vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 37: ------------ 37 “And, did you get rid of it?” Yazoo closed the door to the salon behind him, undressing his gloves and looking a lot better tempered now that he had eaten. He had taken his meal directly outside the town this time, since there was no time for ceremonies anymore. He threw them on the table, striding over to where Vincent looked thoughtfully at the fire, his back facing into the room. Two hands slid around his waist and a chin was propped onto his shoulder as the younger one asked “What is wrong?” “…Did you know that the pest is rampaging in town right now?” “Yes. And? It does not affect us, so I do not see why you are so concern- Oh no.” The arms were withdrawn and instead hung stiffly by the silver haired vampires side, as he noticed where this was going. “It will most definitely not stay here.” Vincent had turned away from the fire, saying in a smooth and appeasing voice “It will only be for one night. Tomorrow I will find out where she came from, I assume that Yuffi has fallen victim to slave traders. Since she escaped them, her life his heavily endangered.” “So?” The other tilted his head, not giving a damn what the destiny of ‘Yuffi’ had been. “I will sent her back home savely.” Vincent looked at his lover for understanding, but also with a determination that made clear that his mind was settled. “I can´t believe this,” Yazoo snorted, sitting down in his chair with crossed legs and a displeased expression. “So, where is it now?” Vincent furrowed his brows a little. Yazoo´s nasty habit of calling mortals ´it´ did not sit well with him, but most of the time he just overlooked it. “I left her in one of the bedrooms. She is asleep.” Yazoo just moved his head a little. “If it isn´t gone by tomorrows end of the night, I will drag it back into the pest quarters myself,” he announced coldly and grabbed for his book then to indicate that he was no longer interested in the whole matter at all. + “Uh-uh…” Groggily, Yuffi held a hand to her forehead, drowsily coming back to the surface of reality. She was warm and it was cozy and there were no hard stones sticking in her back and it wasn´t smelling of piss and garbage… She couldn´t be home already, could she? As soon as she bolted into an upright position she had to notice that, no, she wasn´t. Instead she lay in a four poster bed with many cushions, wearing a too large nightgown. The room was lit by candles, and beside her bed sat a silver haired figure on a black velvet chair, reading a book and treating her with ignorance. Her face distorted into a mask of hostility and disrespect. Not this guy… Remembering her good manners though, she summoned a sweet smile to her face and cheerfully blurted out “Good morning to you!” The man just flicked a page and informed her curtly “Don´t waste your breath. You might have fooled Vincent, but you won´t deceive me.” Huffing, and secretly making faces at him, Yuffi kneaded the sleeves of her shirt in a restless manner. “Where Vincent is? Ah, do bother not, I go search!” Really, she´d do anything to get away from his obnoxious presence. “Stay put. Master Valentine, as you will call him if you must at all, has gone to search for a ship that will take you hopefully soon very far away. Meanwhile you will stay where you are and not even do so much as move your little finger if you value your life.” “Hate you.” She declared, huffily folding her arms over her chest and glaring daggers at him. He didn´t even deign to comment on that, only turning another page. Bored, Yuffi had a look through the room -anything but to look at him-, but it was rather boring in here. “You ugly.” “Excuse me?” The vampire had looked up from the book, blankly staring in her direction. With a triumphant grin, the girl repeated, emphasizing every word. “You. Ugly.” It didn´t bring the expected effect though. Instead of being utterly insulted and sore, Yazoo lifted one single eyebrow, saying coldly. “What kind of insult is that?! We both know it´s not true.” Now it was at her to stare back at him blankly, his arrogance utterly disturbing her. “You look like girl,” she tried again to get a rise out of him, looking smug. “And I would say you are putting yourself at a disadvantage here, if you assume that there is a significant relationship between being female and being ugly,” he countered unfazed, eyes back on the book and adding “Though maybe not. You are so ugly one cannot even tell your gender.” “I´m princess!” she yelled at him, face red with indignance and rage. How dare he call her ugly, that… woman!!!! “I am sorry for your country,” he offered, smirking with satisfaction for so long as it took her to throw a cushion full force into his damn girly face. Slowly, very slowly the cushion slid down his expressionless face and landed in his lap with an innocent ‘thud’. “HAH!!! That what you get when insult great ninja Yuffi!” She reached out her fist in victory, smirking at him in that annoying manner of hers. Yazoo did not care about her being ninja, whatever that was. He also did not care about her being a princess or whatever. At that point he did not even care about Vincent´s orders any