vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 38: ------------ 39 Another heavy storm roared over the fields, scourging the air with rain and hollering around the castle. A blazing light disrupted the clouds, followed by deep grumbling thunder and briefly a cloaked, black figure could be seen, standing in front of the high castle. If it hadn´t been for his superiour ears, Yazoo wouldn´t have heard the rapping at the gate, but so his elegant brows furrowed and he laid aside his book, listening again if he hadn´t misheared. No one had ever come to this abandoned area, the earth was too stony and sandy for anything to grow here and the villagers avoided these parts because of the wild animals. But there it was again, a strong knocking against thick wood. The vampire contemplated what to do. Vincent was still out. Besides, he wouldn´t need to ask for entrance. Maybe it was some wanderer who had lost his way and was asking for shelter… A thin smile crept ove the man´s lips. Now, this would be a fortunate coincidence, since he also happened to be a bit thirsty… And if he hurried, Vincent would never know. What the eye did not see, the heart did not grieve over, wasn´t it? Grabbing for a candlebearer, the vampire made his way out into the front curt, and shielding the flickering candles from the rain and wind, opened the viewing panel. “Who is there?” “Just a lost wanderer, seeking for shelter from the rain.” “Hn,” Yazoo eyed the female through narrowed eyes. Albeit she was pumped with blood, he wasn´t fooled about her obvious dead condition. “What do you want blooddrinker.” The woman remained silent for a moment, before her pleasant, soft voice reached his ears again. “I do wish to speak to Vincent Valentine, please.” Yazoo snorted inwardly. So much for his lover´s promise that no other vampire would show up before their door ever again. “He is not here.” “Oh. Would you mind letting me inside and wait for him then?” Yazoo contemplated that for a moment. If she would have meant any harm she would have attacked him from the shadows and not knocked at his door first. As Vincent had told him, bloodsuckers did not need an invitation to infiltrate other bloodsuckers houses, as Sephiroth had taken advantage off. And he was a little curious too, maybe she could tell him about Vincent, about his past and things he still refused to tell. With a creak, the vampire opened the door, letting the hunched figure in and locking the gate behind her again, then motioning for her to follow him. He lead her to the salon, setting the candlebearer aside and gesturing towards a seat. His guest finally got rid of her cloak, revealing to be a tall and breath takingly beautiful woman with brown long hair and dark eyes, framed by long lashes. “Thank you very much, you are too kind,” she said gently, lying her black coat over the offered armest and taking a seat by the fire to dry her long, white dress. She wore a pearl neclace around her delicate neck and her hair was drawn into a high ponytail, wrapped up with a pale green yellow ribbon, while her bangs hung into her angelic face freely. “I assume it suffices to offer you something to drink,” Yazoo said with a sarcastic undertone, sitting down in his own chair opposite her. “Yes, thank you though.” Well, at least she had some manners, unlike their other ‘guest’ who had ruthlessly invaded their private quarters. “So, what brings you here?” the silver haired teen asked interestedly, seizing her up thoroughly. Since he hadn´t met any blood drinkers aside from Vincent and Sephiroth, he had absolutely no idea how old she was as a vampire. He guessed her mortal age to be somewhere around 25. “I just wanted to visit an old friend,” she said politely, observing him herself. “I see. Then what do you want from him?” “Nothing, I really just want to see him again and maybe talk a little about old times.” “Really. What kind of ‘old times’?” “You really are a curious one, aren´t you?” the woman laughed, smiling at him with mirt. “Hn,” he smiled his best fake charming smile, inwardly seizing her up with cold eyes again. “Well, we met a long time ago, but then somehow lost sight of each other.” “Approximately how long ago?” He inclined his head looking geniunly interested . She looked thoughtful for a moment. “About three hundred years ago, I believe.” His eyes widened a fraction and she smiled at that. “Do not worry, I mean no harm to you or Vincent.” “Assumedly not,” he just agreed with a lifted eyebrow. “Did he never talk about me?” she asked now herself, arranging her coat anew so that the other side could also dry. “No. He never talks about the past,” Yazoo answered impassively, not failing to notice the hurt expression that flickered over her gorgeous face for a moment. “I see,” the mysterious woman said then, looking up at him with a smile again and inquiring curiously. “And how did you come to live with Vincent?” “Well, he is my mentor. He made me.” The shell-shocked expression on her face would have greatly amused Yazoo, if there hadn´t also been a somewhat weird and indecipherable gleam coming to her face that made him oddly uneasy. “I… see,” she finally breathed, trying to sound nonchalant, but it didn´t quite work. Before they could get any further in their inquiries, the door opened and footsteps approached. “Is there still some hot water left? I feel greatly inclined to have a -” The footsteps came to an abrupt halt, as did Vincent´s speech. Frowning, Yazoo turned his head, only to see his lover waver a little, and his blank expression going from disbelieving to utterly shocked. “L-lucrecia?” + Worriedly, Yazoo had risen to his feet, offering his mentor his chair, who dazedly took the seat, without even noticing Yazoo leading him there. He just stared at the woman opposite him with wide eyes and as if he was seeing a ghost. “Hello Vincent. It has been a while, hasn´t it?” She smiled at him, shyly. He just nodded automatically, until a sharp elbow prodded into his rips and he hurriedly said “Yes”. They remained in an awkward silence in which Vincent stared at their guest, Lucrecia played with the rim of her dress and Yazoo eyed the two with cold suspicion. “Well,” Lucrecia spoke up again after it became apparent that Vincent was in no condition to speak a coherent sentence himself “your apprentice was so kind as to let me in.” Vincent´s gaze shifted towards Yazoo as if he was seeing him for the first time and then his eyes widened a bit as he realised something. “Well. He is a good student.” “I assumed that. Otherwise you certainly would not have chosen him. He is beautiful too,” the woman answered, sounding as if she was implying something. “Is he?” Vincent asked, as if the idea had never crossed his mind before. Yazoo found that to be a very displeasing turn of events and felt that he had to make things clear here too, smiling sweetly at the woman and saying “Excuse him please, he seems to still be a little confused from the hunt.” His hand was sliding around the man´s neck as he added with a smirk to make her know which side the bread was buttered on. “Actually Vincent appreciates my beauty very much and on a rather regular basis too…” Very suddenly, the silver haired vampire found his hand slapped away as Vincent stood from his seat, clearly able to speak for himself again. “I am sorry, he has that kind of peculiar humor.” The cloaked vampire threw an apologetic look to his old friend, and then grabbed his lovers upper arm to firmly lead him out of the room, making all alarm bells in the young man´s head shrill full force. “What-” “I think it is high time for you to return to your coffin, now,” Vincent informed him curtly as he dragged him out of the room. “But-” “Now.” With that he placed him outside the salon, whispering to him in a warning manner “And do not even think about eavesdropping.” He shut the door into Yazoo´s face, leaving him feel utterly betrayed and confused. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xyleel: Heh, aber hallo! Und Grund zum eifersüchtig werden kriegt er jetzt noch genug! Es gibt SHM Haßforen? Haben die Leute nix zu tun?! XD Und überhaupt, wie kann man denn diese drei Herzchen bitte hassen? Und was für Argumente... Soll jetzt jeder wie Cid aussehen,damit nur Jungen die DVD kaufen oder was?! *kopfschüttel* Yazoo ist hübsch und das ist auch gut so! Basta. Ich hab die Hoffnug auch noch nicht aufgegeben. Guck regelmäßig bei aarinfantasy, aber da ist es bis jetzt noch nicht aufgetaucht... :( Hosted by Animexx e.V. (