated each other when they felt alone. It was rather distressing and annoying, he had to find out. Lucrecia was sitting on the sofa with Vincent standing beside her and one hand on the small of her back, looking over her shoulder. Holding a book between her white hands she apparently read something aloud that she found very funny, as she laughed and Vincent smiled in amusement. The female vampire laid the book aside when a paperscroll caught her attention and delighted she grabbed for it, talking insistently to the other how grandiose it was that he had found a copy of that, and enrolling it, she skipped with her finger over the old paper, pointing at a certain passage. He leaned over her shoulder to get a better look and she turned hers just ever so slightly and… Yazoo thought that their lips were far too close for his liking and stepped away from his shelf with a cool and calm “Good evening.” Vincent jumped a little and stood straight again. She looked uncomfortable and pretended to be very concentrated over the scroll. They hadn´t done anything, but the fact that they felt caught out was more than enough and Yazoo really didn´t want to know what would have happened if he hadn´t stepped in that very moment. “Good evening to you too,” Vincent finally deigned to greet back, then adding with a frown, “Should you not be out hunting by now?” “Why, you want me to?” “Well, you should be eating something should you not? We both know that you are vexatious when you have not drunk.” “Ah, you´re exaggerating again,” Yazoo smiled sweetly and took a seat opposite the two, blatantly ignoring Vincent´s dark look. “I don´t feel very hungry tonight,” he informed them then and crossed his legs, expectantly eyeing them as if he anticipated them to perform some kind of spectacular show. Lucrecia looked uncertain and ready to flee the room, but Vincent´s calm hand on her shoulder held her back. “Well then you will surely excuse us, because we feel hungry.” With that the vampire helped his friend up and led her out of the room, casting a warning look over his shoulders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xyleel: Naja, in gewissem Sinne ist sie ja tot^^ Und du hast recht, da gibt´s n Eifersuchtsdrama, mehr oder weniger... Du hast schon irgendwie ein Talent, den Plot zu durchschauen XD Will ja nicht zuviel verraten, aber du bist nicht die einzige die Sephiroth verdächtigt, seine Hände im Spiel zu haben ;) Hosted by Animexx e.V. (