longer. Taking a calm breath, the vampire laid his book on the nightstand and very quietly announced “You are dead.” Yuffi looked a little wary now, but had already equiped herself with more cushions and grinned at him aggressively. Heh, she would give him the bashing of his life for saying such mean, untrue things about her! He was beside her in an instant, a lot faster than she had anticipated, but her yearlong training as a ninja had honed her skill enough to catch up with him, at least for the first five minutes. Then it became a little troublesome and eventually he was sitting in her lap, pining her wrists against the sheet and smirking at her. Before he could bare his fangs and suck her hot tempered blood however, a voice from the door asked quite sceptically “May I ask what is going on here?” Relieved, Yuffi´s head shot around and she loudly announced “He rape me because he ugly and not get woman!” Yazoo almost instantly opened his mouth to growl that he wouldn´t touch her in that way even if she was the last living thing on earth, but then he remembered that that would have made him look even worse, given the explicite no-killing-order by his master. So instead he just pinched her wrist and threw her a warning look, which she blatantly ignored, and got off of her. Waving with a cushion, he innocently smiled at the cloaked vampire. “Just a little cushion fight.” “…I see,” Vincent said slowly. “Now come with me Miss Yuffi. I have new clothing for you and your former employers were so kind as to provide me with the information I needed. A ship is waiting for you and it will leave in two hours, so there is no time to waste.” With a last sticking out of her tongue, Yuffi took Vincent´s offered hand and left the room in triumph. + Two nights later they were sitting in front of the warm fireplace again, one of the many storms shaking the castle. Vincent was reading a book while Yazoo had decided to copy one with his inhumanly fast writing. Since the incident with Cloud he believed that it could not hurt to have a few copies of their more rare exemplares and with his speed he could transcribe one book each night… “I have to say something.” Shutting his book close, the vampire laid it aside and put his fingertips together. Yazoo looked up from the pages and stopped his writing, lying the feather to the side as well and tilting his head. Judging from the other´s grave and almost solemn behaviour, it had to be something rather important. “I have been thinking about it for the last two nights now and I finally came to a conclusion,” the vampire intoned, looking very serious. “I have to admit that it failed to cross my mind until recently, but on the other hand it is only natural, so I decided to hold no grudge against you if you ever feel the need to experience more intimate matters with the female sex, as long as it is no forced encounter.” “…What?” If Yazoo hadn´t already taken his pen out of hand, it would have surely clattered to the ground now. “I understand that you are curious about certain things and I will not hinder you to-” “Just…stop.” The younger vampire had closed his eyes and held his hands up defiantly. “It is nothing to be ashamed of.” Vincent assured quietly, looking a little uncomfortable. “I do not know what lead you to your… conclusions, but rest assured that I have no interest in women whatsoever. At all.” Yazoo let a very intense look follow, to underline the statement. Honestly, even the thought made him sick. “You do not have to take considerations for my feelings, I told you that-” “Look,” Yazoo interrupted him in exasperation, “can we just please… not talk about such things, it makes me seriously… uncomfortable here.” Vincent crept deeper into his collar, looking positively smitten himself. “I just thought you should know.” “Yes. I know now, thank you.” They remained silent for a while, Yazoo scribbling on his papers again, while Vincent effectively hid behind his book, until the younger stopped again, looking up. “What did you mean by ‘you understand’?” “Mh?” “You said that you actually would understand if I felt attracted to women once in a while.” “And?” Vincent asked with an eyebrow lifted in confusion. “Do I have to assume then, that you feel attracted to women once in a while yourself?” The teens eyes had suspiciously narrowed as he observed his makers every expression. “… No. I did not intend to suggest that at all.” “Good,” Yazoo said, somewhat coldly and continued his writings “Because unlike you, I will tolerate no such actions at all. Just for the record.” Lifting an eyebrow, the other vampire smiled behind his collar and went back to reading his text. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xyleel: Heh, das würde die wahrscheinlich echt bringen XD Naja, Vincent hat sie zwar nicht da behalten -ich glaub das hätte Yazoo nich mitgemacht- aber so scheints ihr ja letztendlich noch besser zu gehen^^ Ich hab nach dem Doujinshi geguckt, noch nix gefunden, und bin gerade dabei, mühsam eine japanische Anfrage an Mrs. s+pade zu schicken. Verstehen ist dann doch immer was anderes als selber schreiben... Und hattest du schon glück? Oder suchst du garnicht? Hosted by Animexx e.V. (